The Dialogue

World Business Dialogue

Our aim is to create a World Business Dialogue and - by doing so - to get new perspectives on current challenges. Get more information on read less


Young Professionals Africa: How do virtual platforms provide a voice in times of uncertainty?
Young Professionals Africa: How do virtual platforms provide a voice in times of uncertainty?
Welcome, 2021! We are starting the new year with some “food for thought” and are virtually traveling to the African continent to meet our two special guests Shaneil and Jonathan, founder of the media platform “Young Professionals Africa” (YPA). Shaneil is working as a management consultant and is chairman of Deloitte’s Africa Millennial Board. Jonathan is an accountant, working in the finance team of a global company. Both are also providing their platform “to have a voice in times of uncertainty”, which is the topic of this week’s episode. We are starting with the core idea behind Young Professionals Africa and the importance of virtual platforms, especially during these times. In this context, we talk about benefits and solutions, along with issues that have been elevated by the increased intensity of virtual meetings. Additionally, we continue by considering the question of how to create change and what characteristics are needed to enable change. Then followed by a very encouraging discussion about the relevance of networking and its associated opportunities. We further get some helpful advice on how to navigate and filter through the plethora of daily information. Lastly, we address the vision and goals of YPA for 2021, as well as the new year’s resolutions of our guest speakers, whose focuses are not only on achievements but also on mental health and time for family and friends. If you want to learn more about the great YPA and its aim and mission to offer talented young people access to information- and exchange platforms, please enjoy today’s inspirational episode.
Student Organizations: How does the SABF deal with the corona crisis?
Student Organizations: How does the SABF deal with the corona crisis?
For this week's episode, Mareen and Q invited two guests of our partner initiative SABF (South American Business Forum). Homero is the head of the media and communications department, Lucía is leading the speakers department of SABF. The SABF team organizes a physical conference, which takes place yearly in Buenos Aires and brings together top speakers and students from over 62 different countries.First, our guests give us a little insight working at SABF, while clarifying the differences in student life at a South American university compared to student life elsewhere in the world.They put special emphasis on how joining and working within a volunteer organization in Argentina might be different from joining one anywhere else in the world.Shortly after we get to the core of our talk in discussing the implications the ongoing pandemic has for student organizations in general and the SABF in particular. We focus on talking about how SABF adapted to the new situation and what changes they had to undergo in their organization in order to do so. We also debate which role physical conferences will still play in the future and if online versions can cope with the lack of physical contact. However, within these times of uncertainty, we come to the conclusion that the target of the WBD and SAB, to connect people around the world and give them a chance to interact, ist not depending on the format. If a platform, where communication happens and people have the opportunity to inspire each other, is provided, change will happen.Or to put it in other words: “If you want to connect with people, you will connect with people”.
TikTok: Really a security issue or just an excuse for geopolitics?
TikTok: Really a security issue or just an excuse for geopolitics?
We are very excited and proud to present to you the new format of our podcast “The Dialogue”.Our two new hosts, both from different continents, will take an even more international look at future topics being discussed.One of them is Qhayiya from South Africa, who has been an ambassador of the WBD since his conference visit in 2017. Next to him is Mareen, who is living and studying in Cologne and is part of the Content Department of the World Business Dialogue.Of course, these two weren’t alone in this episode. We were pleased to welcome Daniel Leslie and Rishi Badola. Daniel has worked as Managing Partner for Reflexions, a digital innovation company based in New York, since 1999.Rishi is one of our Ambassadors for America and India. He made his degree at Duke University, now he is living in Dallas and works for Essilor Group as a Financial Analyst.In this episode, Mareen & “Q” aim to discuss the topic “Tik Tok” in regard to Responsible Leadership.They talk about the reasons why this app is so important and how responsible it is to still use this app, as it is currently being banned in various countries (e.g. India).In addition to that, the question if the data is better secured when being associated with  Walmart in regard to Bytedance is also raised during the discussion.We don’t want to tell you too much about the content of this interesting and refreshing episode, so listen by yourself!