We've just celebrated International Women's Day where I was fortunate to be a guest on the Small Business Made Simple Podcast with 15 other amazing women who are all sharing their wisdom, thoughts and feelings around the UN theme for IWD of Count Her In - Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress.
Each of us had to answer the questions...
In your industry, what would help accelerate progress for women?
How could your industry, community or trade invest better or more in women?
The answers, the diversity, and the wisdom are so worth your time to listen in.
Thank you so so very much to @jenndonovan_ for the opportunity and for the other amazing speakers.
Helga Svendsen , @Moushumi Sikand, @Sandra McGuire, @Lizzie Macaulay, Laetitia Andrac , @Annette Rose, @Carolyn Newall, Sabine Christelli , Cat Matson , @Christine Williams, @Jules Brooke, @Claire Wu, @Brook McCarthy and @Jenny Rolfe-Wallace
You're all amazing.
Happy International Women's Day 2024 and Happy listening!