CYBER UNCUT: Assange – journalist or traitor?

Defence Connect Podcast Network

15-07-2024 • 43 mins

In this episode of the Cyber Uncut podcast, Phil Tarrant, Major General (Ret’d) Dr Marcus Thompson, and Liam Garman analyse the genesis of the Optus and Medibank hacks before debating the return of Julian Assange to Australia.

  • The pair begin the podcast by pulling apart recent findings on the cause of the Optus and Medibank hacks, as well as the regulatory responses from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
  • Tarrant, MAJGEN (Ret’d) Thompson, and Garman then share their thoughts on the ongoing Assange controversy and how WikiLeaks not only sowed political discord but also put the lives of Australian soldiers at risk.
  • The podcast wraps up by unpacking the role of artificial intelligence in prosecuting information operations.

Enjoy the podcast,
The Cyber Uncut team

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