Transform Your Life Today

Jack LaValley and Drissa Kone

Spiritual Health advocate Jack LaValley and conflict resolution mediator Dr. Drissa Kone offer insights and tips on how to manifest positive changes in your own life and be a more effective force for good in the world. read less


A closer look at addiction and recovery
A closer look at addiction and recovery
America has over 14,000 substance abuse treatment facilities. The relapse rate for substance abuse disorders is estimated to be between 40% and 60%. Compulsive gambling is now considered an addictive disorder affecting nearly ten million gamblers. IDC-11, the primary diagnositc manual for medical and psychological disorders in every other nation than the United States, lists compulsive pornography viewing as an addictive behavior. Upwards of 250,000 Americans are addicted to pornography. In this episode we take a closer look at why invididuals get involved with behaviors that lead to addictions, and the primary basis for effective, long-term recovery. Here's how the show unfolds: - Defining addictive behavior. - The emotional, social, mental, and biological dimensions to addictive behavior. - The role of Spirituality in addiction and recovery. - The culture of seeking pleasure and fulfillment outside of oneself. - Why are human beings in a state of conflict within themselves? - The relationship between stress and addictive behavior. - Principles and practices underlying effective, longterm recovery. Below you will find supplemental material for this episode: SUCCESS CONSULTING SERVICES WEBSITE - BOOK - Integral Recovery: A Revolutionary Approach to the Treatment of Alcoholism and Addiction BOOK - THE PATH TO PEACE: Transforming Pain Into Love ARTICLE - Compulsive Sexual Behavior (Sex Addiction) Gets a Diagnosis ARTICLE - Addiction Statistics | Drug & Substance Abuse Statistics INTEGRAL RECOVERY WEBSITE - Subscribe to Transform Your Life Today on Soundwise