How martial arts can support the veteran community, with Scott Steer

Defence Connect Podcast Network

29-07-2024 • 40 mins

In this episode of the Defence Connect Podcast, Australian Army veteran and judoka Scott Steer joins Liam Garman to discuss how he and his team are supporting Australia’s veteran community through martial arts with the Veterans Grappling Foundation.

  • The pair discuss Steer’s career in judo before joining the Australian Army, and where he developed the idea of the Veterans Grappling Foundation.
  • Steer then explains how the principles of martial arts – in particular, grappling arts such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu and judo – are important tools in facilitating the transition from military to civilian life.
  • Steer and Garman wrap up the podcast looking at some of the challenges in establishing the charity and its next steps.

Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect team

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