Therapy Wise

Dr. Jennie Ward

Therapy Wise is a podcast all about ancient wisdom and the latest psychological science. It’s for those who have an interest in learning about soul-based, metaphysical psychology in order to heal from trauma and release anxiety. If you’re interested in uncovering your truest, most authentic self through spirituality, energy medicine and psychology, you’ll love this podcast. read less
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49. Signs you're a New Earth Leader
49. Signs you're a New Earth Leader
In today’s solo episode, I discuss the signs that you might be a New Earth Leader, like many of my clients. I contrast decisions made by New Earth Leaders and the choices made by those who are stuck in the old-paradigm forms of leadership.    I discuss how New Earth Leaders: Feel a bit out of place in society as a wholeConsider all layers of leadership choices, including long-term consequencesEmbody both masculine and feminine leadership qualitiesAre truly open to feedback with no hidden agendasAre willing to make challenging decisions with a focus on the futureDesign their lives based on a harmony between all aspects of what is important, rather than just a priority on work and financial successEnjoy their wealth as a tool for positive change and enjoyment for themselves and othersTruly prioritize their health and the health of their teams- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and energetically   After listening, do you think you might be a New Earth Leader? Message me on IG or LinkedIn to share your insights!   ~ Dr. Jennie Ward   To connect with me:   Learn about the Impeccable Mastermind:   Listen to The Therapist Leader:   Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm:   Website:   Be the first to know about new offers:   LinkedIn:   Instagram:   Contact at
48. The transformational benefit of sabbaticals
48. The transformational benefit of sabbaticals
In today’s solo episode, I explore the ways in which sabbaticals can improve your quality of work and your enjoyment of life. I describe how to take steps to plan and enjoy a sabbatical and how to manage the potential obstacles that might arise.   I discuss: The benefits of sabbaticals and why I decided to take a semi-sabbatical this summerWhy leaders are particularly in need of sabbaticalsHow sabbaticals are a method for incorporating the ancient way of living with the seasons and cyclesWhat happens when we prioritize rest and recoveryThe increased awareness of your spiritual team and clarity of thought that occurs when you step away from your day-to-day routineThe ways in which a sabbatical compels you to delegate and have support in your work environmentHow sabbaticals are a great “dry run” for determining how set up your business is to sellPlanning a sabbatical, including deciding on a length of time and financial planningSetting up your business for a sabbatical as an entrepreneur and selling a sabbatical to your leadership team in the corporate worldA system for handling email and phone messages when you’re awaySetting intentions for a successful sabbaticalMaking sure you’re staying on track with your intentions throughout   Message me on IG to share your insights!   ~ Dr. Jennie Ward   To connect with me:   Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm:   Website:   Be the first to know about new offers:   Instagram:   Contact at
47. Energetic protection and cleansing practices
47. Energetic protection and cleansing practices
In today’s episode, I talk about energetic protection and cleansing practices. I explore: The notion that we all benefit from protection and cleansing, but some people are particularly sensitive to energy.  The changes in your sensitivity to energy that can occur when you become more spiritually evolved.  The fact that energy is drawn to the highest vibratory level in the room. Human Design and how open/undefined centres can indicate that a person is more energetically sensitive.  Ayruveda, the 5 elements and the Vata dosha being more energetically sensitive. Protection practices and ways in which you can keep your energetic field stronger and less permeable. Factors that make you more vulnerable to psychic attack.  Aspects of the world that are particularly crucial to be mindful of from an energetic perspective.  How to cleanse, including setting intentions, calling upon guides for transmutation and cleansing via the elements.  The energetic methodology that I use in my work. The benefit of having a professional do an annual cleanse and setting up of protection.  This episode is packed with tips and strategies…I hope you enjoy! ~ Dr. Jennie Ward   To connect with me: Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm: Website: Be the first to know about new offers: Instagram: Contact at
44. Manifestation, co-creation, creativity and spirituality with Cathleen McCaffery
44. Manifestation, co-creation, creativity and spirituality with Cathleen McCaffery
Today’s episode is an interview with my friend Cathleen McCaffery, a Harvard grad student and owner of a global boutique college admissions and life path consulting firm. Cathleen is a deep, multifaceted person who is dedicating her life to elevating consciousness.  In this profound episode, we explored: How Cathleen has been stepping into embodying a deep level of magnetism lately. Cathleen’s concept of “the dark trampoline” and how going deep into the shadows has helped her to ascend into the light. The current state of The Great Awakening on the planet, where we are transcending the level of darkness that was necessary in the past. The educational system as it stands today and how it blocks children’s unique essences. Cathleen is an expert in this topic and we explored her perspectives on an elevated academic system.  She described how she cultivates her son’s essence through play and adventure. We discussed the notion of “the genius zone” and Gay Hendrick’s concept of “easy world.”  Cathleen described the beginning of her PhD program at Harvard and how she realized that this was not the path for her.  We explored her perspective on manifestation and how her life has unfolded in the past 5 years from a lens of manifestation. I described how I manifested my perfect office space and also manifested the perfection of no longer needing it. We described our experiences of the dark side of our mentors and what we have learned from that.  Cathleen described how you can work with her, if you feel called.  It was one of my favorite interviews and you won’t want to miss it!  Dr. Jennie Ward   To connect with Cathleen:  Website: Instagram:   To connect with me: Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm: Website: Be the first to know about new offers: Instagram: Contact at
42. Blending ancient wisdom and modern science using sound journeying with Paula Scatoloni
42. Blending ancient wisdom and modern science using sound journeying with Paula Scatoloni
Today’s Therapy Wise guest is Paula Scatolini, a Clinical Social Worker with over three decades of experience in modern psychology, neuroscience and somatics. She is known for pioneering the use of modern acoustics to help shift the emotional, physical, mental, and energetic body towards health and resilience.   In this episode, we discuss:   Paula’s interesting career trajectory using both traditional and non-traditional methods of healing for eating disorders and trauma, including experiential methodologies, embodiment, conscious movement, touch therapies, Somatic Experiencing, sensorimotor psychotherapy and now, sound healing.   During COVID, she was unable to continue using touch therapy to heal developmental trauma and began using sound healing in her work. This became a key component of her work in healing early childhood attachment wounds and soothing the nervous system.   She began incorporating sound healing into her Somatic Experiencing work and then started to offer sound healing in group format online, as healing circles. She incorporates earth-based wisdom in her healing methodologies and found that this amplified the power of her work.   She works with therapists and mentors them to listen to their heart and experience their own embodied wisdom.   We explored the desire in therapists for retreat-based learning and the paradigm shifts happening there.   She described her perspective on the masculine and feminine archetypes in the world today and how the feminine is being re-awakened individually and collectively.   We explored the nature of wounded masculine and feminine and what healthy and healed dynamics would look like.   We discussed how sound healing and psychedelics both offer an opportunity to explore different states of consciousness.   She shared the different feelings in energy to the different places where she has lived.   We discussed how she handled the potential risks of offering treatments that are outside of the traditional methods as a regulated health professional.   Paula discussed the ways that she assists people through her services right now.   Enjoy!   ~ Dr. Jennie Ward   Connect with Paula:   Website:   Facebook: Paula Scatoloni, Transformative Harmonics   Instagram: Paula Scatoloni   Connect with me:   Join my email list:   Apply to work with me:   Website:   Instagram:
40. The work that I do - part 2
40. The work that I do - part 2
Today’s episode is a follow up to Episode 11. The Work That I Do. Since recording the initial episode, my work has evolved and deepened and this episode describes these changes.   In the episode I describe:   The importance of taking action in refining your highest level of work   How I viewed myself primarily as a healer and the evolution of my identity (including an identity crisis)   The importance of intuitive readings and activation of clients’ intuitive gifts in the Mastery Paradigm   Clients’ experience of timelines being sped up, being catalyzed and getting unstuck   The role of spiritual initiation in my work and how this is what I do at the core   My identity as a mentor for leaders- those who are ambitious, motivated and excited to learn   The fact that many non-traditional leaders do not see themselves as leaders   How I am a good fit for many spiritual men who desire a mentor   My desire to work with clients over the long-term   The work I do with psychologists and other therapists, including two mastermind groups   The curated groups that my intuition is prompting me to offer   The one-time sessions that I am offering to my email list- intuitive readings, intensives, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions   My pricing based on energetic exchange and the transformation you experience   Episode 11: The Work That I Do:   The Mastery Paradigm:   Apply for The Mastery Paradigm:   Impeccable Mastermind:   Your Majesty Mastermind:   Join my email list:
39. The art of mediumship development with Danielle Searancke
39. The art of mediumship development with Danielle Searancke
Today’s episode is an interview with Danielle Searancke, an indigenous spiritual medium, mentor, end-of-life-doula and Founder of Spirit School. I trained as a medium with Danielle and highly recommend her work.   Danielle and I speak about:   Her evolution as a medium and a teacher and mentor of other mediums in her business, Spirit School.   Her non-linear, non-urgent path to success.   The nature of mentorship in the spiritual arts and how Danielle offers mentorship that she wished was available as she was training earlier on in her career.   The benefit of practice in the art of mediumship.   Danielle’s strong work ethic and how she finds balance.   How Danielle has managed her success without changing who she is at the core.   The TV pilot that she filmed last year and how the process of this unfolded.   Danielle’s unique perspective around money and her concept of flourishism.   Her identity as an indigenous woman and how her culture was impacted by residential schools and the 60s scoop in Canada.   Her Spirit School location in Squamish and the upcoming retreats being offered there.   This episode is not to be missed!   ~ Dr. Jennie Ward   To connect with Danielle Searancke:   Website:   To connect with me:   Learn more about Your Majesty:   Apply for Your Majesty:   Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm:   Website:   Instagram:   Contact at
38. Next level lightwork...The Great Merge with Victoria Pippo
38. Next level lightwork...The Great Merge with Victoria Pippo
Today’s episode is an interview with my mentor Victoria Pippo. Victoria is a Global Energy Healer and ascension guide for gifted awakening souls on the planet. In our discussion, we touch on topics that are the next level of the next level. Prepare yourself.   Victoria and I speak about:   How she helps those who know they are powerful souls step onto their true paths. She helps healers to develop their full capacity of spiritual gifts and assists them in building a thriving business doing so.   She describes her calling toward The Great Merge- a movement and mission for lightworkers to perform healing for the earth. We discuss how she met her guide, Te, who chose Victoria to steward this mission. We talk about this in depth…how Te channels through Victoria and Te’s teachings about the role of the elements, the constellations, the planets in healing the planet. We explore the selfless energy of this mission and the amount of trust that Victoria must engage for The Great Merge.   We explore how Victoria engages protection and how her vibration is not available for outside energy to come in.   We discuss the notion of greed and lack and how the planet is moving into an energy of more give and take and reciprocity.   We go into Victoria’s history as a performer, then a tarot reader and how she transitioned into doing the work she does now.   We also discuss Victoria’s relationship with her mentor and the unique way in which they work together. We explore how her mentor supports her in doing the work she’s meant to do in the world.   This was a powerful conversation!   ~ Dr. Jennie Ward   To connect with Victoria and join The Great Merge:   Website:   Instagram:   To connect with me:   Learn more about Your Majesty:   Apply for Your Majesty:   Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm:   Website:   Instagram:   Contact at
35. Navigating a kundalini awakening with Kate David
35. Navigating a kundalini awakening with Kate David
In today’s Therapy Wise episode, I interview my friend Kate David, owner, designer and creative force behind Hello Garden, a boutique landscape and container design company. Kate and I talk about:   How plants speak to her and how she matches her clients to the right plants energetically   How her landscape design integrates into the lives of her clients   Her kundalini awakening experience and how it unfolded and impacted her   How spirit speaks to Kate through dreamtime   Her advice to those who are going through a spiritual awakening   How her spiritual awakening has impacted her parenting style   Allowing our kids to be themselves and figure things out   How we teach our kids to make aligned choices   How Kate is prepping for her exhibit at a huge home and garden show and how her creative process works   Kate’s process for managing a creative block   What Kate is reading right now   Kate’s Youtube channel and how it can inspire you in your garden   Kate’s prediction of one of the biggest garden trends for 2024!   And so much more…   Enjoy! ~ Dr. Jennie Ward   To connect with Kate: Instagram: Youtube: Website:   To connect with me:  Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm: Website: Instagram: Contact at
32. 2023 year in review and plans for 2024
32. 2023 year in review and plans for 2024
On today’s episode, I review 2023 and talk about my plans for 2024.   I discuss lessons from 2023, including:   That life doesn’t always take you were you think you’re going. I explore this topic relating to the sale of my business and my intuitive readings in my work.   The importance of feeling comfortable in my home, work and other spaces and in choosing the people I spend time with. I describe a very personal story about my home life and how there was a big change for the better this year. It came with many struggles and lessons (some ongoing).   The priority shift happening in my life right now. My kids. My health. Their health. What’s really important.   The beauty of stepping into my full power. Being more me. The ripple effect of what is happening in my life right now.   I also discussed what’s coming in 2024:   Mastery paradigm continuing in 1-1. Also launching a group option. (link to apply:   My Private Practice Mentorship Group for therapists. A Mastermind that is closing for enrollment soon (link to apply:   My end of year offering: Once per month 2-question reading with voice message. Sign up for email list to receive this offer (   Website:   Instagram:   Contact at ~ Dr. Jennie Ward
31. Wealth as an outcome of conscious evolution with Makhosi, The Royal Shaman
31. Wealth as an outcome of conscious evolution with Makhosi, The Royal Shaman
On today’s episode, I interview my mentor and guide Makhosi, The Royal Shaman, and we explored wealth as an outcome of conscious evolution. We discussed: Makhosi’s role as an initiated shaman with a calling to serve divine alignmentHow she activates alignment in our next generation of leadersWhat “essence” is and how it connects us to flow and our geniusThe ways in which we can tap into our essence in mundane tasksMagnetizing wealth by stepping into our essence and alignmentFreedom coming as a byproduct of devotion to our essenceWays in which pursuing alignment can feel challenging at the timeThe law of nature that requires us to choose devotion through our own consciousnessHow more money in the hands of conscious, loving people helps the worldMakhosi’s advice to those who feel guilty about experiencing more wealthThe notion of energetic exchange and how it applies to pricing offeringsMakhosi’s new money course coming and why she is offering itWhat Makhosi foresees for a more evolved economic system in the futureHow she teaches her son about money and wealthHow Makhosi grew up in poverty and achieved society’s wealth goals at a young ageHer thoughts on retirement and her “why” behind The Royal ShamanThe loneliness epidemic and aligned community as the solution It was a jam-packed episode with so many gems! I know you’ll love it. ~ Dr. Jennie Ward   To connect with Makhosi:  Website: Instagram: Uncover Your Essence Quiz:   To connect with me:  Apply for the Private Practice Mentorship Group: Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm: Website: Instagram: Contact at