11. John 6 - All That the Father Gives

Rethinking Scripture

16-08-2021 • 26 mins

Rethinking Scripture Podcast -

Episode 11: All That the Father Gives

Aug 16, 2021 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall

Modern discussions about the last part of John 6 have become a hotbed of controversy. Those who self-describe as Calvinists and Arminians have been at battle over this passage for decades. And I, unknowingly, jumped into the middle of that mess back in the fall of 2003. I was in my masters program, I thought I understood what the passage said, but then one of my professors challenged me to think outside my theological box. Today, I’m excited to share the journey I’ve been on with “The Bread of Life Discourse.”

Referenced Resources:

  • John Calvin Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Calvin
  • Jacobus Arminius Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobus_Arminius
  • Hunt, Dave - What Love is This? Calvinisms Misrepresentation of God - https://www.amazon.com/What-Love-This-Calvinisms-Misrepresentation/dp/1928660746/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=what+love+is+this&qid=1629141502&sr=8-1
  • White, James - Open Letter to Dave Hunt - May 4, 2002 - https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/reformed-apologetics/blinded-by-tradition-an-open-letter-to-dave-hunt/
  • Hunt, Dave - Dave Hunt's Response to James White - https://www.thebereancall.org/calbook.htm?sapurl=Lys5MjZkL2xiL2xpLyt3dm44dWs4P2JyYW5kaW5nPXRydWUmZW1iZWQ9dHJ1ZSZyZWNlbnRSb3V0ZT1hcHAud2ViLWFwcC5saWJyYXJ5Lmxpc3QmcmVjZW50Um91dGVTbHVnPSUyQnd2bjh1azg=
  • Hunt and White - (The Book that Resulted) Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views - https://www.amazon.com/Debating-Calvinism-Five-Points-Views/dp/1590522737/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1MVOG90J10RXV&dchild=1&keywords=debating+calvinism+five+points%2C+two+views&qid=1629141845&sprefix=debating+calvin%2Caps%2C440&sr=8-3

Show Music:

  • Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos Santos
  • Transition Music - produced by Jacob A. Hall

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