The Salty Pastor

Foothills Christian Church

Just like Matthew 5:13 says, Christians are the salt of the earth so join us as we find our saltiness on our journey through life together. Listen as Dr. Douglas Peake dives deep into the topics of his sermons each week, breaking down content, discussing evidence, telling stories and speaking into current events using biblical truths and principals. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Aligning with Your New Self in Christ
Aligning with Your New Self in Christ
In this episode of The Salty Pastor Podcast, Dr. Douglas Peake and Jesse explore the profound concept of identity from a biblical perspective. As we continue our six-week study on identity, this week’s focus is on how to cultivate a healthy identity aligned with our new nature in Christ.Dr. Peake delves into the intellectual foundation of Christianity through the Book of Romans, emphasizing its role in shaping systematic theology and provoking deep thought about our faith. He explains how doctrine plays a crucial role in understanding and growing our identity.We revisit Romans 8:9-11 to understand the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Dr. Peake highlights the critical difference between our nature and identity, emphasizing that embracing our new identity in Christ leads to the redemption of our material selves.Through real-life stories, including powerful testimonies of individuals who have left behind lifestyles opposed to their new identity in Christ, Dr. Peake illustrates how aligning with our new identity brings true transformation. The presence of the Holy Spirit is the most powerful change agent, helping us become the people we were meant to be.Join us for an enlightening discussion that challenges you to think deeply about your faith and encourages you to align your earthly nature with your new identity in Christ.Key Scriptures:• Romans 8:9-11• Galatians 5:16-21• 1 Timothy 4:1-2Tune in to discover:• The importance of understanding doctrine• How to grow a healthy identity in Christ• Real-life examples of transformation• The power of the Holy Spirit in your lifeSubscribe to The Salty Pastor Podcast on YouTube and visit our website ( for more resources. Your support helps us continue to provide valuable biblical insights and coaching for your faith journey.Watch, learn, and grow with us.
Embrace Your New Identity in Christ
Embrace Your New Identity in Christ
Welcome to the Salty Pastor podcast, a ministry of Dr. Douglas Peake. With 38 years of biblical insight, scholarship, and ministry experience, Dr. Peake is here to coach you up in your faith. Unlike most pastors, Dr. Peake encourages you to grow your faith by thinking for yourself and making your own decisions. He provides the tools, but you do the work.Today, Dr. Peake and Jesse discuss a foundational topic: human identity. This deep dive series explores how our identity shapes our lives and how it can be transformed through Christ.**Key Points:**- **Identity vs. Nature:** Understand the difference between your nature (who you are) and your identity (who you believe yourself to be).- **Biblical Foundation:** Discover how Christianity begins with salvation and bestows a new identity upon you. Verses like Ephesians 2:19 and 2 Corinthians 5:17 highlight this transformation.- **Sanctification:** Learn the process of growing into your new identity, focusing on strengthening this identity rather than merely outward compliance.- **Freedom vs. Restriction:** Explore the expansive approach to spiritual growth, where focusing on your new identity brings true freedom and growth.- **Paul’s Insight:** Dive into Romans 7 and 8 to understand the struggle between the flesh and the spirit, and how the new identity in Christ overcomes the corruption of sin.- **Practical Application:** Reflect on how this new identity impacts your daily life and the transformative power it holds.Join the movement of people who think for themselves and take their faith seriously. Tune in to the Salty Pastor podcast for insights that challenge and inspire you to grow in your faith.**Listen, Subscribe, and Support:**- Subscribe on YouTube for more episodes.- Visit our website for additional resources. ( Consider donating to support the ministry.Embark on a journey to embrace your new identity in Christ and experience the freedom and power it brings.
Fourth of July Special: Exploring America’s Identity
Fourth of July Special: Exploring America’s Identity
Welcome to a special Fourth of July edition of The Salty Pastor Podcast with Dr. Douglas Peake! Today, we’re celebrating America’s birthday by diving deep into the national identity of the United States. What does it mean to be an American? How are the core values that shaped this nation still relevant today?Dr. Peake explores the concept of national identity through the lens of America’s founding values. From the wisdom of George Washington to the foresight of Thomas Jefferson, we revisit the moral and religious foundations that underpin American democracy. We’ll discuss how these ideals have navigated us through historical conflicts and societal shifts, continually pulling us back to the principles of liberty, virtue, and self-governance.Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July? It’s more than just fireworks and barbecues—it’s a recognition of the enduring spirit that has defined America’s journey. As we face modern challenges, understanding our national identity is more crucial than ever. This episode isn’t just a history lesson; it’s a call to reflect on our role within this great experiment of self-governance.Join Dr. Peake as he unpacks how America’s foundational values can guide us in times of turmoil and triumph. Let’s explore together how the truths held by our forefathers continue to light our way forward, ensuring that America remains a beacon of hope and freedom for the world.Celebrate this Fourth of July by rediscovering what it means to be an American and why this identity is worth cherishing and defending.Visit our website ( and support our journey towards a more thoughtful faith. Like, subscribe, and donate to help us keep bringing you content that challenges, educates, and inspires.
Identity Unlocked: Finding Yourself Through Faith
Identity Unlocked: Finding Yourself Through Faith
Join Dr. Douglas Peake this summer as he takes the Salty Pastor Podcast on the road for a series of enlightening episodes. This season, we’re diving deep into the concept of identity and its profound impact on our lives. Drawing from his 38 years of biblical insight and scholarship, Dr. Peake aims not just to inform but to transform by empowering you to think for yourself.This week, we explore the intricate link between identity and our responses to life’s challenges, inspired by Victor Frankl’s powerful insights from his survival during the Holocaust. Discover how your perception of self influences everything from your happiness to your spiritual resilience.As we delve into the building blocks of identity, Dr. Peake explains how our early beliefs and experiences shape our self-perception, which in turn dictates our actions and relationships. Learn why an accurate and healthy identity is crucial for living a fulfilled life and how salvation through Christ offers a transformative new perspective.Dr. Peake ties these themes to the importance of a father’s influence, emphasizing the lifelong impact of paternal blessings and the roles fathers play in shaping identity.Tune in to redefine your understanding of self through the lens of faith and discover the keys to a joyful, purpose-driven life. Don’t forget to visit our website for more resources, and support our mission by liking, subscribing, and donating.Join us on this transformative journey to unlock the full potential of your identity with the Salty Pastor Podcast—where you’re not just listening; you’re changing.
Unmasking Identity: Navigating Nature and Faith
Unmasking Identity: Navigating Nature and Faith
In this episode:Join Dr. Douglas Peake as he delves deep into the concept of identity, exploring how it shapes our faith, influences our actions, and sets the course of our lives. With 38 years of ministry and scholarship, Dr. Peake brings a unique perspective, encouraging listeners not just to consume spiritual knowledge but to actively participate in shaping their own faith journey.Today’s Focus:As Father’s Day approaches, Dr. Peake connects the timeless narrative of Caleb and his daughter Achsah with today’s discussions on the crucial role of fatherhood. Unpack the profound implications of a father’s blessing and its lasting impact on identity and life choices.Why It Matters:Understanding the difference between your nature (what you inherently do) and your identity (how you see yourself and make choices) is foundational. This distinction affects everything from your daily desires to your life’s direction. Dr. Peake will guide you through biblical insights and modern implications to help you align your nature with a healthy, Christ-centered identity.Join us:Tune in to be part of a growing movement where faith meets intellect, and personal growth meets profound biblical truth. Visit our website to support our mission and ensure you never miss an episode.Next time:Don’t miss our next episode where we dive into the modern-day implications of our identity discussions. It’s time to think deeply about who you are and who you’re meant to be.Support Us:Love what you’re hearing? Visit our website (  to support the ministry and ensure the continuation of impactful discussions like this. Every donation helps us bring more insightful content to listeners like you.
Father’s Blessings: The Legacy of Faith and Family
Father’s Blessings: The Legacy of Faith and Family
Welcome back to the Salty Pastor Podcast, broadcasting from unique locations this summer as we dive into the transformative power of a father’s blessing, just in time for Father’s Day.This week, Dr. Doug explores the Biblical story of Caleb and his daughter Achsah, uncovering the deep significance of paternal blessings in shaping lives. Learn why Caleb’s decision to ensure his daughter married a valorous man was crucial, not just for her security but for spiritual heritage.Impact of a Father’s Influence:We delve into how today’s absence of fatherly presence—a crisis termed “paternal deprivation” by sociologists—leads to a cascade of socio-emotional issues in children. From academic struggles to severe mental health challenges, the absence of a father’s blessing has far-reaching consequences.Embracing the Covenant of Blessing:Discover the covenantal tradition of blessings from Ephesians 3:14-19 and how it anchors us in identity and love. Dr. Doug provides actionable insights for fathers aiming to bless their children effectively, influencing their worldviews and marking life’s significant passages.Join us as we discuss how these ancient traditions are not outdated but crucial navigational aids for today’s families. Whether you’re a father or have felt the impact of paternal influence, this episode will inspire you to embrace and renew the blessings that forge strong, faith-filled families.Support our Summer Tour:Don’t forget to visit our website (, like, subscribe, and consider supporting our mission to bring meaningful content that sharpens faith and focuses life. Dive into the power of fatherhood with us on the Salty Pastor Podcast!
The Intimacy Equation: Spirituality Meets Sexuality
The Intimacy Equation: Spirituality Meets Sexuality
Welcome back to the "Salty Pastor Podcast," where deepening your faith sharpens life's focus and dissolves many problems. Here, fluff won't cut it; it's about empowering you to think critically and grow spiritually.In this episode, titled "The Intimacy Equation: Spirituality Meets Sexuality", we continue our enlightening series, "Exposed: The Illusion of Intimacy." Doug revisits how our spirituality and sexuality are intertwined, influencing our profound yearning for intimacy—something often misunderstood in contemporary Christianity.We delve into why modern discussions on sexuality might distort biblical teachings, and how understanding our true nature—both spiritual and physical—sheds light on our desires. We'll explore key biblical texts that address our nature and sexual ethics, particularly from 1 Corinthians 5-7, providing insights into managing and understanding our sexual drives in a spiritually healthy way.Join us as we discuss the importance of aligning our sexual behaviors with our spiritual needs, aiming for genuine fulfillment rather than fleeting pleasures. This deep dive into the biblical perspective not only clarifies our sexuality but also reinforces our connection to intimacy as a core aspect of our being.Don't forget to check out our new website and support us by liking and subscribing. Let's get started on this journey to true intimacy, where we confront illusions and embrace the reality designed for us.
The Intimacy Illusion: Unveiling Truths
The Intimacy Illusion: Unveiling Truths
Welcome back to the Salty Pastor Podcast for another insightful episode of our series, "Exposed: The Intimacy Illusion." This week, we delve deeper into the complex interplay between human sexuality and spiritual intimacy, challenging the misconceptions that cloud our understanding.Doug continues to explore how modern society has distorted the true meaning of intimacy by separating it from our spiritual nature. He argues that this separation has led to widespread confusion and dissatisfaction, making us rethink what genuine closeness entails.This episode discusses the profound implications of confusing sex with intimacy and how this misunderstanding impacts our spiritual and emotional well-being. By reconnecting our physical desires with our spiritual needs, we can begin to unravel the illusions presented by contemporary culture.Jesse adds perspective on navigating the noisy landscape of social discussions about sexuality, emphasizing the importance of understanding biblical teachings in their true context.Tune in as we equip you with insights to foster deeper, more meaningful relationships, shedding light on the true essence of intimacy where the spiritual and physical converge.**Check out our new website ( for more resources, and don't forget to like and subscribe for more episodes that challenge the status quo and enrich your faith journey.****Note:** This series discusses mature themes; listener discretion is advised for younger audiences.References:Old Testament:Genesis 1:26-27Genesis 2:18-25Genesis 17:7-12Genesis 19:1-11Exodus 20:14Leviticus 18:22-23Leviticus 20:13Deuteronomy 22:30Deuteronomy 23:17-18Deuteronomy 27:21Judges 16 (Samson and Delilah)2 Samuel 11 (David and Bathsheba)Psalms 51Proverbs 5Proverbs 6Proverbs 7Song of SolomonJeremiah 23:14New Testament:Matthew 5:27-32Matthew 15:19-20Matthew 19:1-12Mark 7:20-23Mark 10:11-12Luke 16:18Acts 15:20-29Romans 1:26-271 Corinthians 5:1-131 Corinthians 61 Corinthians 71 Corinthians 10:82 Corinthians 6:142 Corinthians 12:21Galatians 5:19-24Ephesians 4:19Ephesians 5:3-5Colossians 3:51 Thessalonians 4:1-182 Timothy 2:22Hebrews 12:16Hebrews 13:4James 1:12-151 Peter 2:111 John 2:15-17Jude 1:7Revelation 2:14, 20Revelation 21:8Revelation 22:15