Jeanne Porter King: Leading Well

The Women Scholars and Professionals Podcast

02-04-2024 • 53 mins

"The Spirit accompanies us wherever we are….Worship opens us up to the realm of the Spirit. And it’s not just to be opened up for the times we are in church, but for our work in the world and our life in the world." — Jeanne Porter King

Author and leadership coach Dr. Jeanne Porter King joins us on the podcast to discuss wellness, leadership, and the opportunities for Black women.

What does it look like to thrive as a leader while resisting oppressive forces in our culture? Author and leadership coach Dr. Jeanne Porter King joins us on the podcast to discuss her book Leading Well: A Black Woman’s Guide to Wholistic, Barrier-Breaking Leadership. The book follows the story of the Samaritan woman at The Well in John 4, establishing a framework for leadership that uniquely reflects the lives of women of color. Jeanne writes about specific challenges that Black women face in leadership roles, educating all of us and offering widely applicable leadership wisdom. We talk about the role of the Holy Spirit in pursuing our callings and how patriarchal systems can inhibit our ability to ask for what we need. Jeanne’s instruction is wise and spirit-filled, and I think you’ll enjoy listening. And if you listen to the end of the credits, you’ll hear an excerpt from our conversation where Jeanne talks about the unique ways caregiving can  complement our leadership journeys.

So jump right in! We're so glad you're here.

Ann Boyd

For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.

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