Matthew: What's Your Motive For Faith?


24-03-2024 • 37 mins

What did you think of today's message?

Have you ever felt a tug in your heart when seeking recognition or favor, not just for yourself but for those you love? We wrestle with this human experience as we unpack the story of Zebedee's sons' mother in Matthew 20:20-23, where her request to Jesus reveals our complex desires for control and honor. Together, we'll explore the cultural backdrop of her plea, Jesus' profound response about the nature of His kingdom, and how surrendering our ambitions can lead to a deeper alignment with God's will.

Celebrating the courage and faith of biblical heroines, we highlight women's pivotal roles in the divine narrative, echoing our church's tradition of women sharing the Easter message. From Mary, the mother of Jesus, to other influential women like Phoebe and Lois, we illuminate their often-underestimated impact on Christian history and today's faith communities. This conversation is an uplifting reminder that women are not just participants in proclaiming the resurrection but mighty messengers of hope and transformation.

In a heart-to-heart on authenticity in our spiritual pursuits, we question the purity of our motives and the true intent behind our relationship with Christ. Are we in it for the eternal or the ephemeral? Stripping away the layers of our worldly desires through prayer and worship, we seek a reverence that draws us nearer to the essence of Jesus' message. This episode is a call to embody His love and grace, inspiring us to live out faith as genuine and earnest as the examples set by the mothers, grandmothers, and faithful women throughout scripture.

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