Episode 14: Navigating Same Sex Attraction

Abundant Life Family Podcast

24-10-2023 • 18 mins

Same Sex Attraction–parents often don't know how to respond to their kids if they open this discussion. Kids often don't know how to walk this journey and hide in secrecy, carry this burden alone. In this Episode of the Family Ministry Podcast, our host Bill Hildebrand sits down with Abundant Life member, Noah Mills. Noah is a Believer who has struggled with these very issues and is actively walking this journey while staying staying strong in his faith. He gives his insights to teens and young adults – and their parents on how to navigate this topic with both love and truth. For more resources on how to build a family that lasts, go to livingproof.co/family.

The Family Ministry at Abundant Life is here to help you build a family that lasts. Check out livingproof.co/family for more resources.

The Abundant Life Family Podcast drops every other week to equip families with a biblical foundation and practical resources. This podcast is designed to help you cultivate an environment in your home that helps families WIN…

- Walk the path of discipleship

- Initiate weekly conversations by intentionally setting aside regular time to read God’s Word and worship together

- Never miss a God moment by intentionally connecting spiritual truths to everyday life

The Abundant Life Family Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube!

Thanks for joining us this week!
