Aussie innovation supporting navies around the world, with Jeffrey Hawkins, Pivot Maritime International

Defence Connect Podcast Network

21-03-2024 • 32 mins

In this episode of the Defence Connect Podcast, host Steve Kuper is joined by Jeffrey Hawkins, managing director of Pivot Maritime International, to discuss the role of innovation in Australia’s modern defence industry.

The pair discuss:

  • The history of Pivot Maritime International and what sets the Tasmanian company apart from competitors to see the company emerge as one of the nation’s great unsung defence industry innovators.
  • Hawkins’ experience and what it takes – skills and mindset – to build an innovative business culture and what he believes sets Pivot apart from other companies.
  • What is next for Hawkins and Pivot as the company continues to focus on innovation and delivering for Australia’s defence capability.

Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect team

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