Joni Cranston ~ "Named and Known; Life with the Good Shepherd"

Daring 2 Believe

02-07-2021 • 1 hr 7 mins

Joni Cranston lives in Robinson Township and describes herself as a wife, mom, teacher, and musician.  She is married to David and has two sons; David, who is 24, and Jonathan, 16. She is an accomplished pianist and sings on the worship team at Allegheny Center Alliance Church where she and her family are active members.  Joni holds a degree in Education with a Bible minor, from Tennessee Temple University.

Formerly a middle-school teacher, Joni has been involved in leading women’s ministries for over 22 years.  For the last 16 years, Joni has been the full-time Teaching Director of Community Bible Study, a vibrant group of over 320 women and 100 children meeting weekly, primarily in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, but more recently, virtual online groups have formed, as well.

Joni has a passion to teach God’s word and takes seriously the Lord’s commission in Matthew 28:19-20 which says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…. teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Joni finds great joy in seeing lives transformed by the study of the Word of God.

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