COVID-19 Vaccines: Let Communities Lead

Unbossed, Unbothered, and Unfiltered

08-10-2021 • 35 mins

Misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccinations has spread rapidly and Facebook has been a major player in that. This episode we are talking with Beth Tadesse about how that misinformation has impacted her work.

Beth Tadesse is currently the Operations Section Chief for the COVID 19 vaccine operation center at the Chicago Department of Public Health. While, she currently works in public health emergency preparedness and response, she has a background working in reproductive health when she coordinated bringing STI screenings and reproductive health education to adolescents in schools across Chicago's west and south sides while working for Planned Parenthood. In addition, Beth worked for the Washington DC Department of Health as a Public Health Analyst working to ensure low income HIV+ persons had access to HIV medications and comprehensive healthcare.  Beth earned both her Bachelor of Science and Master's degree in public health from Tulane University in New Orleans, La.  Her moves across public health spaces have varied, but she's always been committed to health equity in every role she's served.

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