#35 | How To Establish Your Expertise, Increase Relevancy & Build Your Podcast's Authority (SEO Part 5)

Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing: The Guide For Entrepreneurs Grow Fast and Monetize

25-10-2023 • 26 mins

When you think of tequila, you think of The Rock.

When you think of personal development, you think of Tony Robbins.

When you think of social media and motivation, you think of Gary V.

The extent to which people associate you with a specific topic shows your level of authority within that space.

You can be an expert and not have authority in that space.

And you can have authority without expertise.

The level of recognition you have for that topic/subject = authority.

Yes, it’s not fair. But don’t hate the player or the game, just learn to play.

If you have both expertise and authority, you're winning.

But what does any of this have to do with growing your podcast?


There are 11 million daily podcast listeners in America alone.

Over 50% of them go to Apple and Spotify to discover new podcasts to listen to.

They go to Apple or Spotify and type in what they’re looking for.

Your ability to rank for the main topics and have your podcast become highly relevant for a topic shows the authority you have.

And dictates how fast you can grow and how quickly you become a recognized player in the game.

But how do you build high relevancy on Apple and Spotify?

How can you make it so that when anyone searches for the type of content you create, they instantly associate you with that topic?

How can you establish your expertise and position yourself as an authority in the space?

That’s what part 5 of the podcast SEO series is all about.

And in this episode, we’re focusing on:

  • What building high relevancy means in terms of podcast SEO
  • Why you need to have a laser focus on a topic if you want to gain traction fast
  • How to build your authority in the next 90 days with little effort
  • Simple tricks you can start doing today to build up search relevancy on Apple and Spotify as well as in your niche

So if you're ready to start dominating search and becoming the go-to show in your niche, scroll up and click play.

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Content Pillars of ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’

How to grow a podcast

How to build a content strategy

How to grow an engaged audience

How to get more listeners for your podcast

How to use social media to grow a podcast

Social media strategies for growing a podcast

Podcast SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Podcast growth strategies

How to build an audience with podcasting

Podcast marketing

Content marketing

Podcast guesting

This is not a podcast like, Podcasting Made Simple by Alex Sanfilippo, Grow The Show: How to Grow a Podcast Audience & Monetize by Kevin Chemidlin, School of Podcasting by