It May Start With Abortion, But It Doesn't Stay There

Unbossed, Unbothered, and Unfiltered

12-11-2021 • 37 mins

In 2007, when I was in high school in TX I started volunteering with TACT, Teenage communication theater through Planned Parenthood North Texas. We were peer educators and advocates on sex education, birth control, healthy relationships and so many other important issues that teenagers deal with. That group ended up being my entry point into political advocacy and education and I am excited to be able to bring those together on this side of things. Even though it is under unfortunate circumstances. Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate bill 8 into law, making abortion in TX illegal after a fetal heart tone can be heard which is around 6 weeks. This is an extreme anti choice piece of legislation and is currently under review by the Supreme Court but is nonetheless law of the land in TX. I am here with Kelly Hart from Planned Parenthood of Greater TX to talk about what this law looks like in practice and who is most impacted.

Kelly Hart is the Sr. Director of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas (PPGT).   PPGT’s Public Affairs Department advocates for every person’s right to comprehensive, confidential reproductive health care and works in cooperation with supporters to maintain and increase access to these services.  Kelly has a bachelor’s degree in government from the University of Texas in Austin and a graduate degree in public health from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. She has been with the agency for more than 20 years, and is responsible for directing the agency’s community engagement, advocacy, and volunteer programs.  Additionally, she works with the local Community Board, as well as the agency’s Clergy Advisory Council.

PPGT Website:
TACT Website:

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