The Archers

BBC Radio 4

Contemporary drama in a rural setting.

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2d ago
At Grange Farm, Ed and Will discuss plans for Apple Day. Various attractions and stalls are allocated to different family members, but when Emma comes in she’s less than enthusiastic – will anyone even turn up? But later she tells Clarrie she’ll help out, for Poppy’s sake. Clarrie reckons they’ve still got friends in the village who’ll come – and believes George would be for it too.With Fallon leaving they’ve had a crisis meeting at Bridge Farm. Helen and Pat remain relatively calm, but Natasha catastrophises. She can’t believe Fallon’s making the right choice, abandoning them for a “nowhere place” like the EV Charging Station. Natasha admits to feeling hurt by Fallon’s decision. Helen sympathises with her, but apart from looking for a new manager doesn’t think there’s much they can do. Finding a replacement will be hard, Natasha reckons. Worse, Fallon will be in direct competition with them. Helen thinks the Bridge Farm brand will see them through, but Natasha’s not giving up, hoping she can persuade Fallon to change her mind.Henry is helping Pat in the goat pen and confesses he misses George. Henry still thinks George is alright, despite what he’s done. Pat reassures him, it’s not bad to think that - and she doesn’t regret writing a reference for George. Pat feels she had to put her conscience first, despite the ructions it’s caused in the family. Henry agrees with her. Pat then talks about putting a meat buck in with the nannies to produce quality goats for meat production. Henry thinks it’s a fantastic idea and definitely wants to help.
3d ago
Chelsea and Fallon are working at The Tearoom, with Adam and Natasha lending a hand. To Chelsea’s annoyance Natasha then asks her to train Adam to use the coffee machine. Later, Chelsea helps Adam source bunting and decorations for the school Halloween disco he’s helping Ian organise. At the end of the day Chelsea admits how awkward she found it working with Adam. He sensed it, but reckons his shifts in the Tearoom shouldn’t happen too often in future.Kirsty comes across a pensive Clarrie at Bridge Farm and confides how strapped for cash Rewilding Ambridge is, especially after losing a wealthy potential sponsor last week. Clarrie admits how much she’s missing George – and how awkward it is talking to Fallon. Kirsty takes Clarrie’s hand and promises to support her as they enter The Tearoom. Kirsty accepts Adam’s offer of a chai latte he’s been working on, while Clarrie tentatively exchanges pleasantries and then invites Fallon and Harrison to the Apple Day event next week. Fallon says she’s busy then and Clarrie leaves. However, Fallon follows Clarrie out to say she appreciates the invitation and Clarrie’s kind words, but she really would find going to Apple Day too much right now.Adam tells Chelsea he still can’t forgive the Grundys for what George did and its repercussions, but Chelsea points out how wretched George felt about it too. Then Fallon surprises them both with the news that she’s been selected to run one of the units at the EV Station, before heading off to hand in her notice to Natasha.
4d ago
Helen’s at Bridge Farm, dropping Jack off for Pat to take to school, when Neil arrives. He’s taking a week off work at Berrow, but can’t bear the idea of doing nothing, so offers to help out at Bridge Farm instead. Grateful Helen sends him off on a task just as Kirsty turns up. While Helen toasts bagels Kirsty bemoans how difficult it is trying to get a mortgage for Willow Farm. Helen then suggests Kirsty could either sell the Beechwood house or move in with Helen and the boys, at least temporarily, but Kirsty can’t imagine ever living there again.Clarrie spots Neil working and threatens to tell Susan about his turn yesterday, if he doesn’t make an appointment with the GP. Then Pat talks to Clarrie about the possibility of keeping goats for meat, in connection with a school project Henry’s doing, before moving onto Apple Day. Overriding Clarrie’s doubts about the Grundys holding such a public event Pat thinks it could be just what the family needs to bring them together. If Pat can get away she’d love to bring Jack, Henry, Nova and Seren along. Then Clarrie confides her concerns about Neil. Later, Pat encourages Neil to take a break and talks to Helen about the dangers, particularly for men, of keeping stressful feelings bottled up inside. When Helen seeks him out Neil confides how hard it’s been for the family, coping with the fallout from George’s actions and imprisonment. Helen mentions the benefits of counselling, only for Neil to gently but firmly resist the idea, before heading off.
5d ago
Despite Neil’s best intentions Emma’s irritated by his concern for her. She tells him there was a fight when George phoned on Friday and the prison went into lockdown. Neil suggests George might be safer locked in his cell, but this doesn’t allay Emma’s fears. Emma angrily tells Neil she wishes they’d never persuaded her to call the police on George, then asks Neil to go. Crossing the yard Neil bumps into Clarrie, helps carry her shopping inside, then has a funny turn and has to sit down. Over tea and cake Clarrie suggests Neil goes to the doctor. He thinks it’s just down to worrying over what’s happened since making Emma report George, but Clarrie assures Neil, doing the right thing can never be wrong, even if Emma blames them right now. To Clarrie, later, Emma admits how hard she’s finding everything. Clarrie hugs her, it’s going to be okay. Will and Ed visit Elizabeth at Lower Loxley to ask for advice on getting the prison to help George. Elizabeth sympathises, but based on her own experience with Freddie suggests there is very little they can do to change things. What they can do is be there for George and support him to get through his sentence. It also means living their lives as normally as possible, so that George will know what he’s coming back to when he’s released. Later, Will and Ed discuss Poppy’s ideas for celebrating Apple Day. With George in prison Will’s against it, but Ed says it’s all part of keeping things normal and persuades Will to go along with it.
George and Emma wait for his solicitor outside the courtroom at Felpersham Crown Court. George groans when he spots Lilian and Adam arriving. The solicitor explains the proceedings, but George is shocked when he hears that Fallon’s going to read her own Victim Personal Statement. Emma’s surprised when Susan appears and asks her to go, but Susan explains that they shouldn’t face this day alone. George is her grandson and Emma’s her daughter, so she’s staying.When it’s time to go in scared George thanks Emma for coming with him and asks Susan to look after Emma. Tearful Susan promises she will.Fallon reads her statement, outlining how traumatic it’s been. George didn’t rescue her because he cared, he did it because he knew it was his fault. When the court adjourns for lunch Fallon approaches Emma, who says it must have been really difficult for Fallon. Fallon reckons it can’t have been easy for Emma hearing it either. She hopes that Emma finds today manageable. Emma says how sorry George is and Fallon says she saw it in his face, but what happened still happened.George’s barrister puts George’s case, but in the end the judge passes his sentence: one year for the charge of dangerous driving and two years for perverting the course of justice, to be served concurrently. Susan comforts distraught Emma. George is equally upset when he discovers from his solicitor that he’s going to an adult prison. But he asks her to tell Emma that he was ok about it, before George is left alone in the cell.
George helps Eddie with the turkeys at the Grundy’s pole barn and discuss the big tea Clarrie’s making before George’s sentencing tomorrow. Eddie reckons George must be nervous and says he’s there if George needs to talk. But George just wants to work with the turkeys and be with Eddie. Poppy’s made a video of messages from everyone for George - even filmed the fields. A couple of turkeys escape through some broken fencing. Eddie’s wearing smart trousers for tonight’s meal but slips in the mud as George manages to catch the turkeys. Eddie thinks George did well, saying he’ll fix the fencing in the morning. George is halfway through offering to help when he stops, and sombre Eddie says it’ll get done. When George says he’ll miss all this, Eddie comforts him saying he knows, but it will all be here when George gets back.Emma gets George’s things together and Ed turns up to help. Will and Poppy have pulled out some pictures for George, but Emma says that George doesn’t want any, it’ll make things harder for him. Out of earshot, Will asks Ed if Emma’s ok. Ed doubts it, but says she’s staying strong for George.While the meal’s being prepared, Eddie tries to hide his muddy trousers from Clarrie. George tells Will and Ed that he doesn’t want anyone to come to court with him, just Emma. And holding back tears, tells everyone how sorry he is and how ashamed they must be. Eddie says they’re not ashamed of him, in fact they’re prouder of George than they’ve ever been.
Alice brings Chris’s cricket coaching book round to Hannah’s, explaining that Martha had got her hands on it, and it had ended up in Alice’s car. Stella’s not going to make it home for dinner, so Hannah invites Alice to join her for some shepherd’s pie. They have a laugh and Hannah comments it’s really nice to see Alice looking happier. After hearing about Hannah’s dating disasters, Alice asks if Hannah likes Chris. Hannah says what’s not to like, but they’re just mates. Hannah wonders about Alice and Chris’s relationship and Alice explains that they get on because they’re Martha’s parents. Alice thinks if Hannah likes Chris, she should go for it.Zainab and Khalil are putting off unpacking boxes in their new Beechwood home. They’re interrupted by Lynda popping by to see Azra but she’s still at work. When Lynda asks their names, Zainab hurries Lynda away saying they’re not allowed to let strangers into the house. She then shuts the door on her.Azra’s horrified when she gets home, and Khalil lets slip about Zainab closing the door on Lynda. But later Lynda returns offering some tagine. When Azra apologises about her children’s behaviour, Lynda says they were right to be cautious. Azra says Lynda’s a friend, but the children met an obnoxious woman the other day who accused Khalil of feeding crisps to her exotic animals. Lynda feels uncomfortable, especially when Khalil appears and makes things even more awkward. However, he’s appreciative of the tagine, while Zainab’s less forthcoming. Lynda’s relieved when Khalil tells her that Uncle Adil only said good things about her.
Fallon’s non-plussed when Tom sends Adam to help out at the Tearoom, because she’s catering for the South Borsetshire Culture Group. Fallon asks Adam to serve customers while she sorts the brunch booking. But Adam mixes up Azra’s order and struggles with the coffee machine. So Fallon suggests taking his place and Adam can plate up the brunch. But later Fallon’s shocked at his sandwiches which look like door stops! Adam apologises saying he thought they looked rustic, but Fallon’s worried. However she’s relieved when the group report that they loved the country-farm style of the experience. Later, Fallon asks Adam whether Alice is going to George’s hearing, but he doesn’t know. Fallon is going to read out her personal statement; she feels George should hear it in person.George hands over his social media business to Brad, though Brad’s feeling ill-equipped. He watches as George packs up his room. Brad thinks that George might not get a custodial sentence, but George thinks it unlikely. Later George demonstrates drone filming, but when it’s Brad’s turn, the drone comes crashing to the ground. George is initially irritated that Brad might’ve broken it, but it turns out to be minor damage and George says it wasn’t Brad’s fault. Later George tells Brad he made a promise to Alice to come out of all of the mess better, but he’s worried about everything he’ll miss out on when he’s in prison. He’ll miss home and also Brad. Brad says that although George is a pain in the backside, he’s going to miss him too.
Jolene and Kenton have difficulty photographing their kitten for the kitten naming competition – she keeps disappearing off! Later they spot a boy stroking her in the pub car park, claiming that the kitten was on the road and that he’d practically saved her life. He tells them his name’s Kahlil and he’s just moved into Beechwood.Later, Kenton’s not satisfied with his kitten photos, but Jolene likes the one in the old Shires ashtray and they decide to go with it for the competition photo. Jolene invites Fallon and Harrison over for a drink later – George is in court this week and Fallon’s feeling confused about reading out her personal statement in court. Jolene’s going there with her for support.Lilian asks Lynda’s advice about whether she should encourage Alice to come to court for George’s sentencing on Thursday. They stop in mid-flow when they spot a boy appearing to be feeding Lynda’s llamas crisps. He’s adamant he isn’t though, explaining how llama’s digestive systems work. He thinks Salieri’s constipated. That’s too much for Lynda who demands to know the boy’s name to report him to his parents. But he runs off before she can finish. Later a girl turns up looking for him. When Lynda suggests he’s dropped his drinks can as litter, the girl says it’s not his. They’re boycotting that drink. The boy reappears and she heads home with him. Slowly Lynda realises who they might’ve been. Azra lives in Beechwood – what if they’re her children? Lynda worries that she might’ve offended Adil’s family practically as soon as they’ve moved in
As Chris waits at The Bull for Harrison to turn up, Lilian chats about the ‘Name the Pub Cat’ competition. Chris just hopes they end up with a better name than Prospero! When Will appears with Ed, he gets a frosty reception. Upset Will heads off and Ed tries to explain that Will and Emma did try to make George confess. Ed thinks that as George’s uncle, Chris should be more understanding. But Chris retorts that after everything he did to Alice and Martha, George is no nephew of his.George nervously awaits Alice’s arrival at No.1 The Green, explaining to Will and Ed that he has to face this alone – he’s not a kid anymore. When Alice arrives she explains she’s not there to have a go at George, she’s there to read out her impact statement to him face to face. The prosecutor will read it out in court. George fights back tears as Alice outlines how George’s actions have impacted on her personal life, work and especially her daughter Martha. Because of George, Alice felt like she was on a course of self-destruction. When she finishes, shell-shocked George sobs saying how sorry he is. Alice is gentle but firm telling him she understands what he’s going through – she’s far from perfect. But she advises him to take responsibility for what he did, and if he ends up in prison, to use that time to grab every opportunity he can to put his life back together. He mustn’t let this ruin him. George promises it won’t – he’ll come out of this a better person.
David tells Ben that he’s booked Ed and Emma to take down the Asian hornet’s nest. Later at Ben’s request David pops round to the Maliks, to update them on the hornets. Azra’s not in and David tells Khalil that the nest has been destroyed. When David asks how Zainab’s doing after her sting, Khalil explains that Zainab’s in a bad way and won’t leave her room. There may even be psychological damage and David might be in a lot of trouble and have to pay out for the damage. But later when David bumps into Azra and asks how Zainab is, Azra explains that Zainab’s doing alright. David wonders whether Khalil’s a bit of a wind-up merchant. When Azra asks why David mentions that Khalil said that Zainab’s in a really bad way. Khalil also suggested that Azra might be suing David. David thinks it’s funny, but Azra doesn’t and will be making that very clear to Khalil!Alice pays a social visit to Azra who checks how Alice is doing – not as a GP but as a neighbour. Alice is in a good place, off the drink and going to regular meetings. She’s also working again with her sponsor, Lisa. So, she’s in a much better place to cope with life’s setbacks, like Martha struggling to re-adjust to normality. And Alice has decided to go and see George, because there’s something he needs to hear. When Azra spots Khalil creeping past, she tells him to go to Brookfield tomorrow to apologise to David. It’s either that or she’s confiscating his games console for a month!
Tracy chats to Brad about how he’s getting on at Felpersham University. When she wonders if he’s made any friends, Brad explains that although it’s not been easy he thinks he’s found his ‘tribe’. Brad’s been in touch ‘as friends’ with Mia and she’s loving it at her university. George turns up to see how Brad’s getting on, but Tracy isn’t happy to see him. Brad steps in explaining that although he doesn’t condone George’s behaviour he can see what a state George is in. But Tracy asks George to leave, so Brad suggests a walk instead. George admits he’s scared about the sentencing next Thursday and thinks he’ll be sent down. He would do anything to go back to that car and make a different decision. When Brad wishes he could help, George asks if he’ll keep his online video business going while he’s inside. Brad reluctantly agrees.Emma’s working in the dairy with Susan while Helen’s visiting a customer up north. Pat tells them that some of Friday’s yoghurt’s have been mislabelled. Emma thinks it’s her fault and suggests deducting the cost from her wages. But Pat’s fine and offers some of the mislabelled yoghurts to take home, but Emma refuses. Later Susan realises it was her mistake and they laugh when Emma says she’ll take some yoghurt’s home after all! But they’re stopped in their tracks when an egg’s thrown at the viewing window. Upset Emma thinks it was aimed at her because of George. Pat sends Emma home and then suggests checking the CCTV. But Susan saw Poppy and wonders if she should tell anyone else.
Ben goes round to Azra’s to check how Zainab’s doing after her Asian Hornet sting. Azra explains that Zainab’s mortified and has taken to her room. Ben confirms that it was an Asian hornet and that the investigating team have mobilised the National Bee Unit. They’re coming tomorrow to destroy the suspected nest. When Azra thanks Ben for looking after Zainab, he explains that he’s training to be a nurse. They chat about Azra’s work as a GP, and she suggests that Ben thinks about doing community nursing. Pat visits Alice to explain why she’s written a character reference for George. Whilst she thinks George should face serious consequences, she’s not sure whether locking him up would do any good. As Alice talks about the impact of it all they’re interrupted by Lilian at the door. She wonders what Pat’s doing there, considering she’s chosen to take George’s side against Alice. When Pat defends her actions, Lilian calls her a hypocrite, reminding Pat about her treatment of Alan over Rob’s baptism. And yet Pat’s writing references for a boy who nearly destroyed Alice’s life. Later Pat tells Tony that Alice’s reaction was controlled but Lilian was really horrible and vindictive about George. George will be sentenced next week, and Pat wanted the court to have as full a picture as possible. Tony admires Pat’s ability to look at all sides, but she can’t expect the family to see it that way. When Tony visits Lilian later, it’s clear she won’t change her mind about Pat. Lilian just hopes that Peggy doesn’t get to hear about what Pat’s done.
Alice picks Martha up from Chris’s for a fun day out. When Chris mentions it was George’s plea hearing on Friday, Alice says she doesn’t want to talk about that, she just wants some mother and daughter bonding time. But the day doesn’t go well with Martha screaming for Chris. Gutted Alice abandons the day out and takes Martha back to Chris’s.Ben’s walking Bess on a country lane when Zainab on her motor scooter narrowly misses Bess. They blame each other and part with Zainab telling Ben to keep his dog away from her. But as Zainab tries to head off her scooter won’t start. At the Events Barn David sorts through cricket memorabilia which was on display at the Cricket Dinner on Friday. He returns Chris’s bat, signed by Mike Gatting, which David reckons should be put in pride of place next to Chris’s Bowler of the Year trophy. They chat about Jill’s upcoming birthday; she just wants a family tea, but is insisting on making the cake herself. Ben appears, saying he thinks he’s spotted an Asian Hornet in the orchard. As he goes to grab his phone, he bumps into Zainab, who’s peering through the open kitchen door. Ben asks what she’s doing. Zainab explains her scooter’s broken down and Ben mentions the hornet. They join David as he photographs the hornet for an identification App. David worries there may be a nest nearby. Zainab suddenly gets stung in the face and when Ben offers to give Zainab a lift home he discovers she’s Azra’s daughter
At the Cricket Club’s Division Five end-of-season dinner, Kenton senses there’s some new information about the Flower and Produce investigation that Lynda’s not divulging. Kenton also presses a coy Harrison on whether he’s told Fallon he’s considering quitting the Police. Harrison admits instead that he’s considering going back full-time. After Lynda’s speech as Cricket Club Chair Kenton approaches her, having learned the truth about the collapsed table from Jim. At Kenton’s prompting, in front of Harrison, Lynda makes to go back onstage and confess she caused the accident by not fastening the legs correctly. But Kenton stops her and tells Lynda he’s not serious before whisking her off for a dance. Ed tries getting reluctant George to talk about his court hearing, before joining him in a video game, which breaks the ice. They work together to complete a difficult level, before Ed opens up on how he loves George just as much as if he was his biological son. George admits he’s scared at the prospect of going to prison and saying goodbye to everything he knows. Ed tells him to just focus on getting through it. George feels bad for not getting Ed a birthday present, but Ed knows exactly what he’d like. The two of them surprise Emma, who’s shocked but delighted to see her son come to make up with her. George then goes to see Keira and Emma tells Ed she thought George would never forgive her. But now he’s got his whole family around him and they can face whatever comes next together.
Despite them both wanting to be there Ed persuades Emma they should respect George’s wishes and let just Will go to the Court hearing tomorrow. They’ll focus instead on getting more character references, though Emma can’t believe Ed even bothered trying Pat and Tony. However, Pat surprises them both when she turns up with an employee reference she’s written, admitting it’s just from her, not Tony. Pat believes in the possibility of redemption. Emma’s even more stunned when Pat offers her work at the dairy, covering while Clarrie’s away. Emma thinks working with Susan tomorrow will be a good distraction from worrying about the court hearing. Tony is incensed with Pat for what she’s done, but she felt it was the right thing to do. Tony understands that, but Pat’s on her own when it comes to telling the rest of the family, especially Brian and Lilian. Lynda, Tony and Jim talk about the need to improve standards before the cricket team plays in Division Four next season, before Jim and Lynda continue their sleuthing into the collapsed table at the Flower and Produce Show. Later, at Greenacres, Lynda says she’s been concentrating on MMO: Means. Motive. Opportunity. Jim, however, has made a sketch of the village hall and suggests returning to the scene of the crime. There, Lynda retraces her steps and remembers setting up the table. She points out how damning the verdict could be for whoever was responsible, before Jim turns one of the tables over to discover something that stops Lynda in her tracks.