Embrace It All!

Angela Adams

Although living with anxiety can be a challenge, did you know that you can really enjoy your life and thrive, despite dealing with anxiety? I know, because I have dealt with anxiety since the age of 10. This podcast is for anyone who deals with anxiety and overwhelm regularly. Each week you will come to understand that anxiety and overwhelm do not define who you are. You are so much more! Whether you are a young adult, just starting out, a mom in the middle of raising a young family, or you are in the mid stage of life, you will be able to understand and take charge of your emotions, in particualr anxiety and overwhelm, by listening to and applying the concepts and the tools I teach here and in no time you will see how you can embrace and love all of it. read less


How to Create Postive and Loving Relationships with Sarah Curtis  Part two
How to Create Postive and Loving Relationships with Sarah Curtis Part two
Sarah and I are back to discuss even more ideas on how to create positive and loving relationhsips.  It's no secret that men and women think differently, act differently, and feel love differently.  And because of this, marriage relationships require a lot of time and effort to create the love we desire.  In this episode, Sarah and I will discuss:What love looks like within a marriage, How to understand your spouse’s love language and why that is important, Why the popular belief that we can fall into or out of love anytime is not true.  Why marriage and family relationships are so importantJoin us as we share what we have discovered within our own marriage and family relationships.Below is a list of references:Carroll, J. S., Badger, S., & Yang, C. (2006, July). The ability to negotiate or the ability to love? Evaluating the developmental domains of marital competence. Journal of Family Issues, 27 (7), 1001-1032.Gottman, J. M., Coan, J., Carrere, S., & Swanson, C. (1998, February). Predicting marital happiness and stability from newlywed interactions. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60 (1), 5-22.Gottman, J.M. & Silver, N. (1999). The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Terry Baker, “Don’t Let Negativism Ruin Your Marriage,” Ensign, March 2001.Chapman, G. (1992). The Five Love Languages.Lynn G. Robbins, “Agency and Love in Marriage,” Ensign, October 2000.To connect with Angela AdamsShoot me an email: adamsangela707@gmail.com
How to Create Postive and Loving Relationships with Sarah Curtis
How to Create Postive and Loving Relationships with Sarah Curtis
Episode 100 is here, and I knew I wanted to discuss something that is extremely important to me.  This topic is something that I am so passionate about, and one that I have devoted most of my life, my time, and my energy into.   Over the years I have learned that anything that is important to me, requires a lot of attention and work, but the rewards along the way are amazing.So the topic I chose to feature on this 100th episode is creating strong, positive and loving relationships, particularly  Marriage and Family relationships.   Of all the roles I hold in my life, being a wife and a mother are the two most important to me. Because this topic is one of great importance, I invited Sarah Curtis, an expert in the field of Marriage and Family relationships, to discuss these things with me.  I have a very special guest with me here to discuss how to create those strong, positive, and loving marriage and family relationships, because this is something we are both passionate about.  Not only is Sarah a wife and mother of five sons, she holds a Ph.D. in Marriage, Family, and Human Development and taught marriage courses at BYU for several years.  She is fun, positive and passionate about sharing her knowledge.On this episode we will be discussing:the definition of marriage competence positive Affect within your marriage what to look out for when it comes to resolving conflict within your marriageBelow is a list of references she shares:Carroll, J. S., Badger, S., & Yang, C. (2006, July). The ability to negotiate or the ability to love? Evaluating the developmental domains of marital competence. Journal of Family Issues, 27 (7), 1001-1032.Gottman, J. M., Coan, J., Carrere, S., & Swanson, C. (1998, February). Predicting marital happiness and stability from newlywed interactions. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60 (1), 5-22.Gottman, J.M. & Silver, N. (1999). The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Terry Baker, “Don’t Let Negativism Ruin Your Marriage,” Ensign, March 2001.Chapman, G. (1992). The Five Love Languages.Lynn G. Robbins, “Agency and Love in Marriage,” Ensign, October 2000.To connect with Angela AdamsShoot me an email: adamsangela707@gmail.com