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Wisdom of Solomon's Proverbs

31-08-2024 โ€ข 9 mins

The world is getting what it wanted โ€“ most nations, families, and individuals are suffering the painful consequences of foolish choices. There is a simple explanation. When men turn their backs on God and the knowledge and wisdom for successful living He offers, He lets them have their own folly and the horrible results that it brings (Pr 1:29-30). Our father Adam chose Eve and death over God and life, and all men have suffered sickness, dying, and death since (Rom 5:12-14). God had warned Adam, but he chose Eve and death anyway (Gen 2:17). Solomon warned clearly and repeatedly by these proverbs about a blessed life by wisdom or a cursed life by folly, but most ignore him. For a masterโ€™s degree in social studies, identify the areas of human life where men have rejected Godโ€™s wisdom the most and consider the painful results. Or identify those areas of life where humanity suffers the most, and trace it back to where they despised their Creator. You will learn the cause and nature of manโ€™s dysfunction and pain. Men do not want God and wisdom, so He gives them each other and insanity. All human pain is the simple result of rejecting their Creatorโ€™s wisdom, which is plainly revealed in the Bible. Paul explained this human disaster very clearly, โ€œBecause that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations โ€“ Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts โ€“ For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections โ€“ God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenientโ€ (Rom 1:18-32). Today, men and women throughout the world despise God, the Bible, and any moral restraint. They ridicule Bible preaching and sober religion as anachronisms. The Ten Commandments are outlawed in public places. Prayer is forbidden in school. The Quran is justified; the Bible is ridiculed. Rap stars are memorialized; preachers are satirized. The worldโ€™s dysfunctional misery is easy to see, and it could be just as easy to correct. Parents and educators fret over children being disobedient, disrespectful, learning-disabled, unruly, and violent. Many parents are ashamed of their children, to whom they gave everything. What happened? The problem is not difficult to identify. These are the Benjamin Spock generations โ€“ the first generations to generally reject the Bible wisdom that children need corporal punishment to develop properly (Pr 19:18; 29:15; 30:17). Married men are oppressed, seeking peace and relief in extra work, hobbies, or adultery. Unmarried men do not want a wife, for they have seen the great pain of being married to an odious woman (Pr 30:21-23). How did this cruel creature multiply so fast? Women rejected reverence and submission to their husbands (Is 3:12; Eph 5:33; Col 3:18). Economists scramble to cover national debts, keep interest rates low, lower taxes, and fund new deals, all at the same time. How did this mess get started? A great nation became financial surety for the world (Pr 6:1-5), promoted pleasure over labor (Pr 21:17), penalized savings as counterproductive (Pr 6:6-8), and exonerated massive debt (Pr 22:7). Children are sexually abused, even on film. Mothers wring their hands and wonder why. Bible morality was thrown out when mommy gushed and moaned about Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Today it is Beyonce and Lady Gaga. Once the road of sexual freedom is chosen, what will stop a nation from going all the way to hell? The Bible had wisely taught that love and sex were for marriage only (Pr 5:19; 6:25; I Cor 7:2-5; Heb 13:4).

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