As a qualified hypnobirthing practitioner, Siobhan Miller is on a mission to ensure women go into labour with a positive mindset and confidence in their choices. Through her Positive Birth Company, she teaches women and their partners that a positive birth does not have to be a perfect birth, and aims to dispel the myths around childbirth that lead so many to associate it with fear and pain.
In this episode, she recalls how she was first driven to found her company after having what she describes as a terrifying experience with her first child in 2014. Joss and Siobhan go on to exchange stories about their childbirth experiences, with Siobhan explaining how hypnobirthing enabled her to have much more positive experiences with her second and third children.
C Sections and epidurals are also covered, with Siobhan passionately denouncing the inaccurate portrayals of childbirth she continues to see across popular culture, most specifically on the recent BBC series ‘This Is Going To Hurt’. And we end the episode on some exciting news…
Find out more about Siobhan’s work and hypnobirthing at
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