With rates in the 7% range does it make sense to purchase or refinance?

Buying Florida

28-09-2023 • 6 mins

Yes, rates are in the 7% range, does it make sense to purchase or refinance?
Purchase - are you comfortable with the payment? the probability is that you will be able to refinance down the road
on a Refinance - does it make sense to pay off credit cards, student loans, car and save money?
Does it make sense to get a Hecm to help supplement income yes it does if you are on a fixed budget and we continue to have prices go up.
It is about having a home to live in that is affordable or a refinance to help consolidate debt.
This is just a snapshot in time, and we will have opportunities down the road to refinance again and save lots of money
so the answer is yes on purchasing or refinancing if you are comfortable with the payment for now,
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