114 | Making The Most Of Markets With Nicki Capewell

The Resilient Retail Game Plan

06-10-2022 • 32 mins

In an ever-increasingly digital world, real-life markets might be one of the purest and oldest forms of ‘offline’ shopping. Mainly operating historically unchanged as a selling format, the average market has had to weather some considerable shifts in the retail landscape in recent years, from the lockdowns of the COVID pandemic, and financial insecurity across the board, to the growing numbers of consumers shopping online.

We’re living in the era of hybrid retail - if markets and stallholders want to stay relevant and secure their piece of the retail pie, it’s imperative that they build and strengthen the connection between their digital and physical retail worlds.

In episode 114 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I speak to Nicki Capewell, founder of Pedddle, an online directory for creative independent markets and stallholders. In this podcast, we discuss the power of the emotional connections made possible by meeting customers in person and how the memories and stories behind offline-bought gifts help forge deeper relationships between brands and their customers. We also talk about how seeing customers physically interacting with your stall, store or products can be one of the best ways to capture valuable audience data and Nicki also covers her sales-pattern predictions and top tips for Christmas 2022.

Check out Nicki’s amazing directory at https://pedddle.com/

And connect with her at:


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