Esther's Universe

Esther Boyd

If you're looking to step into alignment, find your purpose and reignite your passion for life and love of yourself, this is the EXACT place that you need to be. Esther's Universe is full of compelling conversations, wisdom, energy and general high vibrations as well as real talk with my guests. My whole goal is to help the world move forward into a better, healthier, happier direction. So if you're with me, I'd love to know about it. To get in touch you can find me at You can follow me on Tiktok and Instagram @esthers_universe read less


67. Values, purpose, intentions & goals
67. Values, purpose, intentions & goals
Create your life in alignment with your values! It's fun. Here are journal prompts to help you update your values and go deeper into your heart to find your compass: How does my current line of work make my feel energetically? (Drained, inspired, satisfied, bored etc).How does my relationship or friendships make me feel energetically? (Drained, inspired, satisfied, bored, supported, isolated etc).If my energy were its own person, how would my energy prefer to exist within the context of work? (Don't limit yourself to what you currently do, just think of how you'd like to feel in your day to day). If my energy were its own person how would it prefer to exist within relationships and friendships? (For example I like to set the expectation that I'll commit to plans closer to the date with pals, so my energy has the chance to decide whether I can go to the thing). How do I express love and care to others? How do I want love and care expressed to me? And why? Ask yourself "but why" whenever you can, in order to go deeper. What would my life look like if I prioritised imagination and joy? And why would it look like that? What kind of mindset would you be in and what kind of actions would you be expressing? Sit with yourself for a moment and pretend you're 120 years old on your deathbed looking back over your life. Imagine your life has been much the same of what it's been over the past couple of years. Are you satisfied with a lifetime of this? Is your 120 year old self proud of the life you chose to live? Or bummed at the missed opportunity to create the life your heart and soul desire? What kind of life does your 120 year old deathbed self want for you? Which parts of your life would you change in order to align with a life well spent? What does freedom look like to you? How can you align your actions and intentions with that freedom? Keep asking yourself for the why behind most of your answers until you go to a depth you're satisfied with and commit to starting there! Reflect for 10mins a day on all of the beautiful new ways of living you'd like to experience throughout your life, even if it seems unrealistic at the moment. Allow yourself to dream of it, follow it. Create it. Share this ep with a friend if you love it and please give 5 stars! Love you sm, check out insta or tiktok @esthers_universe I have meditations, coaching calls & art on