Round Trip Death Podcast

Near Death Experiences

Near Death Experiences - NDE's.

Find answers to mankind's biggest question, "What Happens After We Die?"

Round Trip Death podcast features discussions with people who have actually died, visited the other side, and returned to talk about it. What did they see? What did they experience and learn? How can these insights affect your life moving forward?

NDE - Near Death Experiences.

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Loreli's NDE From Drowning When 7 Years Old - And 4 Other Near Death Experiences (Part 1)
Loreli's NDE From Drowning When 7 Years Old - And 4 Other Near Death Experiences (Part 1)
Loreli Drache had her first near death experience as a result of drowning when she was just 7 years old. It was wonderful and she didn't want to go back into her body. She saw a bright archway and experienced 3 different beings. She felt the immense love of God, but was then told, "You must go back, you have more to do." Life was different for a young girl, then teenager that had experienced what she had. In fact, she had spiritual gifts, such as knowing when people were going to die, and knowing anytime someone was lying to her. During her 4th NDE as an adult, Loreli conversed with her twin flame and another friend before experiencing the horrible pain of going back into her body. All of this and so much more in this episode! (Part 1 of 2) RoundTripDeath.comDonate to this podcast @ Labels
David's Near Death Experience In ICU With Covid
David's Near Death Experience In ICU With Covid
Imagine having an acute case of Covid-19, being in the hospital for 3 months, and unconscious in the ICU for 34 days. During his time unconscious, David had multiple out of body experiences (OBEs) and 2 distinct near death experiences (NDEs). David Gipson is a college student and father living in North Dakota sharing his experience publicly for the first time. During his first NDE, he was 'yanked' out of his body and found himself floating in space within a giant double helix. He was shown his place in the universe. During his second NDE, he was in a bright white room with white floor, walls and ceiling. He was disappointed to not see God or family, but he received a message which was to help other people. This changed his life. In this episode we also discuss the differences between vivid dreams, drug induced dreams, and real near death experiences. We also dive into how to process NDEs and the trauma that accompanies severe illness.____________________RoundTripDeath.comDonate to this podcast @ recommend The Swerve Podcast Labels