Feast Series: Messy Saints | Talk 2: Proud About Sin

The Feast Radio

13-08-2024 • 33 mins

WELCOME to Talk 2 of our brand-new series MESSY SAINTS.

The series is titled MESSY SAINTS because it’s based on 1 Corinthians,

the apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinth church where he mentioned dark secrets about them.

Last week, we said that 1 Corinthians tackles the five troubles in the Corinth church—problems that we still face today, 2000 years later.

In Talk 1, titled Confused Army, we unpacked the first problem—Division—which usually is about pride.

In Talk 2, we unpack the second trouble in the Corinthians’ church: Sexual Sin. Talk 2 is titled Proud about Sin because we brainwash ourselves to make sin acceptable, and later on, admirable, to the point that we’re proud of it.

Just like the Corinthians did. But Paul told them if one sins sexually, one sins against one’s own body.

He said, “Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God. You are not your own;

you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:18-20 NIV)

You don’t own your body. You are God’s House. You’re a long-term guest, living in His Holy Temple, through His gracious hospitality.

The key message of Talk 2 is The Owner is in the House.

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