Potent Potential with Amy Yee Chong

Amy Yee Chong

I'm Amy, POTENTIAL GUIDE, here to change the way Impact-Driven, Influential Role Model Individuals WORK by providing Resources that allow them to Design and Engineer a Unique way of Working, to build a desirable life filled with Fulfilment and Freedom. They dive deep into Natural gifts whilst leveraging their Expertise & Experience to impact the lives of others. 'POTENT POTENTIAL' is my innovative 'INTERACTIVE DIGITAL RESOURCE GUIDE' built on a private platform, as a Self-discovery Digital Library + Community that takes them on a journey to unlock and extract their Magical & Creative Essence read less


Your Future Potential based on key aspects in your Human Design
Your Future Potential based on key aspects in your Human Design
Within Human Design there are key aspects of our traits, strength and overall design that gives us the blueprint to our Potential, which we can access and experience, when we're living in the high frequency of that trait or strength. Being out of alignment makes it very hard to leverage our potential and create the life that we truly want because we're tuning into low-frequency vibes, that just bring on more manifestation of the things that you don't want in your life. In this episode I share these key aspects from your HUMAN DESIGN chart: - Conscious Sun (Life's Work) -- In the right hand column, it's the top right number on the right conscious e.g. in audio Gate 17Unconscious Sun (Your Radiance) -- In the left hand column (Unconscious side) it's the top Left number on the left e.g. in audio Gate 58 Conscious Saturn (Our biggest challenge before 29/30) -- In the right hand column, it's the 10th symbol down from the top looks like a funny H (e.g. in audio Gate 33Unconscious Saturn (Our biggest challenge before 29/30) -- In the left hand column, it's the 10th symbol down from the top looks like a funny H (e.g. in audio Gate 7)Conscious Jupiter - Our Gifts and blessings that potentially bring in abundance) -- In the right hand column, it's the 11th symbol down from the top e.g. in audio Gate 8Unconscious Jupiter - Our Gifts and blessings that potentially bring in abundance) -- In the left hand column, it's the 11th symbol down from the top (e.g. in audio Gate 23)Conscious Venus -- What we value In the right hand column, it's the 7th symbol down from the top e.g. in audio Gate 42Unconscious Venus -- What we value In the left hand column, it's the 7th symbol down from the top e.g. in audio Gate 49 I share with you key aspects that I've looked into for myself and how the lessons learned are now my Wisdom Well to help and support others with my Self-study course and 1 on 1 Bespoke sessions. You can obtain a free copy of your own HUMAN DESIGN chart + a FREE downloadable pdf report from this link ⁠⁠https://www.evolveandelevate.online/hd-chart⁠⁠ You can also use this FREE ONLINE RESOURCE just to get a basic giste of understanding the GATE or also known as TRAIT in Human Design https://humandesign.tools/hd-gates Also please check out my other FREE & PAID resources + how to work with me here: - https://linktr.ee/evolveandelevate8 I'd love for you to share any ah-ha moments! Nothing makes me happier than an epiphany, or an awakening ah-ha moment (-:
Why do most experience Work Life disatisfaction
Why do most experience Work Life disatisfaction
Have you ever wondered why people appear to be so dissatisfied in their Working Life, whether it's in their job, their career or maybe the business that they've built or inherited. This has been something that I have struggled with a lot in the past especially when it came to job satisfaction and is now a passion and mission of mine, which is to take this so called negative perspective on a typical 'Working Life' by undertanding where disatisfaction stems from and then how to turn this around to make Work an activity that is fun, fulfilling and creates freedom, in a way that feels right to that the individual and their needs. The key to Work Life satisfaction is being aligned with the work, and leveraging natural gifts, skills and talents and being empowered and encourage to move in a future direction that feels right. I have recently published on BRAINZ MAGAZINE this article online: - 5 Key Aspects To Initiate Direction And Clarity To Our Creative Contribution I talk about 5 key aspects of Human Design that has helped myself and others find what they're naturally here to contribute, through service, their job, their career or business. ----------------------------------------------- Want to know the basics of your own unique HUMAN DESIGN: Grab your free human design chart & as well as get an instant free downloadable copy of your basic Human Design report, from my website. This is how I started my personal transformation growth and it’s because of this initial step that I’m now here doing what I’m meant to be doing now, with clarity and direction https://www.evolveandelevate.online/hd-chart  I am also actively present on: - https://www.linkedin.com/in/amyyeechong/ https://www.instagram.com/evolveandelevate8/ My Resources : - https://linktr.ee/evolveandelevate8 My website: https://www.evolveandelevate.online/