The Hellenistic Age Podcast

The Hellenistic Age Podcast

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099: Hellenistic Science - Geography and Astronomy
099: Hellenistic Science - Geography and Astronomy
Our understanding the cosmos and our place in it has perplexed humanity for untold generations. The astronomers and geographers of the Hellenistic period were no different, looking to explain celestial phenomena and the nature of the Earth. Eratosthenes of Cyrene managed to calculate the circumference of the Earth to an astonishingly close value, Hipparchus did the same with the distance of the Moon, and Aristarchus of Samos proposed the earliest known model of heliocentrism 1800 years before Copernicus. The pinnacle of these theories came together was the incredible Antikythera Mechanism, the world's oldest analog computer, which will bring our series on science and technology to an end. Episode Notes: ( Episode Transcript: ( Social Media: Twitter ( Facebook ( Instagram ( Twitch ( Show Merchandise: Etsy ( Redbubble ( Donations: Patreon ( Ko-Fi ( Amazon Book Wish List (
095: Ptolemaic Egypt - The Two Lands Restored
095: Ptolemaic Egypt - The Two Lands Restored
Twenty years of chaos in the Ptolemaic kingdom come to an end during the reign of Ptolemy V Epiphanes (204-180). His marriage to the Seleucid princess Cleopatra I Syra confirmed the loss of Coele Syria to Antiochus III, yet she proved to be a good match and helped secure the future of the dynasty. Haronnophoris and the Great Revolt are finally put down in 186, but the Alexandrian government is forced to give concessions to the Egyptians, as the Ptolemies must now come to terms with their new status as a second-class power in the Mediterranean. We also delve into the history of the Rosetta Stone, the Hellenistic period's most famous document, and its role in the decipherment of Ancient Egyptian. Episode Notes: ( Episode Transcript: ( Ptolemy V Family Tree: ( Autocrat Podcast: Website ( Spotify ( Social Media: Twitter ( Facebook ( Instagram ( Twitch ( Show Merchandise: Etsy ( Redbubble ( Donations: Patreon ( Ko-Fi ( Amazon Book Wish List (
094: The Senate vs Scipio Africanus
094: The Senate vs Scipio Africanus
Rome hoped that the Peace of Apamea would instill some sort of order over the eastern Mediterranean, allowing them to return to Italy after decades of warfare. Yet the vacuum of power left behind in a post-Seleucid Asia Minor would lead to fierce competition, with those like Eumenes II of Pergamon and Pharnaces I of Pontus waging war against their neighbors. The desire of the Achaean League to dominate the Peloponnese would lead to the end of an independent Sparta and the butting of heads with the Republic. While this was happening abroad, the consequences of Rome’s new role as hegemon over the Mediterranean would begin to rear its ugly head on the Senate floor, and the final years of the 180s would see the departure of three key figures of the day: Hannibal Barca, Philopoemen of Megalopolis, and Scipio Africanus. Episode Notes: ( Episode Transcript: ( Social Media: Twitter ( Facebook ( Instagram ( Twitch ( Show Merchandise: Etsy ( Redbubble ( Donations: Patreon ( Ko-Fi ( Amazon Book Wish List (
087: Ptolemaic Egypt - The Great Revolt
087: Ptolemaic Egypt - The Great Revolt
The “Golden Age” of the Ptolemaic dynasty comes to an end as Ptolemy IV dies unexpectedly in 204. Greedy ministers looking to control the boy-king Ptolemy V leave Alexandria in a mess of schemes, murder, and rioting. Meanwhile, decades of economic turmoil and cultural tension results the outbreak of the "Great Revolt", a twenty year-long (206-186) rebellion of disaffected native Egyptians, who ripped away control of Upper Egypt and installed a rival pharaoh named Haronnophoris, leaving the once mighty Ptolemaic kingdom on the verge of collapse. Episode Notes: ( Episode Transcript: ( Family Tree (Reign of Ptolemy IV) ( Save Ancient Studies Alliance (SASA) Website ( Virtual Conference 2023 ( Workshop ( Social Media: Twitter ( Facebook ( Instagram ( Twitch ( Show Merchandise: Etsy ( Redbubble ( Donations: Ko-Fi ( Amazon Book Wish List (
086: The Attalid Kingdom of Pergamon
086: The Attalid Kingdom of Pergamon
The Attalid dynasty that ruled over the city of Pergamon (modern Bergama) is the first Greek monarchy to arise outside of the Successor Kingdoms. Founded by a eunuch named Philetaerus in western Asia Minor, the Attalids went from small regional power to major player in under a generation, in part thanks to their alliance with the Roman Republic. Their smart fiscal policies and unusually stable family life allowed them to become extremely wealthy, sponsoring buildings and works of art that celebrated their role as the defenders of Greek civilization against barbarians like the Galatians. Episode Notes: ( Episode Transcript: ( Tsar Power Podcast Twitter ( Patreon ( Apple ( Social Media: Twitter ( Facebook ( Instagram ( Twitch ( Show Merchandise: Etsy ( Redbubble ( Donations: Ko-Fi ( Amazon Book Wish List (