Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids

Keys For Kids Ministries

Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with captivating stories that illustrate essential Biblical principles. With Zach's creative voices bringing characters to life, listeners embark on a faith-filled journey. Tune in to discover the keys to growing in faith and understanding God's love. Produced by Keys for Kids Ministries, this podcast is a treasure trove to help young hearts grow closer to God. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Washed Away
Washed Away
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:19-21Cecilia molded a huge sand castle on the beach, trying to make it like the castles she saw in movies. She made soaring towers and dug a deep moat all around it. Then she noticed that the ocean's waves were coming closer and closer. "Help, Dad! The water's going to wash away my castle!"Dad shook his head. "It's no use. The tide is coming in, and the waves will come a lot higher before they go back down."Cecilia didn't want to believe that. She dug a wide trench all around her castle and built a sand barrier to protect it. But water soon crashed over the barrier and filled the trench. The waves splashed against the castle, pulling it apart with watery fingers. "It took me a long time to build that," said Cecilia, "and now it's gone!" "Well, just be glad it's only sand," said her sister, Ember. "Sometimes people lose real houses in fires and storms, don't they, Dad?"Dad nodded. "When I was young, the house I lived in with my parents was badly damaged in a storm, and I lost a lot of my personal possessions. It was very hard, but it also helped me learn an important truth." "What truth?" asked Cecilia. "That all earthly possessions are a little like that sand castle," Dad said. "They won't last. I realized there's something much more important than earthly things, and anyone who has it will never lose it. Do you know what it is I'm talking about?""I know," said Ember. "It's Jesus, isn't it?""Yep!" Dad said. "He saves us and gives us eternal life, and that gift will last forever. Instead of focusing so much on earthly treasures, we should store up treasure in heaven.""How do we do that?" asked Ember."Well," said Dad, "the most important thing is to trust Jesus as our Savior--He's the only one who can save us and give us eternal life. Then, as He works in our hearts and teaches us to live as children of God, we'll start to care more about what He wants than what we or other people want. The things we do to serve Him--and the things we give up to do it--will build us treasure in heaven."–Daryl B. KnauerHow About You?Where are you storing your treasure--on earth or in heaven? It's easy to chase after all the things this world can offer you, but they don't last--you can't take them with you when you die. But Jesus offers us eternal life with Him, and that treasure lasts forever! Build true treasure by trusting in Him and sharing His love with others. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to's Key Verse:Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. (CSB) (Matthew 6:20)Today's Key Thought:Build treasure that lasts
Baseball Lessons (Part 2)
2d ago
Baseball Lessons (Part 2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:1-8; Galatians 5:13-18"Hey, August," Dad said at dinner. "Remember that home run you hit in the baseball game today?" "Of course!" August grinned. "I practically blasted that ball right out of the park!""It was quite a hit, all right," said Dad. "When you reached third base, it looked like you would have just enough time to beat the ball to home plate, and Coach Tim motioned for you to keep going. I wondered if you would slow down and look around to see where the ball was and then decide for yourself whether to go on or stay at third.""I wanted to look, but Coach Tim is always telling us we have to trust him and just follow his directions, so I ran for it!""And it's a good thing you did. Taking time to look around would have cost you a run," said Dad. "Now--who would like to compare that to living the Christian life?"August and Ryker looked at each other. "It's like you said before," August answered. "We need to listen to God."Dad smiled. "Right, but this time it goes a little farther. Sometimes there's something we know God wants us to do, but we hesitate. We may feel the Holy Spirit urging us to do something at a particular moment, like show someone kindness or speak up about something that's wrong, but we don't trust Him enough to immediately obey Him. We want to wait and decide for ourselves whether or not to do it." "But if August had done that in the game today, he wouldn't have made it home," Ryker pointed out. "Right," said Dad. "And if we don't obey God right away, by the time we make the decision, we may have missed the Lord's timing. We need to obey God as soon as we know He wants us to do something. Even though it may feel hard or scary, we have the Holy Spirit in us to give us strength so that we can display His goodness and love in everything we do.""So is God telling you to use my home run as another example in your Sunday school class tomorrow?" asked August. Dad thought about it a moment. "You know, I think He is!" He smiled. "Maybe He'll use it to show someone else how important it is to trust and follow Jesus."–Carolyn GastonHow About You?Are there times when you know the Lord wants you to do something but you hesitate to obey? Perhaps you know He wants you to speak to someone about Jesus, be kind to a new student, or help someone with a task. When you know He's prompting you to do something, don't hesitate. Obey Him immediately so you can point others to His goodness and love.Today's Key Verse:I am doing what the Father told Me to do so the world may know I love the Father. (NLV) (John 14:31)Today's Key Thought:Obey God immediately
Baseball Lessons (Part 1)
3d ago
Baseball Lessons (Part 1)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 2:1-9; John 14:26"How did you like our game today, Dad?" asked August when he and Ryker got in the car after their baseball game."It was great!" said Dad. "Do you mind if I use you guys for an example in my Sunday school class tomorrow? Our lesson is about our Christian walk with Jesus, and you gave me some good examples. Can you boys figure out what they are?"Ryker and August looked at each other and shrugged. "Umm…because we were on the winning team?" August guessed."Good thought!" said Dad. "With Jesus, you're on the winning team too. He defeated sin and death when He died on the cross and rose again. But I had some other things in mind. One of them was something Ryker did."Ryker grinned. "Something good, I hope?""Yes, something good. I noticed that while you were waiting for your turn at bat in the sixth inning, some boys in the bleachers were calling out to you just as your coach came up to say something.""Yeah. Those guys are on my soccer team at school, and they wanted me to come over to the fence and talk to them," Ryker explained. "Well, I'm glad you didn't let them distract you and miss what your coach wanted to tell you," said Dad. "It's important to listen to him.""Right," said Ryker. "Coach Tim always tells us that too. But why did that remind you of Christians? I don't get it.""That's the way we need to listen to God," Dad explained. "He talks to us through His Word, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit helps us understand what it says and how we should apply it to our lives. Sometimes we don't pay attention to Him because we're so busy doing our own thing. Other times we might be distracted by what other people are saying or wanting us to do.""So if we're so easily distracted, how can we be sure to listen to Him?" asked August. "I think I know!" said Ryker. "By taking time to read the Bible and pray?" Dad nodded. "That's one way to listen to God's voice. He also speaks to us through His church--His body of believers. As we worship and learn about God together and share our struggles with one another, the Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us in His truth and love."–Carolyn GastonHow About You?Do you listen to the Lord? He speaks to you through His Word and teaches you its truth through other Christians such as parents, pastors, and teachers. Be alert to what God is saying. When it's different from what your friends or other people tell you, be ready to say no to them and yes to God. Listen to Him and trust Him to guide you in your walk with Jesus.Today's Key Verse:We must obey God rather than people. (CSB) (Acts 5:29)Today's Key Thought:Listen to God
4d ago
Bible Reading: Psalm 139:1-18; Romans 8:14-17Sophia ran her fingers through the sand and watched in anticipation. Her family had been on vacation in Cabo, Mexico, for several days, and now the event she had been waiting for was here: the baby turtle release. Her younger brother Charlie inched closer to the rope they were supposed to sit behind. "Look, Sophie! He's dumping them out of the bucket!" Dozens of tiny turtles, smaller than Charlie's hands, were gently deposited from the bucket onto the sand. Sophia squealed excitedly as she watched them move their tiny flippers to propel themselves across the sand toward the ocean waves. Occasionally, a giant wave would engulf the babies, sweeping some of them to their ocean home and dragging others further up on the shore. Groaning in frustration, Sophia nudged her mom. "Look at this poor little one! Every time it gets closer to the water, a wave comes up and ruins its progress! How come the man releasing them won't help?" Mom smiled. "It's all part of the process God created for the turtles--it's called imprinting. When the babies are making their way to the ocean, their bodies will remember the air, sand, and other things about this very beach. Years later when it's time for the grown-up female turtles to lay their eggs, they will journey hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles back here to bury their eggs.""Wow! Imprinting is so cool!" Sophia exclaimed. Dad snapped a picture. "It reminds me of Psalm 139, where David wrote about God knowing everything about him. God knows when we're sleeping and when we're awake. He knows when we're at home and when we're in Cabo. There's nowhere we can go that He doesn't see us and care for us." Mom nodded. "When we trust in Jesus, He gives us the Holy Spirit to remind us that we are His. Our hearts are imprinted to Him, and His Spirit inside us speaks to us, telling us that we belong to Him." Charlie piped up. "No matter where these turtles go, they will remember that this beach is their home." Sophia grinned at her brother. "And no matter where we go, even all the way to Cabo, Jesus is our home."–Savannah ColemanHow About You?Did you know that you were wonderfully formed and created by God and He knows everything about you? Every single day of your life is known by God before you live it out, and His thoughts about you are more than all the grains of sand on the seashore. When you are a child of God, the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart and reminds you that you belong to Him. No matter where you go, you can be confident that God sees you, knows you, and will always be with you.Today's Key Verse:The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. (NIV) (Romans 8:16)Today's Key Thought:We are imprinted with God's Spirit
Really Forgiven
5d ago
Really Forgiven
Bible Reading: Psalm 103:8-14Nevaeh was almost finished helping Mrs. Burns with her housework. "I need to get to the bank before it closes," Mrs. Burns told her. "Do you think you could finish and lock up when you leave?""Sure," said Nevaeh. "No problem." So Mrs. Burns said goodbye and left.Nevaeh hummed as she dusted, but suddenly--CRASH! She stared in dismay at the pieces of blue glass on the floor. She had accidentally knocked a vase off a table. Oh no! thought Nevaeh as her eyes filled with tears. What will Mrs. Burns think when she gets back? She sighed as she picked up the pieces of broken glass. Before leaving, she wrote a note, telling Mrs. Burns about the broken vase and saying she would pay for a new one. "You did the right thing," Mom said when she heard what had happened.That evening, Mrs. Burns called. "Thanks for leaving the note," she said, "but don't worry about paying for the vase. I'll never miss it!" Nevaeh felt much better, but she still wasn't looking forward to seeing Mrs. Burns at church on Sunday.Sunday arrived, and Nevaeh nervously approached Mrs. Burns. "You're sure I don't owe you anything?" asked Nevaeh. "For the vase I broke?" "The vase? Oh, right--the vase." Mrs. Burns shook her head and smiled. "I had forgotten about it. You should forget it too." She patted Nevaeh's arm. "Can you come and help me on Friday? I'm having guests next weekend and could use some help."Back home, Nevaeh told Mom what Mrs. Burns had said. "It took her a minute to realize what I was talking about," said Nevaeh. "I think she really had forgotten all about it. And she wants me to work for her again on Friday!"Mom smiled. "The vase may have been valuable--who knows? But Mrs. Burns forgave you for breaking it, and perhaps she made a decision not to remember. So she forgot about it. That's a good example of the way God forgives us for our sin. Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for the wrong things we've done, and when we confess our sin to Him, He forgives it and will never bring it up again! We can accept His forgiveness and go on serving Him."–Karen R. LocklearHow About You?Do you continue to feel bad about something you did wrong--even after you've confessed it to God and asked Him to forgive you? The Bible says He'll remove your sin and not think of it again. Instead of going over and over what you did wrong, you can have peace knowing God has forgiven you. Accept His forgiveness and thank Him for it. He truly is a wonderful God!Today's Key Verse:Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. (NKJV) (Hebrews 8:12)Today's Key Thought:God forgives sin
One of a Kind
6d ago
One of a Kind
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4:10-11Mario flopped down on his bed. Why had Mom enrolled him in a basketball league? He knew nothing about sports. Mom said it was for exercise and to learn teamwork and make friends. Mario feared that when the other boys found out he had no experience playing basketball, they wouldn't want him on the team.He gazed up at his bedroom ceiling covered with stick-on constellations. He'd rather be in a club that studied the planets, stars, moon, and sun--things he loved. He heaved a long and loud sigh. "What's that all about?" Grandpa stood in his doorway."Nothing." Grandpa wouldn't understand. He'd played college basketball. "Would looking at the real constellations help? It's a clear night," Grandpa said. Mario doubted looking at the stars would make him feel better, but he couldn't say no. When he and his mom moved in with Grandpa after his parents divorced, Grandpa positioned a telescope in the walk-in attic window for him. Once behind the telescope lens, to Mario's surprise, his mood brightened. "There's Orion."Grandpa bent down and squinted into the lens. "Awesome. I'm glad you taught me to appreciate the constellations." He moved the telescope. "The Milky Way is bright tonight."Mario smiled. He had an idea. "Grandpa, would you help me appreciate basketball?"Confused, Grandpa scrunched his face. "Mom enrolled me in a basketball league to learn teamwork and make friends. I thought maybe if you practiced with me, I'd fit in better." "Sure, I'll practice with you." Grandpa tussled Mario's hair then peered through the telescope. "Isn't it nice how God made both the moon and the stars unique and beautiful? They both give off light, but in a different way. Just like people." Grandpa looked at Mario. "God made us all different. We are each one of a kind with interests and talents specific to us. When you feel out of place, remember that God created you and loves you, Mario. He sent Jesus to die for you so you could be His child, and He gave you the gifts you have so you could share His love and goodness with others."Mario thought a minute. "Maybe while I'm learning basketball, I can get others interested in the amazing constellations He created."–Rose Ross ZedikerHow About You?Are your interests different from those of everyone you know? Do you worry about fitting in at school, church, or even in your family? It's normal to sometimes feel this way. When you do, remember God created you special and unique. He knew His world needed you and your talents! He loves you and gave you the gifts and interests you have so you could share His love with others.Today's Key Verse:I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (NIV) (Psalm 139:14)Today's Key Thought:You are God's unique creation
He Cares for His Sheep
1w ago
He Cares for His Sheep
Bible Reading: Psalm 23:1-2; John 10:7-15Nikita was visiting her cousins in England, and today her cousin Alexia was taking her out to see the sheep."You'll love the lambs, but their mums can be very protective, so you'll have to watch out," Alexia said as they walked along. "We're almost there--you can see Dad's hat, and there's Lawrence."Uncle Matthias and Alexia's older brother came up to greet the girls. "Have you come to see the lambs, then?" Uncle Matthias asked, smiling."Yes!" Nikita beamed.Lawrence pointed at the lambs frolicking and leaping along the edges of the stone walls. "Well, they're all over there, but I can catch one for you if you'd like to pet one.""Yes, please!" Nikita bounced on her toes while she waited. As Lawrence held the lamb, Nikita stroked it and asked, "Why do you have to be out here to watch them? Can't Nessie and Wilder take care of them?" She nodded at the border collies roaming the pasture."Wilder and Nessie are smart dogs, but sheep sometimes get into bigger trouble than the dogs can handle." Uncle Matthias went to an upside-down ewe who was feebly waving her legs in the air and bleating. "She's a bit heavy for even Wilder here to roll upright," he continued as Wilder tugged at his coat, "so I have to go pop her onto her feet again." He righted the sheep."They aren't very bright, are they?" Nikita looked at the lamb. "Even if they do have cute babies.""No, they aren't exactly the cleverest creatures, so they need a wise shepherd to tend them. But did you know that the Bible compares us to sheep, and God is the shepherd?" Uncle Matthias leaned on his staff. "Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep. These sheep can't save themselves from predators, just like we can't save ourselves from sin, evil, and death. But the Good Shepherd, who knows just how to take care of us, can save us, and we can trust and follow Him. He will always provide for us.""You must be a very wise shepherd, but think how wise God is to take care of us!" Nikita said as she hugged the lamb.–Ellie ShirkHow About You?Have you ever watched a shepherd at work? It's not very likely you have, but you probably do know that sheep are pretty helpless and need a good shepherd. Though it's not very flattering, the Bible compares us to sheep, and Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd. He gave His life by dying on the cross to save us, and He knows the best way to take care of us. Trust Him to care for you.Today's Key Verse:I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. (NKJV) (John 10:11)Today's Key Thought:Jesus is the Good Shepherd
Light of the World
Light of the World
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:6"There must be a thousand fireflies out tonight!" Juan exclaimed. Dad had turned off the yard light. The blinking green and orange light from the insects became easier to see. Juan unscrewed the lid from a clean plastic peanut butter container that his dad had poked with a screwdriver to make air holes.He ran to the center of the yard and stood still. Twinkling fireflies fluttered around him. He scooped the container through the air and covered the open end with the lid. Lifting it eye level, he watched for a minute then saw a small blink of green inside the container. Juan smiled and repeated the process, sometimes chasing after the flying bugs."It's time to come in," Dad called from the door.Juan hurried over to him and held out the container. "I caught four green and three orange." The bugs' lights flickered through the clear plastic. "There is no better light than fireflies," Juan declared.Dad switched on the yard light then opened the door and sat down on the cement step. Juan sat beside him carefully holding his container. "Fireflies are an amazing wonder of nature, but there is a better light than fireflies. Do you know what that is?" Dad asked.Juan thought for a moment. "Jesus?""Right!" Dad said. "Sunlight is nice. So is electricity." Dad pointed up at the outside light fixture. "But Jesus is the true light of the world. Do you know why?""Because He saved us from our sins!" Juan said proudly."Exactly." Dad patted Juan on the back. "Because He saved us by dying for our sins and rising from the dead, we will live in His light now and forever. And we can shine His light to others by showing them His love and telling them about Him." Dad stood. "Let's go inside." Juan unscrewed the container lid. He gently shook the plastic until the fireflies flew out and cut a blinking path in the darkness. Juan joined his dad by the door. "I'm glad God made fireflies. They are the second-best light in the world. I'm happier God sent Jesus to be the best light in the world."–Rose Ross ZedikerHow About You?Are you a light in the darkness? Do you complain or give thanks? Are you mean or kind? Do you argue or make peace? Sin brings darkness to the world, but if you know Jesus, He has freed you from sin and given you His light. When you show others His love through qualities like thankfulness, kindness, and peace, others will see His light shine through you in your words and actions. You can bring light to the world and point others to Jesus!Today's Key Verse:While I [Jesus] am in the world, I am the light of the world. (NIV) (John 9:5)Today's Key Thought:Shine the light of Jesus
Always the Same
Always the Same
Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:5-8When Jake's parents got divorced, Mason saw his friend cry for the first time. Jake was frustrated and confused and didn't know how he was going to make it through things, and Mason didn't know how to help him. The more time he spent with Jake, the more worried Mason got about his own parents and what might happen to them."Are you and Dad going to get divorced?" Mason asked his mom one evening as she was making supper.Mom's brows lowered. "No, honey.""But how do you know that?" Mason asked. "What if you get in a big fight like Jake's parents?"Mom stopped chopping vegetables and put an arm around him. "Life feels uncertain at times, doesn't it? Especially when you see someone you care about going through hard things."She walked him to the table and sat down beside him. "Your dad and I are not getting divorced," she said firmly. "I know it's hard to see Jake go through his parents' divorce, but you can be there for him. He has a great friend in you, and he has an even better friend in Jesus. His parents are still going to be there for him too. Even if they're not both around all the time, they still love him."Mason nodded. "That's what I tried to tell him. I'm trying to help him, but I just got scared thinking about you and Dad.""I'm sorry." Mom hugged him. "Life can be really confusing and scary sometimes. But one thing that remains the same through it all is God. He never changes, even when things change in your family or around you. Jesus promises never to leave those who trust in Him. Even when everything seems to be falling apart, He is with us, giving us strength, peace, and comfort. He is the same today as He was yesterday, and He'll be the same when you wake tomorrow too.""I'll tell that to Jake. I think it might make him feel better too." Mason got up with a new feeling of peace inside. It was great to know that no matter what else changed in life, God never would. Even if he faced sad or scary things, Jesus would be with him. And Jesus would be with Jake too.–Bethany AckerHow About You?Have you had to face a big change or difficult event in your life? Or perhaps a friend or family member is going through something tough and it's making you feel afraid. When scary or difficult things take place in life, remember that God is always the same. No matter what happens, His love for you won't change, and He won't ever leave you. Trust Him to be with you, and remind other Christians that He's with them too.Today's Key Verse:Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (NIV) (Hebrews 13:8)Today's Key Thought:God doesn't change
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
Bible Reading: John 4:34-36"We had a missionary speaker visit our class today," Charlotte told her mother after church one Sunday. "I think missionaries have such exciting lives--traveling far away to tell people about Jesus who have never heard about Him before. That's so cool! Maybe I'll be a missionary someday."Later that afternoon, Mom got a text from the children's director at church. "Charlotte," Mom said, "Mrs. Fisher is wondering if you could help with vacation Bible school at church this week."Charlotte frowned. "Do I have to? I don't think I'd be much help--I wouldn't know what to say to those kids."Mom was quiet for a moment before she responded. "Charlotte, do you remember what the optometrist said when you had your eye examination a week ago?""Sure," said Charlotte, wondering why Mom was asking about that. "He said I have 20/20 vision, which means I have perfect eyesight. At twenty feet I can see exactly what my eyes are supposed to see from that distance.""Right," said Mom. "I'm glad you have 20/20 vision in your eyes, but when it comes to your missionary vision, it seems you're a little farsighted. A person whose eyes are farsighted can see things in the distance, but they can't see objects up close very well." Mom pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. "You're excited about the idea of someday going far away to tell people about Jesus, but you don't seem very interested in reaching out to people in your own neighborhood right now. But that's not how God sees things. He sees and loves people everywhere in the world, including the people right here. Through the Holy Spirit, He gives us the ability to share His love with those who need to hear about Jesus right now. He may lead you to another country to be a missionary someday, but today He has you right where He wants you. With His help, you can start sharing the good news of Jesus with people here and now."Charlotte was startled. "I guess you're right." She thought it over, then nodded. "I'll help Mrs. Fisher with vacation Bible school."–Mary Rose PearsonHow About You?Do you often think about what God may lead you to do in the future? Are you eager to help others and share God's love with them in an exciting way someday? That's great, but you don't have to wait to share God's love and point people to Jesus--you can do that where you are right now! Ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see those who need the love of Jesus here and now. Then trust Him to use you right where you are.Today's Key Verse:Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! (NKJV) (John 4:35)Today's Key Thought:Share God's love here and now
Power Source
Power Source
Bible Reading: Psalm 27:1; Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Corinthians 12:9When Millie got home from her first day of vacation Bible school, she found Dad watering the garden out back. "Hi," Dad said. "How was VBS?" He put down the hose and poured Millie a glass of lemonade on the patio."A missionary couple spoke to us about their work in another country," said Millie. "They told us that church services are held in secret in people's homes. Christians have to be careful how and where they tell people about Jesus because they could get in trouble for teaching God's Word in public."Millie stopped to catch her breath and sip the icy lemonade. "They also showed us pictures of where they live and people they know. And they said they're eager to go back. They love what they do.""You sound pretty excited about it," said Dad.Millie hesitated. "It was interesting to hear what it's like to work in a foreign country and not be afraid to tell others about Jesus. But what if God calls me to be a missionary? It sounds like hard work, and sometimes it's even dangerous. I don't know if I could ever do it."Dad was quiet for a moment, then he said, "Run inside and get your softball and mitt."Millie was puzzled but did as Dad asked. Dad took the mitt and propped it against the side of the house. Then he tossed the ball into the mitt. When the ball rolled out onto the patio, Dad sighed and shook his head. "This mitt is no good."Millie laughed. "The mitt can't catch a ball by itself, Dad! My hand has to be inside it."Dad grinned and nodded. "You can't be a missionary by yourself either--you need the Holy Spirit to help you. Just like you give the mitt power and direction when your hand is inside it, He's the one who makes you able to share the love of Jesus with others. Jesus has given all Christians the task of telling others about Him, not just those He calls to be missionaries in other countries, and it can be scary no matter where you are. But whether He leads you to be a missionary far away or just here at home, you can trust Him to give you the power you need to share Jesus wherever you are."–Ruth AndrewsHow About You?What happens if you don't put batteries in a remote or turn on a lamp without plugging in the cord? Without a power source, those things won't work. God is your power source for doing what He calls you to do--He won't ask you to do something and then leave you on your own. He calls all Christians to tell others about Jesus, and you can count on His power and strength to help you do that no matter where you are.Today's Key Verse:You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere. (NLT) (Acts 1:8)Today's Key Thought:God gives you power to do His will
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:14-16; Philippians 2:14-15"Mom's calling," Selah said as she and her sister played with neighbor kids in the common area of their apartment complex. "It must be time for dinner already," said Alice. The girls told their friends goodbye and hurried to their apartment."Guess what!" said Mom as they talked about their day. "I got a job offer."Dad grinned. "Let me guess--someone asked you to babysit their kids."Mom laughed. "You're right. Melissa, in apartment three, asked if I'd like to watch Anya and Jaxton when she goes back to work on Mondays and Fridays."Selah looked surprised. "Dad, how did you know that was what someone wanted Mom to do?""Well, it's not the first time it's happened," said Dad. "The Petersons wanted Mom to take care of their son one weekend when they had to be away, remember? And a few weeks ago, the librarian at your school asked Mom to babysit for a couple of days."Alice looked puzzled. "That's so weird. It's not like Mom put flyers around town saying she'd babysit. Why do people keep asking her?""Well," said Mom, "they know I'm a stay-at-home mom, so maybe they figure I'd like to earn a little money. And I think another reason they ask me is because of you guys.""Us?" said Selah. "I don't get it."Mom smiled. "I think they look at you and say to themselves, 'Those are nice kids! I could trust my children to be in that home. I'll see if their mother would like to work for me.'"Alice grinned. "We're just such angels," she joked.Dad laughed. "Not quite. I've seen your halos slip off and hit the floor quite a few times. You're not angels, but you are lights. The Bible says Christians are supposed to be lights in a dark world, and I've seen both of you shine the light of Jesus to others in how you treat them. Because we know Jesus, we are God's children and have His love in our hearts. When we let His love shine through our words and actions, people will notice that we're different and hopefully be pointed to Him.""So thanks, girls, for being lights to our neighbors," said Mom. "Let's pray that our lives will make them want to know Jesus!"-Lore WolifHow About You?Do your actions cause people to notice that you're different--different from the world in general? You may not be an angel, but if you've trusted Jesus as your Savior, you have the light of His love in your life and can point others to Him through your words, your actions, and your attitude. What can you do to be a light in your school and neighborhood?Today's Key Verse:Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (NIV) (Matthew 5:16)Today's Key Thought:Be a light for Jesus
Bible Reading: Romans 8:26-27Kyleigh walked out into the garage. "I want to wear my new blue shirt, Mom. Did you wash it?" Mom, who was stripping paint off a desk, looked up and nodded. "Yes, I washed it. It's on a hanger in the laundry room, but it needs ironing. It's pretty wrinkled.""I can do that," said Kyleigh. "I'll call for help if I need it." She hurried off and got out the iron.When the shirt was pressed, Kyleigh showed it to her mom. "Look! This shirt was a wrinkly mess before, but it's all nice and neat now!"That night at dinner, Mom asked Kyleigh to say the blessing. "Thank you for this food and our home and..." Kyleigh paused. "And please be with Dad. Amen." "Something on your mind?" asked Mom as Kyleigh glumly passed her the potatoes.Kyleigh shrugged. "I just don't know how to pray for Dad. I wish he wasn't in jail, but I'm afraid if he got out he'd just keep doing the things that got him there in the first place."Mom nodded. "I know what you mean." She pointed at Kyleigh's shirt. "That iron sure took care of all those wrinkles, didn't it?"Kyleigh looked down at her shirt. "Um, yeah, but what does that have to do with Dad?""Well," said Mom, "the Holy Spirit does the same thing with our wrinkly prayers.""Wrinkly prayers?" repeated Kyleigh. "What are those?""They're the prayers we're not sure how to pray," said Mom. "We don't know everything that's going on in someone's life or the best solution to a problem, but God does. When we pray about those things, we might be afraid of asking for the wrong things sometimes because we can't see the whole picture." "Kind of like my messy, wrinkled shirt?" asked Kyleigh. "Exactly," said Mom. "But when we pray about things that are unclear or confusing, the Holy Spirit irons out the wrinkles so that, before God's throne, they make perfect sense." Mom squeezed Kyleigh's hand. "Keep praying for Dad, Kyleigh. God knows exactly what you're trying to say, and you can trust Him to do what's best."-Gayle J. ThornHow About You?Do you sometimes feel like you're not sure what to say when you pray? Are there people or situations you want to pray about, but you're not sure how to begin? God wants you to come to Him with anything and everything that concerns you. Tell Him the best way you can, and trust the Holy Spirit to smooth out the wrinkles.Today's Key Verse:We don't know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit himself speaks to God for us. (ERV) (Romans 8:26)Today's Key Thought:Pray freely to God
Who Holds the Future
Who Holds the Future
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13-18"Oh, she's so cute!" squealed Kelsey, looking at the baby her mother held. The baby wrapped her tiny fingers around Kelsey's thumb and stared at her face. "I wish she would smile at me," Kelsey said."Don't worry," Mom replied. "She's just getting to know us. Give her some time to get used to regular meals and a safe place to sleep, and she'll be smiling in no time!""Will we get to keep her?" Kelsey asked, still holding the little one's hand."We don't know the future," Mom replied gently. "We're her foster family for now because her home isn't safe. But there are people working with her parents to help them become safe for her. If that goes well, she will get to go home with her mom and dad."Kelsey sighed. "I want her to be with her parents, but I want her to stay with us too. I can't decide.""Well, honey, thankfully it isn't up to you to decide. We can trust that God already knows this little one's future, and He loves her even more than her parents do, and more than we do. Whether she stays with us or goes home with her parents, or even if she grows up in a different family altogether, we can pray that God would shine the light of His love into her life." Mom smiled at Kelsey. "My mother always used to say, 'I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.' God is a loving Father with strong hands. He holds all of us, not just this sweet little girl. He also knows your future, Kelsey. And since you know Jesus, He has wonderful things in store for you and for all those who have eternal life with Him."Kelsey leaned in to give the baby a kiss, then pulled back quickly. "Mom, I think I know what the future holds." "Oh really?" Mom's eyebrows went up."Yup. It's a new diaper. This baby stinks!" Kelsey laughed as she dramatically held her nose.Mom started laughing too. "You're certainly right!"The baby looked at their smiling faces, and the edges of her mouth lifted a little."She smiled, Mom! Her future is looking brighter already."Mom nodded as she carried the baby to the changing table. "It certainly is with a big foster sister like you!"-Karen McMillanHow About You?Do you worry about the future? Are there difficult situations in your family or some big concerns ahead for you? You can trust that God already knows about them--our difficulties never catch Him off guard. He holds the future in His hands, and He has wonderful plans in place for those who trust in Jesus, even though we still face difficulties in our lives. Trust Him to be with you through life's problems, knowing you have a bright future with Him.Today's Key Verse:"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV) (Jeremiah 29:11)Today's Key Thought:God holds the future
Reserved Seats
Reserved Seats
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9"Hurry, Dad!" urged Archer as he and his father sped down the freeway toward the baseball stadium. It was his first time going to a major league baseball game, and he didn't want to miss any part of it. "If we're late, we might not find a good place to sit!" "Don't worry, Archer. They won't give our seats away. Our tickets are right here." Dad tapped his left jacket pocket. "Bought and paid for. Our places are reserved for us.""Reserved--that means they're saved for us, right?""Right," said Dad as he turned into the stadium parking lot. "People make reservations all the time--for airplane tickets, hotel rooms, restaurants, and…" Dad patted his pocket again. "For seats at baseball games." He glanced at Archer. "You may not have known it, but when you trusted Jesus as your Savior at camp last month, He made a reservation for you then too.""Really?" Archer looked at his father in surprise. "Yes!" said Dad. "You now have a reservation in heaven, and there will always be a place there for you. Jesus paid for it Himself by dying on the cross for your sins and rising from the dead, and when He comes back one day, you'll have your own special place in the new, perfect world He creates."They parked the car and hurried to the stadium. "Are you sure they saved our seats?" asked Archer as he looked at the sea of spectators. "If they didn't, we'll probably have to stand up the entire game!"Dad smiled as he looked at the stubs of their tickets. He motioned toward a man who was helping people find their seats. "That gentleman will show us where to go," said Dad. "Come on."Archer followed his dad through the noisy crowd, and soon, there they were--two empty seats. "All right!" said Archer. "Here they are, Dad! Just waiting for us!"As they settled down into their seats, Dad turned to Archer. "These seats are great, but they're nothing compared to having reservations in heaven, are they? I'm glad there are places saved for both of us there." Archer smiled and nodded, then turned toward the field to watch the game.–Jonnye R. GriffinHow About You?Do you ever worry that you don't have a place reserved in heaven? If you've confessed that you're a sinner and trusted Jesus as your Savior, you've been given a place in His eternal kingdom that will never be taken away. If you haven't trusted Him as your Savior, don't wait. Trust in Jesus today, and you will have a place with Him for all eternity. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to's Key Verse:[God has given us] a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance…reserved in heaven for you. (NKJV) (1 Peter 1:3-4)Today's Key Thought:Reserve your place in heaven
A Different Way
A Different Way
Bible Reading: Psalm 105:1-8; Luke 12:22-31Emma lay in bed, listening to her parents' voices on the other side of the wall. "We can't afford a vacation this year, Lindsey." Dad's voice sounded sad. Emma could barely hear her mother's worried voice. "How are we going to pay this bill, Jeff?" Emma huddled deeper under her blankets. She knew her parents didn't want her to worry, but her stomach hurt.Everything was different. First Dad lost his job, then Mom worked longer hours. Dad searched for a new job every day, yet Emma had overheard her parents say they might need to move. "God, can't you give my dad his job back?" Emma prayed as she drifted to sleep. Mom poked her head into Emma's room the next morning. "Time to get ready for church, sleepyhead." "Why?" Emma asked. "If God can do the things we learn about in church, why doesn't He give Dad a job?""Get ready," Mom told her. "We'll talk some more after breakfast." After Emma rinsed her cereal bowl, Mom led her outside. "Look at the bird feeder.""Mom, we haven't filled it since Dad lost his job," Emma pointed out. "Are the birds worried about the empty feeder?" Mom asked. Emma looked around. She saw sparrows nibbling in the trees. Others rooted in the grass, and still more perched on their neighbor's feeder. "No," Emma answered."For years, God provided for our family through Dad's job," Mom explained. "God is still providing, but in different ways.""Like how the birds that used to come to our feeder now go other places?" Emma asked."Yes," said Mom. "The Bible stories you learn in church remind us how God has helped many people through many hard times in many different ways. He helped us when we needed it most by sending Jesus to save us from sin, and we can trust Him to help us in every situation we face. Church is also where we can connect with other Christians and hear them thank God for what He's done to help them. Their words remind us that God is with us and cares for us even though our situation may be different from theirs.""And thanking God at church for providing for us might help someone else," Emma said as she headed for the car.–Heidi J. SchmidtHow About You?When life changes, do you think about how God has cared for you in the past? Do you spend time with other Christians who can remind you of His love and promises? Have you thanked Him for how He is caring for you now? Remember that God can care for you and your family in many different ways. No matter what your situation is, God is always with you. His love never fails.Today's Key Verse:Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! (NKJV) (Psalm 105:1)Today's Key Thought:God provides in different ways
A Gift of Me
A Gift of Me
Bible Reading: Galatians 5:13-14; 6:9-10Fifty cents is all the money I have left, and that won't buy much of a gift for Mrs. Morgan, Ivy thought as she passed Mrs. Morgan's house. It was just the kind of day her neighbor liked--cool air and lots of bright sunshine. But Mrs. Morgan was sick and in the hospital. I hope she has a window in her hospital room, thought Ivy.When Dad came home, Ivy asked if he had any idea what gift she could get Mrs. Morgan with only a little money. Dad thought about it. "I don't know. Do you want me to add some money to what you already have?""No--it wouldn't really be from me then," said Ivy. "I want to get something for her with my own money.""Then how about an advance on your allowance?" suggested Dad.Ivy hesitated. "I guess that would be okay. I thought about earning some more money, but Mrs. Morgan is the only one who ever hires me to help her." She looked at Dad. "Is there anything I could do for you to earn money?" "Well, maybe," said Dad. "But Ivy, there are many ways of giving. Your gift to Mrs. Morgan doesn't have to be something you buy. The Bible tells us to bear one another's burdens. What do you think that means?"Ivy thought for a moment. "I think it means we should help others when they're going through hard times.""Right," said Dad. "Maybe your gift to Mrs. Morgan could be something to show her that you're sharing her troubles. That's the kind of gift God gave us when He sent us His Son. Jesus took our sins on Himself when He died on the cross, and He promises to be with us through every struggle we face, giving us strength and comfort. When we help others in their struggles, we give them the gift of ourselves, just like Jesus did."Ivy thought about how Mrs. Morgan was a widow with no family living close by. I'll try to go see her a couple times a week, she thought. And I don't think anyone's watering her plants or bringing her mail in--I can do those things too! I'll do all I can to help Mrs. Morgan.–Daryl B. KnauerHow About You?Do you know someone who needs help? Maybe you have a friend who is sick or a neighbor who can't keep up with their yard work. Is there a way you could help that person bear their burden? Perhaps you could help them by raking leaves, running errands, or just stopping by to visit every once in a while. When you share other people's burdens, you lighten their load and show them Jesus's love.Today's Key Verse:Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. (NLT) (Galatians 6:2)Today's Key Thought:Help others
Blind Spots
Blind Spots
Bible Reading: Job 29:1-3; Psalm 119:105"How did your driving test go?" Alex asked her older sister when Becky walked into the house with Dad.Becky gave a sigh. "I failed!""What happened?" asked Alex."I nearly got into an accident. I was trying to change lanes and a car appeared from nowhere and I almost crashed into it!" exclaimed Becky. "The examiner said I had to be careful of blind spots.""Blind spots? What are those?" asked Alex.Dad answered, "Well, in driving, a blind spot is an area around your car, usually behind the driver's shoulder, that you can't see with mirrors. You must turn your head to check for cars before you change lanes.""Yup, and I just looked at the rearview mirror and didn't see the car right next to me," said Becky. "I forgot to turn my head to look for cars.""Hopefully with more practice you'll remember," said Dad. "But there's another kind of blind spot we can't see ourselves--we need someone else to point it out to us." "Does that mean no one should ever drive alone?" asked Alex.Dad chuckled. "No, I'm not talking about a blind spot around a car. I'm talking about an area we can't see in our spiritual lives, like weaknesses or things we've done wrong that we're not aware of.""What should we do then? Turn our head?" asked Alex.Dad smiled. "We turn to God's Word. The Bible shows us our sin, and God also puts people in our lives who can help us see our shortcomings. Then, when we see what we've done wrong, we need to turn to Jesus for forgiveness and trust Him to guide us and lead us the right way."Becky nodded thoughtfully. "You and Mom always correct me when I say something rude without realizing it.""And you remind me not to whine and complain," said Alex."Well, we all have our blind spots," said Dad. "When people point out our mistakes, we become aware of them. Then we can ask Jesus to forgive us and help us change.""We need God's light to guide us and help us see," commented Becky."Well said, Becky," said Dad with a smile.–Kelly ChoyHow About You?Do you know your blind spots? You can't see them yourself--you need God to show them to you through the truth of His Word. He often uses people to help you see them too. When someone points out something you shouldn't have said or done, be thankful that you can now see that blind spot. Then turn to Jesus, who died for your sins and promises to forgive you. Trust Him to guide you as you live in His light.Today's Key Verse:[Jesus said,] "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (NIV) (John 8:12)Today's Key Thought:Let Jesus guide you
What’s in the Water
What’s in the Water
Bible Reading: Luke 6:45; James 3:8-13"Your turn to pray, Carlos," said Maria when their family sat down to eat."Okay." Carlos bowed his head. "Thank you, God, for this day and this food…"When Carlos looked up a moment later, he groaned. "Oh no! Not broccoli again! I hate broccoli--and I don't like chicken fixed like that!" But Carlos knew he had to eat some, so he took a small portion from each dish. "This weather is way too hot," he complained between bites.Dad frowned. "Carlos, do you think God heard your prayer tonight?"Carlos looked at Dad in surprise. "Of course," he replied."And does He hear your grumbling too?" asked Dad.Carlos looked down at his plate. "I guess so," he admitted.Dad nodded. "I think so too. After dinner, we'll go out to the pond. I think it has something to teach you."At the edge of the pond a short time later, Carlos watched as Dad took a bucket and hauled up some water. "Are we going to water the garden?" asked Carlos.Dad shook his head and held out the bucket. "Here. Have a drink.""Eww!" exclaimed Carlos. "Dad, you know the water in this pond is filthy!""Yes," said Dad, "but you won't be drinking the water in the pond. You'll be drinking the water in the bucket."Carlos made a face. "If the water in the pond isn't good, the water in the bucket won't be good either. It's the same thing."Dad nodded. "Right again. What's in the pond comes up in the bucket. That's like something Jesus taught. He said, 'What you say flows from what is in your heart.' Think about your prayer tonight, Carlos--and about what you said after you prayed. You thanked God and then griped about the very things you thanked Him for. I've noticed that attitude more often lately, but you have the ability to change it. Jesus has given you a new, clean heart because He loves you, Carlos--He loves you so much that He died for your sins. Because of that, your words should be rooted in gratitude for everything He's done for you."Carlos looked at the stuff floating on the water in the bucket. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "I'll tell Jesus I'm sorry too."–Mary Rose PearsonHow About You?What kind of attitude do you show others by what you say? The Bible says that our words flow from what's in our hearts. Do your words tell others that you have a thankful heart? Life isn't easy, but if you know Jesus, He is always with you and has given you a new heart so you can share His love and goodness with others. Instead of complaining, thank Him for His goodness to you and tell others about the good things He does for you each day.Today's Key Verse:Blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right! (NLT) (James 3:10)Today's Key Thought:Have a thankful heart
Weeds and Flowers
Weeds and Flowers
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4, 11-13It's not fair, Tayden thought as he pulled weeds out of the flower beds in front of his house. All my friends are at the water park today, but because I can't get the bandage on my foot wet, I'm stuck weeding. He thought of everything that had happened that week. First he cut his foot on a piece of glass and had to get stitches. Then his bike was stolen. And yesterday his best friend told him he couldn't come to Tayden's birthday party because his family would be on vacation then. What a horrible week, thought Tayden as he yanked another weed out of the ground. Later that day Grandpa came over and looked at the garden Tayden had been weeding. "You did a good job," said Grandpa. He pointed to one of the flower beds. "Those bright pink blossoms sure are pretty." Tayden looked at the flowers. "They must've just bloomed this afternoon. They weren't there when I weeded this morning." Grandpa laughed. "Actually, I saw them when I was here a few days ago. They're so bright, I'm surprised you missed them.""I guess I was too busy looking for weeds to notice them," said Tayden.Grandpa nodded. "It's funny how our eyes miss things like that sometimes when we're not actively looking for them." He scratched his head in thought. "That can happen in life too. Sometimes we only see the weeds in our lives--the bad things that happen to us. We're so busy fretting and complaining that we don't notice the flowers--the good things God has put in our lives." Wow! That sounds like me, thought Tayden as he recalled his thoughts earlier that day about what a bad week he'd had. "Life is far from perfect," said Grandpa. "Yet we have so much to be thankful for. We have the hope of eternal life with Jesus, who gave His life to save us and be with us forever. He fills our lives with love, grace, joy, and other blessings every day, even when things are hard. If we only focus on the bad things, we might miss the beautiful blooms of God's blessings."Tayden gave his grandfather a little smile. "Okay, Grandpa. I'll be on the lookout for the good things God has given me." –Hannah BanuraHow About You?Do you often worry and complain about what's going on in your life? Does it seem like everything that happens to you is bad? Even though you may have some bad things to deal with, Jesus promises to help you. He died for your sins so you could experience the blessing of knowing Him as your Savior, and He fills your life with many daily blessings too. When you look for life's flowers, you'll soon see the many good things God has given you.Today's Key Verse:Be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." (NLT) (Hebrews 13:5)Today's Key Thought:Focus on good things