003 Dr. Neal Pollock

OZDiveShow Podcast

31-10-2021 • 1 hr 32 mins

Most breath-hold d​ivers have an appreciation of some of the fundamental risks of diving , but many would be surprised by the gulf between what is held to be true and what is really known.

Neal provides you a perspective on the current state of understanding and knowledge in the field. Highlighting knowledge gaps, and addresses some common misunderstandings.

Adam's brilliant Pressure Project .. err 'project' https://www.thepressureproject.com.au

More about Neil https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neal_W._Pollock

Dean's GUE, In Depth article on his life changing Deep Week experience https://gue.com/blog/deep-into-deep-week/

Donny Mac's brilliant interview with Erika Schagatay on his Freedive Cafe podcast  .... SUBSCRIBE TO THAT PEOPLE !!! https://freedivecafe.com/2018/09/20/42-erika-schagatay-science-of-freediving/

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