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Cullen Pope

Welcome to learn English with Cullen, Winner of The Australian Podcast Awards most popular vote category in Lifestyle, Health, and Wellness. Get downloads now at carefully, then answer the questions. The first 50 or so lessons lead to a fun way to think in English.Then our Audiobook begins with Pablo of the Forest. Pablo has his own learning challenges and reads English slowly. He also likes writing in different colors to help him see and remember new words. Pablo also often finds other ways to learn English and loves to write in English.Try part one of our learn English audiobook where you can send us your answers to the first lessons. Download lessons straight to your phone so you can listen and learn 24 hours a day. The EATT Magazine Audiobook series uses slow, short listening and interactive exercises, including videos to improve your English.EATT Magazine English lesson 2 Magazine English lesson 3 and a translation activity

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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3 English lesson three with Cullen brought to you by EATT Magazine
3 English lesson three with Cullen brought to you by EATT Magazine
Hello and welcome to English with Cullen Answer the questions on this link below if you cannot see the form below Loading… How are you today Are you feeling happy? Or are you tired? In today's lesson, I'm going to ask you a few things about visiting places in Australia. And in this first lesson imagine you have just woken top and you want to visit some of the most famous places in Sydney. Where would you like to go? Sydney central station, the Opera house, China town or Bondi beach Its getting very late after you have been visiting different places in Sydney and you have missed the last bus and the last train if you decide not to get a taxi which app will you use to get a lift home? A: Grab B: Uber C: Didi D:  Ctrip Now please don't forget to download this lesson onto your phone so you can hear it again later and replay it in a lesson coming up I'm going to give you a link so you can send me your answers to these send questions so ill catch you in the next lesson cheers 1. Download this lesson to your phone or device now HTTP://BIT.LY/ENGLISHWITHCULLENLESSON3 2. Join this lesson on our website  3.  Answer these questions on the link above 4.  Move up a level to the next lesson and 5. Share this lesson with friends Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6 How do you learn English? Lesson six with Cullen lets learn more
6 How do you learn English? Lesson six with Cullen lets learn more
Hi and welcome back to learning English with Cullen how are you today?  How is your English language? Are you picking up things as we move along? I'm also going to ask you today to think about how it is that you learn English?  What is the best way that you feel that you can learn English is it audiobooks? Like the kind of things that we use here to learn English with Cullen  Or is it reading a book? Do you like to read paper books? Or read the newspaper?  Or do you like to I guess read online on your phone or your iPad? Do you read articles on the Internet? Is that a good way of you learning English?  Or is it watching videos or movies or movies or are movies to fast?  The people in the film are speaking English to fast, and so you can't keep up you can't understand what's happening?  So is YouTube a better way for you?  I guess learning English at a slower pace where people might be speaking slowly Are there any favourite YouTube videos? you watch that helps you to learn English?  Or is talking to somebody? Is it having a conversation with somebody in English?  Is that the best way for you to learn English?  Because everybody likes different ways to learn and so I'd like to know what is the best way that you can learn English?  or what is the way that you enjoy learning English the most?  Co click the link  inside this lesson and tell me what the is best way or the most helpful way for you to learn English?   1 Download this lesson to your phone or device now 2 Join this lesson on our website 3 Move up a level to the next lesson 4  Share this lesson with friends Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8 What is your level of English? Beginner or intermediate lesson Eight
8 What is your level of English? Beginner or intermediate lesson Eight
Download this lesson to your phone or device now   Join this lesson on our website   Hi welcome back to learn English with Cullen and thank you to everybody who has left comments inside every lesson. There is a link where you can send your comments thank you very much for those. And today I wanted to ask you a question I wanted to ask you what is your level of English and so we are going to use the guide that's being provided by the International English Language Testing system. And in that system, they have a series of five different levels and we are working with you basically within three levels and the levels are what I'm going to call an elementary level of English. You might describe yourself as a beginner and in the IELTS system the International English Language Testing System you will be considered a level 3 or are you a low intermediate level of English Learner? is your level of English intermediate? And in that case you would be considered in the international English Language Testing system level 4. Or, in fact, are you I guess what we would call a high intermediate level of English and therefore you'd be considered a number 5 in the International English language system. And so if you click on the link inside this lesson and tell us what level of English you're at. If you click the link inside this listen tell us what level of English language you're at and then we will be able to guide you I'll be able to guide you to the level of English lessons that we have within our program learning English with Cullen 1 - Download this lesson  2 Please answer this question Step 3 - Move up a level to the next lesson   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12 Make time to learn English every day in lesson twelve thank you
12 Make time to learn English every day in lesson twelve thank you
Step 1 Watch or listen to this lesson Step 2 - Download this lesson Step 3 - Move up a level to the next lesson  Hi and welcome back to learn English with Cullen and we've had a lot of a lot of feedback thank you very much a lot of people have sent feedback in the link inside each of the lessons and I just wanted to say thank you for that and one of the questions I get a lot recently is how can I learn English faster and I think one of the best ways is time making sure you spend some time every day it might just be an hour or it could be twenty minutes or it might be ten minutes and so what I'm going to do on the website on if you go to E A T T M A G . C O M  and I'm going to start separating some of the lessons into time and these lessons you can download and I encourage you to download these lessons to your phone because it's going to be small lessons maybe three or four minutes there will be longer lessons seven or Eight minutes and then there will be groups of lessons so you can download a group of three lessons for twelve minutes or 20 minutes and that means that if those lessons on your phone you'll be able to listen to those regularly even if you think you've got five minutes waiting for the bus or you've got ten minutes when you're waiting to meet a friend or you might have twenty minutes when you're travelling somewhere you will be able to listen to those audiobook lessons learn English with Cullen and having that touch or that connection with English every day is one of the quickest ways that I believe that you can learn English faster so I'll catch you in the next lesson   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15 VIDEO How to send us your english lesson questions and answers
15 VIDEO How to send us your english lesson questions and answers
Step 1 Answer the questions on this link 2 Download this lesson to your phone or device 3 Listen again on your phone with no internet or wifi for any new words 4 Read the words below while you are listening  Hi and welcome, back to English with Cullen, and in this lesson, you will be able to see a video of the words I am now speaking and if you can't see the video then please look for the link inside this lesson and it will take you to the video so, in this video lesson, we are going to do a memory test, and in this memory the test I'm going to ask you the same question as I did in the last video, but this time you will be able to see the words and you will see where the link is to answer this question Ok, so are you ready for the test and after the test please click the link inside this lesson So, in the last lesson, I asked you what is your biggest challenge? or what is the thing that you are having most difficulty with learning English and I want you to be able to tell me inside the link in this lesson so what you can do is click the link inside the lesson and in that link, I'm going to ask for your first name and your email and just tell me in three or four sentences what are the biggest challenges for you learning English what is the or what are the things that you are struggling with the most what is the most difficult thing for you at this point in time learning English please click the link inside this lesson, and if you can't find the link please contact us on our website at 2 Listen to this lesson again on our website Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19 Where is one of your favourite places to eat?
19 Where is one of your favourite places to eat?
Welcome back to learn English with Cullen. Download this lesson to your phone or device now And today in our IELTS series of questions I wanted to ask you some more questions about food. Where is your favourite place to eat is one of the questions? If you want to let me know in the link inside this lesson also what kind of things do you eat when you go to your favourite place and who do you go with, what is the conversation normally about? When you go to your favourite place to eat? One of my favourite places to eat is in Sydney here in Australia, and that is in Chinatown I love eating at Chinatown, and so you may have a restaurant or a market or a place that you really like to eat so please do tell me in the link inside this lesson Steps for this lesson 1. Please answer these questions 2. Do not forget to download this lesson to your phone or device now 3. Join this lesson on our website  4.  Watch or listen one or two times 5.  Share this lesson with friends  Learn more now and join us in our next lesson where we ask you where do you buy any English language books if you buy English language books Cheers If it’s your first time here start with lesson 5 Then share this lesson with friends and move to the next lesson Hosted on Acast. See for more information.