Great Groups

Jay Gordon & Chris Amaro

Great Groups are small groups that focus on making disciples, building community, and living on mission. We built the podcast to encourage and equip adult small group leaders at Brook Hills and beyond.

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Missionary in Your Group? Possible. (Episode 116)
Missionary in Your Group? Possible. (Episode 116)
In this episode, Jay and Chris talk with Wade and Joan K to learn about their background and call to missions and hear stories about what God is doing in Slovenia, where they serve. We want to help Small Group Leaders see that some future missionaries may very well be in your Small Group now. Let's keep mission work and missionaries in front of our group members and see what God does.After the podcast, the stories kept rolling. We regret that we couldn't keep recording or make two podcasts out of their stories. God is at work. We heard about the church in Domzale praying the Psalms, about an architect, we said she now believes in Jesus,  about Reformation Day ministry by the church members, and about events that meet the needs of people there.Prayer Points1. For the salvation of many people, particularly U, S, and M to come to Christ this year.2. For the KW's and their kids as they are apart, that the kids would be secure and spiritually healthy, and that God would put people in their lives to minister to them.3. Pray for the health of the church in Domzale and for Goran and Metke Macura, who also lead the church.KW Slovenia Info & Support PageLet's join them on Thursdays at Noon as they meet at 7:00pm there to pray.Thanks for listening to the Great Groups Podcast. Please visit for a list of all our episodes.We'd love to hear from you! Click here for our contact form. Jay Gordon is the Small Groups Minister at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. Chris Amaro is an IT professional and serves as a Small Group Leader and Elder at Brook Hills.