The Armor of God: Understanding Ephesians 6 - CHRISTIAN MOTIVATION PODCAST - BIBLE PODCAST 2023

Christian Motivation Podcast

07-08-2023 • 16 mins

Listen up, warriors! Life's not a playground; it’s a battlefield, and I need you to embrace the truth - we are engaged in a spiritual war! We're facing an enemy who doesn’t play by the rules, and that enemy is seeking to take us down. But let me tell you something, you don’t have to stand there and take it!

Now I want you to imagine the armor that a soldier puts on before he walks onto that battlefield. Every piece is critical. But let's talk about you and me – we’re not just any soldiers. We’re warriors, called upon to protect something far greater.

Enter Ephesians 6:10-18. This scripture is your rally cry! It’s telling you to suit up in spiritual armor! Each piece symbolizes the attributes you need to stand tall and march forward.

Let’s take the entrepreneur world, for example. You think a man like Richard Branson got where he is without his armor? He's suited up in a different kind of armor - but armor all the same. His unwavering belief in his vision, that's his shield. His integrity and transparency, that’s his breastplate. And his relentless pursuit to innovate, that’s his sword!

So, let me ask you this, what armor are you wearing? Are you gonna let doubts and fears penetrate, or are you gonna stand firm, shield up, ready to fight? The battle’s already begun. It's time to armor up, soldier! Unleash that warrior within and charge forward with God by your side! We got this!