124 | Parenting with Patience: How to Keep Your Cool in the Overwhelm with Monica Swanson

Living Easy with Lindsey

19-09-2023 • 47 mins

In today's conversation, Monica Swanson, author of 'Raising Amazing' shares her greatest regrets as a mom with only one child out of 4 left in her home. She openly discusses her struggle with anger toward her children and how she got to a place where she had to make a change. We discuss the practical ways that she has fought against her anger and the scripture that she clings to in moments when the temptation arises.

Monica speaks to women who desire to raise their children as Christians but weren’t raised in a Christian home. We always address the importance of talking to your kids about hard topics like sex, bad words, drugs, etc. as they seem ready. She discusses why she decided to homeschool her four boys and how to foster self-care, even in the midst of homeschooling.

Get Monica’s Book here!

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Hang out with Lindsey on Instagram!: @livingeasywithlindsey