Last Passover Week Chronology of Yeshua: Series Summary and Final Program in the Series (PART 30 of 30 Episodes)

Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio

18-02-2024 • 1 hr 6 mins

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In this Real Israel Talk Radio episode, I will close my 30-part series on the Last Passover Week Chronology of Yeshua. With this extended study (one hour and six minutes), I will summarize all I have presented since starting the series.  I will begin and end with three questions:

1)  How did Yeshua manage to DO (meaning, TO BE THE PASSOVER LAMB) and also to EAT the Passover Lamb with his disciples precisely according to Exodus Chapter 12?

2)  How did Yeshua come to be called the PASSOVER Lamb?

3)  What does it mean that Yeshua, the Passover Lamb, died for the sins of the world?

Join me for this final program summary in this 30-part series.

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