Virtual Workshop Facilitation Tips Podcast

Real Life Work Podcast with Kevin McManus

15-04-2023 • 32 mins

These seven virtual workshop facilitation tips help reduce meeting waste and increase the potential for virtual event learning.

Seven Virtual Workshop Facilitation Tips

These seven virtual workshop facilitation tips help reduce meeting waste. More importantly, they increase the potential for virtual event learning. As in person, HOW one facilitates a virtual workshop is what makes the difference.

For almost forty years of my work career, I was not a fan of virtual workshops. Virtual content delivery did not seem to provide the potential for enough interaction and skill practice. People would simply fail to retain what was shown and told to them. Now, virtual workshop facilitation is much of what I do.

Still, I struggle with the ‘loss’ of my face-to-face workshops. However, I see promise in the trainer-led virtual classroom. That is, if the facilitator effectively manages course content and delivery. It is a good thing such promise exists.

I don’t see myself going