Troy Devine & Rebecca Ramsey (Clearlight Capital Founder) - On How To Make Way For Clarity In Your Life.
You will become inspired and want to go 'All In' on your craft after listening to episode 42 of the SOUL GIFT PODCAST.
Draw some inspiration from today's guest - Rebecca Ramsey shares with us, just how to say goodbye to 'Generalistion' and 'Overwhelm' in life.
Discover, Unlock and Unleash Your SOULGIFT by Learning about:
1. Strategise To Amplify Your Success
2. How To Find Your 'Playground' In Life
3. The Powerful Art Of Ratcheting Down Your Practical Steps
4. Why Slowing Down Is The Key To Speeding Up
5. What Do We Want To Do Well
Most powerfully of all, you will gain the energy and spark required to continue on your own path.
THE 5 BE's
1. BE CONNECTED - To the elements and your craft
2. BE BOLD and head in a direction - The path will find you.
3. BE RECEPTIVE - When help and assistance arrives, take it.
4. BE CREATIVE - During the hard times, look for opportunities to become creative.
5. BE YOU - It's ok to be different !!
Why .... Well because you have a 'Soul Gift' my friend !!
Today we speak about how Rebecca uses a volunteer organisation to help people around the world. She has spent years in the business of serving others and is not about stop anytime soon. Learn that going abroad and 'in search' is not always to best way to go.
When Rebecca went inward and listened to the real world feedback she was receiving, her path and soul gift became a lot clearer
Today's big topics:
1. Leadership in todays environment
2. Self Awareness will bring clarity
3. The level of delivery will determine the level of receptivity
4. Take what you're ready for
5. Stop externalising responsibility
The SOUL GIFT Podcast wants to align you with your calling ...