Bringing Business to Retail

Salena Knight | Retail & Ecommerce Growth Strategist

Tired of putting all the hard work into your retail or ecomemrce business and not feeling like you're getting back as much as you put in? Its time to stop the hustle and instead put your effort into strategic growth. Less ping-ponging, more results. Salena Knight is a Retail & Ecommerce Growth Strategist who founded, built and then sold a multi-award winning chain of stores. Listen in to her proven, no BS strategies, that have helped scale hundreds of retail and ecommerce businesses all around the world. read less


Ecom Store Cloned By Scammers? Here's What To Do - Steven Weigler
1w ago
Ecom Store Cloned By Scammers? Here's What To Do - Steven Weigler
As an e-commerce business owner, there's nothing more frustrating than discovering your website or product images have been cloned and are being used to scam your (potential) customers.  It's a nightmare scenario that's all too common in today's digital landscape - I even ended up almost being scammed myself! In this eye-opening episode, I sit down with Steven Weigler, an experienced IP attorney from Emerge Consult, to discuss strategies for protecting your brand online. You'll learn: The key legal tools every e-commerce entrepreneur needs, including trademarks, copyrights, and domain protectionHow to quickly take down clone websites and counterfeit product listings on platforms like Amazon and ShopifyThe importance of having a proactive IP protection strategy in place before issues ariseTips for working with an IP attorney to build a cost-effective legal foundation for your business As I discovered firsthand, website cloning, and product counterfeiting are major threats that can do serious damage to your brand and bottom line. But with the right knowledge and preparation, you can fight back and protect what you've worked so hard to build. Don't wait until it's too late - tune in and learn how to safeguard your e-commerce business today.   ---------- E-Commerce Website Cloning and Initial Reactions 0:02 Legal and International Challenges in Intellectual Property 2:48 Building a Strong Brand Identity and Protecting It 5:27 Trademarks, Copyrights, and Patents: Tools for Protection 12:31 Dealing with Infringement on E-Commerce Platforms 14:45 Strategies for Addressing Infringement and Protecting Assets 28:00 The Role of Platforms in Intellectual Property Enforcement 28:48 The Importance of Early Action and Prevention 32:46 Final Thoughts and Actionable Steps 33:01 Resources and Contact Information 33:13   Full article:
Adapt, Thrive And Outsmart Your Competitors
Adapt, Thrive And Outsmart Your Competitors
Just one of the advantages you have over a big box store is the ability to adapt to a changing marketplace. Whether it's the economy, the latest TikTok Trend, or simply unseasonably mild weather, the simple fact is, YOU have the resources to give your customers what they want. In this episode, I'll walk you through some key ways to help you do just that. You'll discover:  • How to analyze customer data to identify emerging trends and adjust your product mix accordingly  • Proven tactics for boosting average order value through personalization, upsells and cross-sells (that your customers will love)  • The #1 e-commerce strategy that can turn struggling businesses profitable overnight (Hint: It's not what you think)  • Surefire ways to increase customer lifetime value and keep your best buyers coming back again and again  • Simple email marketing tweaks that can dramatically improve your open rates, click-throughs, and conversions  Whether you run an online store, a brick-and-mortar shop, or a blend of both, this episode is packed with actionable advice you can implement right away to recession-proof your business. ---------- Economic Impact on Luxury Brands and Middle Class 0:02 Adapting to Economic Changes in Retail 3:00 Understanding Customer Needs and Tracking Inventory 5:08 Price Sensitivity and Product Adjustments 7:15 Increasing Average Order Value and Upsells 9:37 Optimizing Point-of-Sale and E-Commerce Upsells 14:43 Increasing Customer Lifetime Value 18:08 Testing and Measuring Email Marketing Campaigns 24:26 Adapting to External Factors and Continuous Improvement 29:04 Call to Action and Review Request 29:43 Full article:
How CurlyCoilyTresses Worked Out What Made Their Customers Buy - Angela Fields
How CurlyCoilyTresses Worked Out What Made Their Customers Buy - Angela Fields
Hear the incredible story of Angela Fields - a woman who turned a traumatic hair disaster into the creation of an amazing fragrance-free, natural haircare line that's transforming the lives of women across the country. After a horrific experience at the salon left Angela's face severely burned and blistered from a chemical mishap, she knew she had to find a better way to care for her hair.  What followed was a year-long journey of experimentation, research, and passionate product development - all done right in her own kitchen.  You'll be amazed to learn how Angela overcame the challenges of launching a small business, from figuring out the right messaging to capture her target audience to using data and customer feedback to continually improve her products.  And wait until you hear about the surprising shift in her customer demographics that led her to develop an entire course on navigating hair health through menopause! This episode is packed with invaluable insights that any business owner can apply. (oh, and if you're ready to ditch the harsh chemicals and revive your hair's natural beauty) You won't want to miss Angela's incredible story. Listen now!   ---------- Angela's Traumatic Hair Experience 0:02 Medical Intervention and Recovery 3:22 Research and Product Development 8:09 Transition to Entrepreneurship 14:57 Messaging and Marketing Challenges 18:34 Metrics and Customer Insights 23:30 Product Line and Customer Feedback 33:21 Future Plans and Expansion 37:07 Final Thoughts and Contact Information 39:30   Full article:
How To Avoid Promo Burn Out
How To Avoid Promo Burn Out
As we gear up for the holiday rush, I know you've got a stockpile of promotions ready to unleash.  But wait! Before you flood those inboxes, spend a ton of money on ads, and rearrange your merchandise, let's talk about a real threat to your marketing efforts: A little thing I’ve named: Promo Burnout.  It's when your customers start treating your emails like that one relative who always overstays their welcome at family gatherings. Not good, right? Nearly 70% of users unsubscribe from emails because the business sends too many.  It’s a balancing act.  Not enough emails, you’ll lose sales to your competitors.  Too many, they unsubscribe and that's a lot of potential holiday cheer (and sales) walking out the door. In this episode, I'm sharing five strategies to keep your promotions fresh and your customers engaged.  They’ll be great to roll out over the peak season, but really, you can use these any time of year. Let's dive in! ---------- Avoiding promo burnout in marketing efforts. 0:02 Holiday sales and promotions, with tips for planning and executing effective campaigns. 2:38 Holiday marketing strategies for retailers, including timeline and promotions. 7:35 Strategic marketing campaigns during holiday season. 13:20 Promotional strategies for small businesses. 17:53 Measuring data for promotions, including tracking customer acquisition cost, cart abandonment rate, and product performance. 23:20 Promotional campaign planning and debriefing for holiday season success. 28:18     Full article:
Avoid This Hiring Mistake
Avoid This Hiring Mistake
Would you let an ads manager spend thousands of dollars every month, even though you’re not getting any new customers or sales? How about having to fire a friend or family member, because they're just not what you need to move you to the next level? Or, would you let a poor-performing employee, bankrupt your business? Believe it or not, these are just 3 scenarios I’ve encountered with retail & ecom business owners over the last couple of weeks, that could potentially bankrupt the business. But even having the threat of going bankrupt hanging over your head, isn't always been to push a business owner to make a decision. So it got me thinking. If bankrupting your business and losing everything that you’ve worked so hard for isn’t enough of a motivator, what is? Join me as I walk you through a real-life scenario of what happens when you make this hiring mistake, plus the advice I gave and of course the happily-ever-after (or is it?). --------- Common scenarios that could potentially bankrupt a business. 0:02 A furniture store owner struggling with work-life balance and financial difficulties. 3:11 Marketing and inventory management for a struggling business. 8:32 Business constraints and potential solutions for a struggling fashion retailer. 12:31 Poor operations management in a business, leading to low sales and aged inventory. 17:25 Improving business operations through delegation and process updates. 21:52 Managing an underperforming employee in a small business. 27:21   Full article:
A Retailer's Secret Weapon: How A Simple Playlist Can Increase Sales by 10% - Dean Cherny
A Retailer's Secret Weapon: How A Simple Playlist Can Increase Sales by 10% - Dean Cherny
I walked into a cute little boutique the other day. The store windows were gorgeous and there was a pink top on the mannequin which had caught my eye. Excited that I had stumbled across a piece of clothing that was my "season" (Clear Spring if you were wondering - SOOOO hard to find with all the muted colorways everywhere), I entered the shop and... this probably sounds a little woo-woo, But the energy was just... All Wrong I couldn't pinpoint it at the time, but as I quickly walked around looking for the pink shirt (which I never did find), it all felt a little off. So off is exactly what I did. I headed out of that store, with my money in my wallet. Fast forward a couple of weeks later, and I was chatting with Dean and he was telling me about how music makes such a difference for retail stores. It was during this conversation, that it all clicked. I didn't realise it at the time, but that "cute little boutique" felt dead, because there was no music - no ambiance. But the real kicker came when Dean told me that stores with THE RIGHT playlist, typically see an increase in sales of TEN PERCENT. Say what now? 10% more sales, just for knowing what to play? I'm all for that. But how do you know "what's right", so you can cash in? Listen in and find out.   -------- The impact of music in retail stores. 0:02 Starting a music business, 34 years in the making. 1:43 Music in retail stores and its impact on staff and customers. 7:12 Using brand archetypes to inform music choices for a clothing brand. 12:55 Leadership, creativity, and music preferences. 18:17 Music's impact on retail sales, with studies showing positive results for "right fit" music. 21:38 Music selection and censorship in retail stores. 27:41 Music licensing and compliance for retail stores. 32:26 Music and digital signage for retail stores. 38:42   -------- Full article:
What Should You Spend Money On Right Now?
What Should You Spend Money On Right Now?
Money Tight?   I can safely say, after weathering the GFC, that the economy WILL pick back up.   And I want your business, to still be here when that happens.   In tougher economic times, every dollar counts. This must-listen episode reveals the 3 key areas I think retail and e-commerce owners should invest in to drive sales, increase customer loyalty, boost efficiency, and outmanoeuvre the competition. Discover: The #1 marketing strategy that will give you an edge over big-spending rivals Automation hacks to streamline your business and save on staffing costs Cutting-edge AI tools that can revolutionize your customer experience Don't let this natural part of the economic lifecycle, run you out of business.   Tune in now and learn how to leverage this part of the rollercoaster that is running a business, for long-term success.   --------------- Reducing ad spend and competing in the market. 0:02 Marketing strategies during economic downturn. 2:17 Marketing strategies for e-commerce businesses. 7:12 Marketing KPIs and automation for e-commerce businesses. 13:33 Automating tasks and software for business growth. 19:53 Identifying and addressing key business bottlenecks to improve efficiency and profitability. 22:04 Marketing, staffing costs, and AI implementation for business growth. 26:42 Using AI for customer service chatbots and personalized product descriptions. 31:50 Leveraging AI, marketing, and automation for business growth. 36:58   Full article:
SEO Strategies The Big Brands DON'T Use (But You Should) - Amanda King
SEO Strategies The Big Brands DON'T Use (But You Should) - Amanda King
If you're like most independent retailers and e-commerce store owners, SEO can feel like a never-ending battle. No matter how hard you optimize your site, tweak your content or experiment with keywords, it seems like the big brands always outrank you. In this episode, that's all about to change. My guest Amanda King, is sharing the insider SEO secrets that will level the playing field. Amanda is a leading search engine optimization expert. She's worked with some of the largest brands and retailers optimizing their online presence - and in this podcast, she's finally spilling all their best-kept tricks.  You'll learn how to hack the hidden structures within platforms like Shopify to skyrocket your rankings.  Amanda will show you exactly how to manipulate categories, collections, and product pages to fool Google into thinking you're a bigger player. She'll also reveal how to leverage user-generated content like reviews to rank for highly competitive keywords.  Plus, you'll discover the one sneaky trick that Google has publicly denied but Amanda knows for sure works!!! Don't let the big brands keep these strategies to themselves. It's time to take back control and get found online just like the huge retailers. Tune in to discover the insider SEO secrets that will boost your traffic and sales today. --------------- SEO for eCommerce with tips for category and collection pages. 0:02 Optimizing collection pages for e-commerce sites, with a focus on relevant content and customer needs. 7:49 SEO strategies for e-commerce websites, including internal linking and content optimization. 12:12 Using AI to rewrite product descriptions for e-commerce brands. 18:41 Optimizing Shopify stores for search engines using structured data, prioritizing product URLs, and leveraging content details. 24:27 Optimizing Google Shopping listings for promotions and reviews. 31:19 SEO strategies for e-commerce businesses. 39:48 Full article:
Rebecca's 5/5 Promo You Need To Copy - Rebecca Harper
Rebecca's 5/5 Promo You Need To Copy - Rebecca Harper
Today I've got a real go-getter on the show, Rebecca from Weft and Warp Fabrics. She is no stranger to challenges - she opened her store while still teaching full-time! But with the support of her husband and some creative promotions, she's really leveling up. I was blown away when I heard about Rebecca's secret sale. She took Dionne's epic clearance to the next level with bundles, mystery, and gamification. The results? Over $7k in the first hour! She crushed it. But it wasn't all smooth sailing - she had to get real with herself about staffing as the biz grew. What I love most is that Rebecca is always looking to improve. She's not afraid to admit when she needs help either. Her insights will have you feeling inspired to level up your store too. _______ Promotions and inventory management with a retailer who received a five-star review. 0:02 Opening a fabric shop, husband's support, and personal growth. 5:06 Body image and clothing fit, with a focus on tailoring and self-expression. 10:53 Sustainable fashion, fabric sourcing, and opening a physical store. 15:48 Adapting to online retail during COVID-19 lockdown. 20:44 Challenges faced during COVID-19 pandemic and how a sewing business adapted and grew. 25:08 Business ownership and seeking help to overcome challenges. 30:29 Preparing for a warehouse clearance sale, using gamification and email marketing to attract customers. 42:28 Marketing strategies for a fabric store during a sale event. 48:31 The success of a clothing sale and the importance of changing stock to keep customers engaged. 53:16 Setting goals and overcoming slumps in business. 57:32 Marketing strategies for a small business, including email marketing, promotions, and gamification. 1:02:54 Leadership, growth, and systems for business success. 1:08:45   Full episode:
4 Tactics Working Right Now, To Drive More Sales
4 Tactics Working Right Now, To Drive More Sales
As a retailer, I know you're feeling the pressure right now - sales are down and customers are tightening their belts. You're probably wondering how you'll survive this economic storm..   But I have good news!   Your competition is cutting back...   Which means YOU have the chance to acquire (poach?) more customers and market share. Want to know how?   Then this is an episode you can't miss. In this episode, I'm sharing strategies that are wokring in the current economic climate, to bring in more sales. I'll reveal how one of our retailers completely changed their game by gamifying their entire sale process. Their results? Off-the-chart sales and raving fans.   You'll be itching to try it yourself! How Big brands have perfected the customer experience and you can use their makret research to implement what works. Find out what Rolex is doing behind closed doors 9and you can too) to build unshakeable loyalty. And if ads aren't working for you, get ready to boost profits without more spend. A simple tweak could save you thousands each month. This isn't your average podcast it's a masterclass on marketing like a pro even in tough times. Walk away with FOUR impactful ideas you can start using today.   Moving house, outbid at auction, more time to prepare for sale. 0:02 Personalized marketing recommendations for businesses. 2:23 Personalized marketing and customer experience. 6:50 Personalized customer service and targeted ads for small businesses. 10:53 Abandoned carts and interactive experiences in e-commerce. 16:50 Gamification and loyalty programs in marketing. 21:39 Marketing strategies for independent retailers during economic downturns. 27:25   For full show notes, visit