Who Oversees Your Heart? - Ps. Martin Vine

Urban Life Church

25-02-2024 • 35 mins

Pray this with us: Lord, help me to keep my heart free of offence. You have given me authority over my own will, mind and emotions, so I know that I have authority to tell offence that it has no right to dwell inside me. I refuse to blame others for the mess I've allowed to grow inside my heart - and today I'm asking you to help me stop making excuses for the wrong attitude I've allowed to grow in my life. With your supernatural help, I am making the choice to repent, by turning from these destructive thoughts and to replace them with words of kindness for those who have caused me hurt or grief in the past. I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen. Confess this over your life: I confess that I will deal diligently with my heart to keep it in good shape. I don't make excuses for my bad attitudes that try to fill my thoughts about people who have wronged me. When people commit a wrong against me, I refuse to let the devil use it to eat me up and ruin me. I am the bishop of my own heart, so I refuse to let wrong attitudes fester, take root and begin to produce bad fruit in me. I declare this by faith in Jesus' name! Thank you all for joining us this morning, we hope that you have a great week and that you can join us again next week. Stay up to date with the latest news and events that are happening at Urban Life, via our Socials and with the Church App. Don't forget to Subscribe to the Urban Life Church YouTube Channel to be notified when we upload the Sunday sermon.