Toula's Tips For Caregivers

Toula Wootan on The Whole Care Network

Toula Wootan is a nationally recognized caregiver advocate and host of Toula's Tips For Caregivers. Through her own personal caregiving experience, Toula's show and soothing style provides comfort, care, and sound advice to every caregiver and their families. Guests include national caregiving experts and caregiving celebrities who know and understand what in means to be a caregiver.

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A Community Of Strength Caring For Grandchildren
A Community Of Strength Caring For Grandchildren
Should you say, “It’s a RAPP””? If you want to help build a stronger community of seniors and caregivers, you should. If you want to help the many grandparents and relatives who are caring for their grandchildren or school-age relatives, you must. Most Importantly – I NEED YOUR HELP in spreading the word about Aging True’s RAPP Program in Duval and Clay Counties, Florida. In this podcast, my guest Jacinda Legions, Community Liaison with Aging True, explains how the “RAPP” program – “Relatives As Parents” Program – is making our community stronger by helping many senior and caregivers like you who have taken on the responsibility of raising children, either their grandchildren or close relatives. May is Older Americans’ Month. This is when we celebrate the strength of older adults and the Aging Network, with special emphasis on the power of connection and engagement in building strong communities. The RAPP Program is an essential part of this effort in Duval and Clay counties. RAPP is a voluntary program open to grandparents and relative caregivers ages 55 and above, caring for children under the age of 18. This support program is designed to assist the caregiver in resuming healthy aging practices and is tailored to best suit the participants’ needs. The program delivers educational training’s, monthly support groups in a comfortable and relaxed setting, transportation, long-term goal planning, bi-monthly newsletter with resources, yearly stipend for children’s summer camp and more. RAPPJAX is supported by a grant from the Delores Barr Weaver Fund. If you or someone you know is a grandparent or relative caring for a young child, learn more about RAPP by contacting Aging True at 904.807.1203, or visiting their website, Aging True is also looking for donations to maintain and expand the program. If you know of some organization who is willing to financially support Aging True and the RAPP Program, please call Jacinda directly at 904-807-1266 or by Email at Blessings Toula Wootan
What To Know Before You Consider Placing Your Loved One
What To Know Before You Consider Placing Your Loved One
It is a stressful decision. But you know that it will be the best decision for your loved one. You know that someday you may have to think about bringing your loved one in a place that can provide more care. It may be a rehab facility, an assisted living facility (ALF), or a nursing home. Your loved one comes first and most important. I want to help you to prepare NOW for the crucial questions. WHEN? WHERE? HOW? • When will be the right time? • Where is the best place? • How will you be able to afford it? YOUR FIRST STEP – Listen to this podcast of Toula’s Tips for Caregivers. My two guests are EXPERTS at helping you find the best answers for you and your loved one. The advice they share on this podcast will give you the answers and directions you need. Esther McMillan is the Daily Money Management Manager at Aging True Community Senior Services. She also is a National Certified Guardian. Aging True can help you to know when is the right time – or whether there are OTHER OPTIONS. (Visit their web site Michael Saffy is owner of Silver Link consulting. They help you find the care your love one deserves (Visit their web site Both have important suggestions on how to afford this care. I know how wrenching the decision will be. When we had to place my Mom in a memory care facility, it broke my Dad’s heart. When we placed my Dad in an assisted living facility, it broke my heart. I recognized how important that the advice and support from knowledgeable professionals would help me – and you – to make the best decisions for our loved ones. They are my guests on this podcast so that you, will be better prepared when the time comes to make that decision. When that time comes, I encourage you to seek out Aging True and Silver Link Consulting. If you need more, I am always here for you. Blessings Toula Wootan
TURNING THE TABLES: Succeeding As A Working Caregiver
TURNING THE TABLES: Succeeding As A Working Caregiver
The tables have turned for you. Are you okay? It used to be that work was the most important duty in your life. Your family and loved ones were there for love and support. Now, you are caring for that most important loved one. But you still have to work. I understand. The tables turned on me in 2012, when I became the main caregiver for my parents. But I still had to work, providing outreach and support for caregivers in Northeast Florida. And I still had to do my live radio show, every week. I admit. Sometimes the stress almost overcame me. The tables turned in this podcast of Toula’s Tips for Caregivers, also. I am the “guest” of the day, being interviewed by Nicole Egan, Care Services Director for Aging True. She wanted to hear more of my caregiving stories with my parents, especially while still working. As we talked, I shared some important tips that helped my success as a working caregiver. You are not alone. There are others going through what you are. There is help and support. Some of the valuable tips we talked about will help you: Talk to your bosses. Let them know your situation. Ask how they could accommodate.Know your company’s policies and programs. They are changing to keep valuable employees like you.Talk with other working caregivers.Find local agencies – like Aging True – whose mission is to provide care and support for you. You already know. Caring for your loved one will be the most meaningful and rewarding work you will ever do. But you don’t have to do it alone. You can learn more about Aging True’s services by visiting their web site ( or calling 904.807.1203. Their Customer Relations line for more detailed information, is 904.807.1225. If you need more, I am here for you. And Aging True is here for you, also. Blessings Toula Wootan
Is Happiness Overrated?
Is Happiness Overrated?
Stop what you are doing and sit down!You are amazing. You don’t tell yourself that enough, but you are. Do you feel happy? With all the craziness of caregiving that you deal with every day, and the frantic pace you set for yourself from morning to night, it may be hard to be.Happiness is overrated. So, sit down, be still, and listen.My guest and I talk about this on my latest podcast of Toula’s Tips for Caregivers. For 35 years, Peter Rosenberger has been caregiver for his wife, Gracie, who lives with severe disabilities. Through his books, music, radio show and podcast, Peter demonstrates an unswerving commitment to strengthen fellow caregivers. LEARN MORE ABOUT PETER and his show, books and music at knows that happiness is fleeting. What is more important is to feel JOY. Feel PEACE. Find Joy and Peace in the knowledge that you are doing something wonderful for your loved one. Joy and Peace in the knowledge that God is with you, supporting you, protecting you.Peter encourages you to take time for yourself. Find an activity you like just for yourself, even if for just a few minutes. Find your Joy. Find your Peace.Take time to feel God’s presence. Listen to the Lord supporting you, helping you, encouraging you. God is saying that He is proud of you.Remember Scriptures. • Psalm 46:10. Be still and know that I am God • Psalm 62 5,6 Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress; I will not be shaken.So many find their worth in business. Joy and strength only in Him. I know you will find a new peace after listening to this podcast.Many BlessingsToula
Expert Guidance And Personal Support For Working Caregivers
Expert Guidance And Personal Support For Working Caregivers
You are not the only one dealing with this stress.There are millions of working caregivers like you, struggling to be a good, productive, and valuable employee while still giving your loved one the care and attention necessary for a life of quality.I understand. I worked for five years while taking care of my parents. Sometimes the stress was overwhelming.I have one strong suggestion for you. My guest on this podcast of Toula’s Tips for Caregivers shares the same advice in our conversation.TALK TO YOUR EMPLOYER. Let them know of your needs. Ask them about programs they have that can help you.Larry Nisenson is the Chief Commercial Officer for Genworth Financial, one of the largest national Life Insurance companies. They also have a unique program for employers, called CareScout® Caregiver Support Services. (FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT CareScout is an innovative program designed to provide expert guidance and personal support for working caregivers struggling to find the right help for their loved one. When you listen to the podcast, make note of the advice and resources that Larry and I reveal.There is NO COST to employees to use the CareScout® Caregiver Support Services. Your employer can purchase it from Genworth as a benefit to you and your fellow employees.Your employer should understand: It SAVES the company money and productivity to help and keep a productive employee (like you).You should not have to sacrifice your job to take care of your loved one. You should not have to neglect your loved one to keep your job.CareScout and Genworth can help you. I will help you.BlessingsToula
Resources To Find Hope During COVID-19 Isolation
Resources To Find Hope During COVID-19 Isolation
You are not alone.I know the stress can be overwhelming. You have more demands as a caregiver while doing your part to stop the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an uncertain time. We feel forced into isolation.There is HOPE. I want to help you learn activities that will help you, and resources to support you.In this podcast of TOULA’S TIPS FOR CAREGIVERS, I talk with two authorities on caregiving and dealing with stress. They also have the resources to help you.Dr. Christine Caufield is CEO of LSF Health Systems and Executive Vice President, Lutheran Services Florida at Lutheran Services Florida. Terri Barton CEO Aging True, Jacksonville FL which provide seniors in Duval and Clay Counties, Florida, with the care and assistance they need to live independently.Chris and Terri reminded us of several crucial resources for you:•Aging True’s Telehealth Mental Health Counseling Program is available by calling 904.807.1243 (You Need To Talk To People)•Lutheran Services Florida a “24/7 Access To Care” Line available at any time, by calling 877.229.9098.•Aging True can conduct regular “Wellness Checks” to make sure you or your loved one are safe.•Aging True is still delivering meals to seniors; for some, they are delivering three meals a day for seniors.•Several organizations provide in-home respite (you can get help to take a break)We also collectively identified actions that you can take to help you and your loved one:•Find a “safe place” (as, your back yard) to retreat, enjoy nature and fresh air•Exercise (go for a walk or jog; tune into YouTube or TV exercise videos)•Read books has•Journal every day; make notes of your day, of your feelings, and of your dreams•Start a Gratitude Journal; every day list 3 blessings or joys•Pray. Meditate.•WATCH LESS NEWS•Focus on what you can control; adjust your daily routines •If you feel sad, or overwhelmed, REACH OUT FOR HELPYou are stronger than you know. You are a caregivers (caregivers are strong). You are older (you needed strength to get this far). You ask for help when needed (a major sign of strength).Remember what HOPE means: Hang On. Pain Ends. This will end.BlessingsToula Wootan
Take Care Of Yourself: Become A DIVA
Take Care Of Yourself: Become A DIVA
I have a new challenge for you.I want you to get out of your comfort zone; do something different.It will energize you. It will make you a better caregiver. It may even inspire others who you have never met.My guest on this podcast of Toula’s Tips for Caregivers is a great role model for you. Lynette Hipsher is Ms. Senior DIVA 2019. Although she had never even thought about being in a pageant before, she challenged herself. Now she has found that she is encouraging and influencing others, and gaining more confidence in herself.Lynette is also a caregiver, specializing in Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. That has been her platform as Ms. Senior DIVA for the past year. As Ms. Senior DIVA, Lynette has been an advocate for the State of Florida for Alzheimer’s and dementia causes.Lynette is a Certified Nursing Assistant. She started by caring for her grandparents. For 15 years, Lynette owned and operated her own private in-home daycare business. Now she is a private professional caregiver, specializing with Alzheimer's and dementia patients.As her one-year term ends, Lynette asks YOU to compete to be the next Ms. Senior DIVA in Jacksonville. She believes in you. And, she wants you to experience the joys of growing bolder, learning more and continuing to flourish.The Ms. Senior DIVA Pageant is open to all women ages 50 to 59. For women 60 or better, you can compete for the Ms. Senior Jacksonville title.Visit to learn more and to submit your application. If you have any questions or concerns, email the Founder and Director, Kenyonn Demps at or call (904) 323-2063.One way to be a better caregiver, to take better care of yourself, and to inspire more people, is to have more experiences.I hope you will accept my challenge. I promise that, if you do, I will have you on my podcast next year.BlessingsToula
CAREGIVERS: You Can Self Quarantine WITHOUT Self-Isolating
CAREGIVERS: You Can Self Quarantine WITHOUT Self-Isolating
Are you protecting yourself with self-quarantine and social distancing for the Coronavirus? GOOD!Are you feeling more isolated? PLEASE DON'T.**There is help.** Just because you are avoiding contact with others does not mean that you should feel isolated, especially if your loved one has dementia or Alzheimer’s.In this podcast of Toula’s Tips for Caregivers, my guest Charles Fuschillo, CEO of the Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA), explains the many resources that AFA provides for you.The AFA web site offers many online resources for caregivers, with home therapeutic activities to help you stay engaged during Coronavirus isolation. VISIT The Web Site ( Their National Toll-Free Helpline (866.232.8484) is staffed by compassionate licensed social workers who are specifically trained in dementia care. In my podcast, Dr Fuschillo talks about the many simple activities that the web site can show you how to do at home, such as:• Reminiscence activities, as looking through family picture albums, listening to music, or dancing to favorite songs• Tactile sensory stimulation, as flower arranging, small tasks or chores• Brain exercises to keep your mind active, enhance memory. • Social stimulation: as, video chats, text messaging, sending emails, telephone calls, or mailing letters. We care about you and your loved one. Check out the AFA resources. CALL THE **Toll-Free Helpline** **(866.232.8484)**I want you and your loved one to be safe and healthy. You are not here alone.BlessingsToula
Is it Holiday “HO HO HO” Time, or “NO NO NO” Time? Caregivers Dealing With Grief
Is it Holiday “HO HO HO” Time, or “NO NO NO” Time? Caregivers Dealing With Grief
This Holiday Season is supposed to be the most joyous time of the year. For most people. But not for all of us.How do you feel, Toula? Are you singing, "HO. HO. HO.", or "NO. NO. NO."?Do you know others who are dealing with the STRESS of the season? Or the GRIEF of missing a loved one now? Or maybe someone having “anticipatory grief” for someone who is very ill?I understand. I still miss my Mom and Dad, and my son.But there is still joy to be found in this Season. And, it is okay to feel sad and glad.My special guest on this podcast is a friend who can help you. Rachel Weinstein is an authority on the topic of grief. She holds a Master's Degree in Education, with a specialty in Counseling and Counselor Education, from Indiana University. Rachel spent the early part of her career as a general psychotherapist, and later began specializing in the area of grief, loss, and life transition.Rachel is also an expert because she has lost people close to her, and has had to deal with those conflicting emotions.In this podcast, Rachel shares some practical ways we can cope with our feelings. She offers some simple actions we can take during the holidays to honor those we are grieving.Rachel is here to help you. If you find yourself having difficulty coping with a loss, and coping with the Holidays, contact Rachel by calling: (409) 540 – 4950, or email her at hope you also will gain some insight and comfort from this podcastHoliday BlessingsToula Wootan