Ep 12: Defining problems correctly for successful business transformation w/ Matt Shatcher

The Experience Business

30-09-2020 • 36 mins

In this episode of "THE EXPERIENCE BUSINESS" podcast, Samir Kumar Sah with guest Matt Shatcher talks about how to identify problems correctly to succeed in your business transformation initiative or your startup.

Brief Overview:

Many digital transformation initiatives and startups fail. While there could be multiple reasons, in the majority of cases it has also been found that the leadership team failed to identify the problems correctly. Either these problems are too broad or it is never any problem for the end customer at all.

Key take away for listeners:-

  • How leaders are wrong in identifying the problem and made overcomplicated?
  • How can companies start to align the problem with their customer's needs by investigating External & internal problems?
  • Understanding clearly Internal and External problems.
  • How to establish the need for the Solution?
  • How to justify the need and contextualize the problem?
  • Finally, considerations & process while documenting  the problem statement correctly.