Life Uncut

Brittany Hockley and Laura Byrne

Talking all things love, life, lust, and a bunch of other stuff. Nothing is off limits in this podcast that navigates relationships and dating in the modern day. Brought to you by two bachelor finalists Brittany Hockley and Laura Byrne. read less
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Ask Uncut - Can you bone your besties bro?
Ask Uncut - Can you bone your besties bro?
Hey Lifers and welcome back to Ask Uncut where we answer all of your deep and dark questions and weigh in on all of the dilemmas! How incredibly awkward can facebook marketplace be? Laura's had the person who is way too keen for a chat and Britt has ended up... not paying for some boogie boards!If you received a message saying "Available when? I work m-f and get home around 9ish" what would you think it meant? There's a man in Florida who, ahhhh misunderstood those of us working weekdays... Vibes for the week:Britt Podcast Trump TrialsKeeshia "Dancing for the Devil The 7M TikTok Cult " on NetflixLaura Hippo Closet Dehumidifier Then we jump into your questions: I'VE BEEN SLEEPING WITH MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHERI have been friends with my bestie since primary school. We are in our early 20’s now. About 6 months ago I was staying at her house and I slept with her older brother. We had had a few drinks and it honestly just happened. I didn't say anything because I felt bad and thought it would never happen again. But, we have started sort of sleeping together… and now I have feelings! AHHHHH I am in so deep. What should I do? How do I know if it is worth seeing him seriously and risking the awkwardness with the whole family, and do I tell my friend regardless? I know she is going to be upset.IS IT OK TO GHOST FRIENDS YOU'VE OUTGROWN? I am in a group chat with a few girls I went to high school with 10 years ago. I am close-ish with one, used to be close with two, then the other I never connect with. Every now and again the chat pops up about making plans and I never am really interested in being involved. I feel like I have to respond and make up a reason for not joining. I am asking, is it ok to ghost the chat? It feels harsh, but I can’t say “sorry guys I’ve outgrown the group”. The hard bit is that one of the girls I want to preserve my friendship with, and of course don’t want to seem ‘mean’ to the others. How do I approach this?MY EX NAMED HIS DAUGHTER AFTER MEMy ex-fiance and I were together for a few years in our early twenties. After a few years of no contact we have since remained friendly and kept in touch with family updates, happy birthday etc. A couple of years ago he messaged me out of the blue after a few years and shared that he had a daughter. His message was friendly but he didn't share the daughter’s name which seemed like an odd omission at the time. We had planned a family and named our future kids so I did wonder if he had used *our* name. He popped up again today and curiosity got the better of me so I did a Facebook deepdive and within 10 minutes found his daughter's name. He hadn't borrowed *our* name but to my shock his daughter shared my name. I don't know what to think. I did some more research and it seems I am not the first person to ask this question. Many girls seem to be named after their fathers' ex-girlfriends, crushes, and mistresses. Is this a whole thing? You can watch us on Youtube Find us on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xxSee for privacy information.
Do You Feel ‘Crazy’ Around the Time of Your Period? Unpacking Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) with Dr Izzy Smith
Do You Feel ‘Crazy’ Around the Time of Your Period? Unpacking Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) with Dr Izzy Smith
There’s a huge amount of stigma associated with anything to do with our periods and for a lot of people, they may have spent years being told that they are dramatic, moody and irrational around the time of their period. As it turns out, it may not have just been ‘that time of the month’. They may experience a condition called PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.  As for any invisible health condition, having a name for it can be really validating and give you a sense that you’re not crazy and you’re not alone. It also helps people around you understand what might be going on so this episode isn’t just for the girlies who experience extreme mood shifts like depression, irritability, anger and hopelessness around their period, it’s also for those of us who don’t so that we can be more supportive for a loved one who does. Today we have Dr Isobelle Smith, an endocrinologist with over 10 years of experience in hormones, joining us to unpack the ins and outs of PMDD.We chat: What PMDD is and how it differs from PMSThe stigma of ‘erratic’ moods and emotional dysregulationThe possible causes of PMDDPMDD being listed as a mental disorderTreatment and management for PMDDHow PMDD changes over the course of your ‘reproductive’ yearsPMDD in perimenopause and menopause Medical misogyny and advocating for your own health   You can find Dr Izzy Smith here Izzy mentioned the International Association for Premenstrual Disorders here And the resource that the Queensland Government put together here   You can watch us on Youtube Find us on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xxSee for privacy information.
Ask Uncut - Faking Your Age, A Partner Who Refuses to Watch & An Ex Who Won't Go Away
1w ago
Ask Uncut - Faking Your Age, A Partner Who Refuses to Watch & An Ex Who Won't Go Away
Hey Lifers! Welcome back to Ask Uncut where we answer all of your deep and dark dilemmas! Britt is particularly chirpy today because her 5 month unintentional celibacy is over! Ben is in town! Laura doesn't have the time for p*rn but she does have the time for an instagram trend that involves you all breathing out all the way and screaming... This isn't our most intellectual episode! Vibes for the week:Britt - Apples Never Fall on BingeKeeshia - "Hale" on Spotify Hale Breathwork.  Laura - We the wild Neem Oil Spray Then we get into your questions: PUTTING A FAKE AGE ON DATING APPSI matched with a guy on a dating app and we met up for lunch yesterday. I made a comment about how he and I were of a similar age and generation (me being 38 and him 40) to which he said, “Oh, no, I’m actually 45.” This is not the first, second or third time this has happened. I have had this happen innumerable times and there is always the excuse that, “the app wouldn’t let me change it.” To which my thought is, “well if you were honest in the first place, you wouldn’t need to change anything.” Questions:1. Do women put an incorrect age in the dating apps too? My experience is with dating men and I am curious about whether this is something everyone does or not.2. He was otherwise lovely so is it better to just brush it aside as being a mistake and go on another date? Or do I take this as a sign of being insincere and an amber flag and move on to another match? HIS EX KEEPS REACHING OUT TO MY PARTNER AND HIS FAMILYMy partner of 2 years (he is wonderful, definitely my penguin, we own a house together, but currently doing long distance due to work) has let me know that his ex (they were together for 8 years and separated amicably) has been in contact with him (sending lots of one way messages asking to catch up which he hasn’t replied to) but she has also been in contact with his family and grandparents and has organised to meet up with them in the next few weeks 😬 and has also asked to see him and his mum. He told me straight away and has said that it’s up to me whether he goes to see her or not. I trust him completely so it’s not like I am concerned anything will happen between them, but the situation has made me feel really uneasy! I know that 8 years is a long time to be in a relationship, and that you can get pretty close with family, but to continue be in contact after 2+ years of being separated and continue to organise catch ups does make me feel unsure about the situation, and also where I stand with his family (we have always gotten along swimmingly). For context I live in a different state to him and his family. What should I do? I feel like I really can’t be the one to say that she shouldn’t be in contact with him/family anymore because I’ll be the “bad guy”, and am I just being insecure about the fact that the ex and my partner's family have a close relationship! PARTNER DOESN'T WANT TO WATCH ME GIVE BIRTHThe most recent podcast about pregnancy/ childbirth got my boyfriend and I talking about when we are in the situation. He just told me that he doesn’t know if he will be able to watch! Is that a normal reaction for blokes? I’m so offended he wouldn’t want to watch. I also think that when he is actually in the situation it’ll be different. Thoughts?? You can watch us on Youtube Find us on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xxSee for privacy information.
We Are Calling For Harsher Punishments for Violent Offenders While Some Victorian Prisoners Are Having Their Sentences Reduced. Uncut with Bianca Unwin
We Are Calling For Harsher Punishments for Violent Offenders While Some Victorian Prisoners Are Having Their Sentences Reduced. Uncut with Bianca Unwin
Joining the podcast today is domestic violence advocate Bianca Unwin. Bianca has degrees in both criminology and psychological sciences and she is joining us today to speak about a loophole known as ‘emergency management days’ that over 7000 prisoners could be using to receive reductions in their prison sentences. Many of these convicted offenders are violent and high risk offenders. Bianca’s sister Katie was a 29 year old mother of two when her partner Shane Robertson beat her to death while the couple’s child slept in a room next door. Shane was convicted but received a below average sentence of 19 years without parole. However, due to legislation enacted by the Victorian government allowing sentence reductions for prisoners under ‘emergency management days,’ a provision especially impactful during COVID-19, his sentence may be substantially reduced. Bianca joins the podcast today to speak about the contrast between what we all seem to be screaming from the rooftops in our fight to protect women, and the government’s leniency on reducing the sentence of violent criminals. We also speak about the inadequate rehabilitation of violent perpetrators and how we all need to be showing the government that these reductions in sentences are not what the community wants. Please take the time to click on this link and sign Bianca’s petition PLEASE SIGN THE CHANGE.ORG PETITION You can listen to Bianca's previous episode here! Some further resources are available below: Crimes Amendment (Remissions of Sentences) Bill 2021 Released Prisoners Returning to Prison CORRECTIONS ACT 1986 - SECT 58E Emergency management days Victorian prisoners get unfair sentence reductions as a result of COVID-19 restrictions, Opposition says   You can watch us on Youtube Find us on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xx    See for privacy information.
After Toxic Shock Syndrome Caused Lauren Wasser to Lose Her Legs, She Redefined What We Perceive as Beautiful.
After Toxic Shock Syndrome Caused Lauren Wasser to Lose Her Legs, She Redefined What We Perceive as Beautiful.
Lauren Wasser was born into a family of models and started modelling at just 2 months old. She was a fit tom boy and had begun to make a name for herself in the modelling industry. When Lauren was 24 years old she developed Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). In this chat we speak about Lauren’s personal experience of feeling a ‘bit off’ one day. 24 hours later she was fighting for her life. The syndrome caused a life threatening situation and Lauren ended up needing to have both of her legs amputated in an effort to keep her alive. Now, 6 years since the infection, Lauren is modelling with her golden legs.  Lauren also speaks about growing up with one view of beauty, and how our perceptions of beauty have evolved. Lauren speaks about her journey of recovering from her amputations and advocates for better after care for patients who experience similar changes to their lives.  This episode has been reviewed and approved by two medical doctors registered in NSW.  You can find more information about toxic shock syndrome in the links below: TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME AND STREPTOCOCCAL TOXIC SHOCK health direct government of SA You can check out Lauren’s Instagram You can watch us on Youtube Find us on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xx    See for privacy information.
Ask Uncut - A Real Life Love Actually
Ask Uncut - A Real Life Love Actually
Hey Lifers, Welcome back to Ask Uncut where we answer all of your deep and dark dilemmas!  Britt has some really exciting personal news about her sister Sheri and her husband Jay.Vibes for this week:Britt - Bodyparts on Nine Now Keeshia - Three Identical Strangers on NetflixLaura - No Filter Patrick Gagne is a sociopathThen we jump into your questions! SHOULD I ATTEND THE FUNERAL?I was with my ex for 12 years. During the last 3 of those years my ex-Mother in Law (MIL) lived with us; I knew her very well. I'm now happily remarried with two kids and haven't spoken to anyone from my ex's family for around 6 years. Recently, I found out my ex-MIL has gotten very sick and it got me thinking about when she passes away. I would want to pay my respects to her given she was a huge part of my past life, but I don't know if attending her funeral and seeing my ex and his family for the first time since leaving him would only add to their pain. My question is: who do you attend a funeral for? Is it for the person who has passed away? Or their loved ones left behind? I DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH MY COWORKER How do I let a work colleague know that I have no interest in being friends with them outside of work (or even at work TBH)? I really struggle working with this particular person, but that's clearly unbeknownst to her as she continually asks me to do things outside of work! I always come up with excuses not to go, but it's getting harder and harder. Also these are not big group things where everyone is invited, it's literally just the two of us and maybe one or 2 other people. Do I need to be more direct? Or just say yes and make it a really bad time so she doesn't want to hang out anymore? Or just keep putting up with it and coming up with excuses? SHOWER ETIQUETTE What is the etiquette when using someone else’s shower while staying with them? Do you bring your own shampoo/conditioner/body wash etc? Or is it acceptable to use theirs? DO I CONFRONT/ASK HIM OR PLAY IT OUT Last week my husband asked me to pick up a parcel for him from the post office and said it was a tool for work. When I picked up the parcel, I noticed it was from a silversmith so I googled them. I didn’t look any further as Mother’s Day was approaching and didn’t want to ruin my surprise. I didn’t get jewellery for Mothers Day. I looked on the website and it could be fingerprint jewellery but it’s way out of our budget. I mentioned it to my best friend to see what to do. After naming the jeweller, she said our mutual friend is mates with the jeweller, maybe our friend is going to propose and use my husband and our address for secret delivery. The 3 possible situations are: My husband bought someone else jewelleryFingerprint jewellery that will be back in a few weeksMy husband is in on our friend's proposal and is keeping it secret (fair enough). My question is, do I ask my husband about the parcel or do I wait and see if something happens in the coming months? Clearly it’s bothering me haha. You can watch us on Youtube If you have an question please send it on it to life uncut podcast on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xxSee for privacy information.
Loving My Lying, Dying, Cheating Husband. Uncut with Kerstin Pilz
Loving My Lying, Dying, Cheating Husband. Uncut with Kerstin Pilz
Imagine yourself married to the person you love when they’re diagnosed with terminal cancer. You’ve been their carer and support during such an emotionally difficult time. But, then you find out that they have been cheating on you since your wedding day.Do you continue to care for them?Today’s guest didn’t have to imagine this scenario. She lived it. Kerstin Pilz grew up in Germany and was working as an academic at Macquarie University here in Australia. She was married to her job when Gianni, a charming Italian, turned her life into a champagne-coloured fairy tale. Soon after their runaway wedding, her new husband was diagnosed with cancer. Kerstin became his dedicated carer. But when she discovered that he had been cheating on her throughout their relationship, she was faced with a difficult choice: walk away, or continue to care for the man who betrayed her.  In this chat we speak about:  Being faced with this emotionally charged conundrumThe complexities of loving a narcissistWhether it’s better to find out about infidelity or notHow to heal after cheatingWhether infidelity poisons your memories and if they were ‘real’ momentsForgiveness being radical self careKerstin’s choice to not have children and whether she regrets that  Kerstin has written a book titled Loving My Lying, Dying, Cheating Husband and you can get a copy of it here Kerstin’s instagram is here You can watch us on Youtube Find us on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xxSee for privacy information.
Laura’s Family & the Impact of Terminal Illness, and Diddy's Assault Footage: The Ongoing Fight to Believe Women's Stories
Laura’s Family & the Impact of Terminal Illness, and Diddy's Assault Footage: The Ongoing Fight to Believe Women's Stories
Hey Lifers, Today's episode has a lot of variation of light and shade. Britt has done something that could be one of the funniest stories of something embarrassing that she's ever told. Salt & pepper squid anyone?Laura and her family have been navigating a really hard time in their personal lives as her step dad has entered the last phase of his terminal cancer. They had a celebration of his life and today Laura shares what this experience has been like behind the scenes. Please if there is one thing about today's episode, it's to reach out to the men in your life who are over 50 and ask them when their last prostate check was.Footage of a horrific, violent assault by Sean 'Diddy' Combs on his ex girlfriend Cassie Ventura has spread over the weekend. He has now released an 'apology' video that completely contradicts a statement he made in December where he said that he was completely innocent and that the allegations made against him were by "individuals looking for a quick pay day".We speak about women not being 'reliable narrators of their own experiences' until there is video evidence of abuse. We speak about 'reputational apologies' and how different laws complicate this particular scenario.  You can watch us on Youtube If you have an question please send it on it to life uncut podcast on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xxSee for privacy information.
Ask Uncut - Ungrateful Mother's Day and is the dating bar too high?
Ask Uncut - Ungrateful Mother's Day and is the dating bar too high?
Welcome back to Ask Uncut where we answer your deep and dark dilemmas! The first dilemma of the day is that Marlie Mae (Laura's 4 year old) has been watching Taylor Swift 'The Eras Tour' and she's learnt some questionable dance moves... We have an ask uncut aftermath from a question last week!! We absolutely love finding out what happened next. Vibes for the week: Britt: pretty lazy magic wand hair perfector Keeshia: The Mel Robbins Podcast with Dr. Jen Gunter MD How to Balance Your Hormones: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Menopause Laura: Mimi's haircare for kids Then we jump into your questions: GRANDPARENTS WANT WEIRD TITLES THAT WE HATEMy husband and I have a problem, we are 5 months pregnant with our first child and my in-laws have been thinking about what they want to be called. Now, I’m happy for it not to be the typical grandma and grandpa etc if they don’t want but they have just called my husband to let him know that my MIL wants to be called cougey and my FIL has picked Ockey. (I don’t know how they would be spelt but they sound like koo ghee and ock ee.) We don't like these names and think they are weird, and could be confusing for our baby when she grows up. We don’t want to hurt their feelings but we also don’t want to have to refer to them as these strange names forever. How can we approach this with them or is it something they have every right to choose on what to be called by our child?DO I PRETEND IT'S GREAT?If a partner plans something for an event such as birthday, Mother’s Day, etc and you are disappointed, do you pretend it’s great? Or let them know you're disappointed? A couple of times I’ve expected a bit more planning from my partner and been disappointed but felt guilty for feeling this way. Are my expectations too high and is anything better than nothing? I should mention I’ve told him that I’m a sentimental person when it comes to milestones DO I CALL BULLSHIT OR IS THIS ‘NORMAL’ THESE DAYS? I’ve been dating a guy for 6 months (after his marriage of 2 years ago and 2 kids ended). Due to this I’ve given him space in anything too heavy about committing etc. About a month ago I asked him if he was on the apps and he said no, we haven’t had anymore “exclusive” chats. I’ve found out this week that he has liked one of my best mates pictures on hinge (who he’s met). He says it was an accident & he went on there because he was bored. Do I call bullshit on this? My male friend says that blokes need validation and until you tell them your boundaries and commit, it’s fair game. He wants to talk it through and get on the same page but I am unsure if I want to bother. I have been single for 10 years and had hopes for this. He has all the qualities that I’m looking for but he seems emotionally immature. He hasn’t told me his feelings for me yet but he clearly likes me.  Is my bar too high or is this just what we would expect nowadays? You can watch us on Youtube If you have an question please send it on it to life uncut podcast on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xx  See for privacy information.
Ask Uncut - Donor Eggs, Keeping My Ex's Surname & My Best Friend's Husband Tried to Cheat With Me
Ask Uncut - Donor Eggs, Keeping My Ex's Surname & My Best Friend's Husband Tried to Cheat With Me
Hey guys and welcome back to your therapy Thursday where we answer all of your deep, dark and burning questions!First up, we asked our partners what they would have called us on their sex list. Not sure if we are recommending this one or not to be honest!Bachie has been canned and we will well and truly miss the beautiful tones of Osher's "ladies". Vibes for the week:Britt - Netflix The Roast of Tom BradyLaura - The Daily - Sunday Special 'Modern Love' podcast epKeeshia - Pill Box from Dosey Then we jump into your questions! HE WANTS TO CHEAT WITH MEMy husband and I travel frequently with another family who have children the same age. It started out as my husband and his friends but over time the wife has become one of, if not, my best friend. They live interstate but we talk most days. We are 2 weeks away from an international holiday with them, when he asks me in a private message if I was with my husband at the time, and to message back when I was alone. He asked if I would like to ‘hook up’ whilst overseas and at the same time said don’t say a word to them (meaning his wife and my husband). I actually asked if he was joking to which he replied “no, but now it’s awkward”. I brushed it off and politely declined. As I stand, it’s nearly 24 hours after the message. I am planning on telling my husband that we will need to rearrange our holiday and accommodation plans. She is going to know something has happened, so when she asks me why we are cancelling on them what do I say? If roles were reversed I would 100% want to know. We have always suspected he’s probably not 100% faithful to her but to make matters worse she is pregnant. I know the information is going to ruin her life. PARTNER DOESN'T WANT ME TO DONATE MY EGGS TO MY BROTHERI have two older gay brothers. Since I was about 16 (I am now in my mid 20s) I’ve said that I would like to donate eggs in the future to them, so they can have biological kids with their partner. (I always figured since we look very similar and I don’t plan on having kids it would be a nice way to have biological children in the family). One of my brothers and his partner are ready to start the process to have kids. However, my partner of 2 years that I plan on marrying is very uncomfortable and does not agree with this decision. He sees that it will be my kid. I am not sure what to do. Do I listen to my partner's concerns and come to terms with not helping my brothers or follow through with this said promise? What are your thoughts? Am I crazy for offering and not seeing it as being my child?   IS IT OK TO KEEP EX HUSBANDS SURNAMEMy ex husband and I split a number of years ago and had one child together. I took his surname when we married. We have both since re-coupled and he is now engaged. This has made me wonder - is it time to change my name back? The problem is, I LOVE my current name and it feels like a bit part of who I am; personally and professionally. I also really love having the same surname as the child we happily co-parent. Is it weird if I just keep the name? My new partner and I also have a child together, and marriage will be on the cards one day but I don’t want to change my name multiple times… and I much prefer my current name 😅 You can watch us on Youtube If you have an question please send it on it to life uncut podcast on Instagram Join us on tiktok Or join the Facebook Discussion Group Tell your mum, tell your dad, tell your dog, tell your friend and share the love because WE LOVE LOVE! xxSee for privacy information.