simple•kind•enough with Israel Smith

Israel Smith

This podcast is here to help you: Live a simple life. Be kind to yourself and others. Focus on enough. read less


All Work & No Play Makes You Unhappy AF – S5EP002
All Work & No Play Makes You Unhappy AF – S5EP002
All Work & No Play Makes You Unhappy AF – S5 EP002 If you spend all your time working, providing for your family, doing everything for everyone else, and never taking any time for yourself… I guarantee you will reach a point where you burnout, start hating life, or possibly even wipeout with depression. (Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.) Life is meant to involve play and fun. We are meant to ENJOY life as well as work. Work to live, not live to work, yeah? Nearly every client of mine started off with NO joy, play or fun in their life. And it was a major problem. But when I challenged them about this, and they started prioritising play, making time for enjoyment for its own sake, and GODS FORBID actually putting themselves first occasionally…. THAT is when things really started to shift. They started smiling more, being more present and less resentful with their family and at work, and finding something to look forward to each day or week. I don’t care what you do. Bird watching? Flying? Making model tanks out of plastic? Cataloguing worms? Who cares. What matters is you HAVE FUN in your life. And if you can’t even comprehend what play it fun looks like but you KNOW something has to change, book me for a 1hr Breakthrough Call today. I have a couple spots on my calendar and I promise the time and money you invest will change your life. Book and pay online - link in bio or here: Once you’ve paid I’ll get you on my calendar ASAP. Let me know how you enjoy this episode, and if you want support, book me for a clarity call here: All show notes, other links, and full transcript available on the episode page on my website: With love and gratitude, Israel. xo